Headers, extension and encoding are changeable. Plural files can be converted at the same time, but format of all files must be the same.
Parameters | Explanation | Required | Default | Remarks |
src_dir | Path of the directory which target files are placed. | Yes | None | |
src_pattern | Regex which is to find target files. | Yes | None | |
dest_dir | Path of the directory which is for output files. | No | None | If this parameter is not set, the file is created in the same directory as the processing file. If a non-existent directory path is specified, the directory is automatically created. |
headers | List of column names which is to be renamed. | No | None | Dict of list ex. [{before_column_name1: after_column_name1}, {before_column_name2: after_column_name2}]. Headers option is enabled when headers_existence is True and add_headers is not specified. |
headers_existence | Whether to write header at the first row. | No | True | When headers_existence is False, the header is not output even if headers or add_headers is input. |
add_headers | Describe the headers you want to add in list format. | No | None | Thia parameter works when headers_existence is true. Items in headers are also ignored. |
before_format | File extension before convert. | Yes | None | "csv" or "tsv" |
before_enc | File encoding before convert. | Yes | utf-8 | |
before_escapechar | File escape char before convert. | No | None | If None, escape with double quotes. |
after_format | File extension after converted. | No | Same with before_format | "csv" or "tsv" |
after_enc | File encoding after converted. | Same with before_enc | None | |
after_escapechar | File escape char after convert. | No | None | If None, escape with double quotes. |
after_nl | New line for converted csv. | No | LF | "LF" or "CR" or "CRLF" |
reader_quote | quote type for read csv. | No | QUOTE_NONE | "QUOTE_ALL" or "QUOTE_MINIMAL" or "QUOTE_NONNUMERIC" or "QUOTE_NONE" |
quote | quote type for converted csv. | No | QUOTE_MINIMAL | "QUOTE_ALL" or "QUOTE_MINIMAL" or "QUOTE_NONNUMERIC" or "QUOTE_NONE" |
nonfile_error | Whether an error is thrown when files are not found in src_dir. | No | False |
- step: format change
class: CsvConvert
src_dir: /in
src_pattern: test\.csv
before_format: csv
before_enc: utf-8
after_format: tsv
quote: QUOTE_ALL
headers: [{id: key}]
Input: /in/test.csv
id, name
1, one
2, two
Output: /out/test.tsv
- step: format change
class: CsvConvert
src_dir: /in
src_pattern: test\.csv
before_format: csv
before_enc: utf-8
after_format: tsv
quote: QUOTE_ALL
headers: [{id: key}]
headers_existence: False
Input: /in/test.csv
id, name
1, one
2, two
Output: /out/test.tsv