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Community CCB Agenda: May 27 2020

Gerardo E. Cruz-Ortiz edited this page May 27, 2020 · 11 revisions

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Completed Integration Candidate: COMBINED 2020-05-13

In-Progress Integration Candidate: 2020-05-20

Fast Tracked Changes

Items to Review


  1. [OSAL PR #480] ( Fix #479, add name association to stub arguments

  2. cFE PR #713 Fix #603, Full context info for EVS event stubs

  3. sample_app PR #67 Fix #66, Add extended context information to event hook


  1. cFE #554 Provide configurable/customizable message abstraction layer

  2. cFS-Ground System PR #92 Version 2 support and major update

6-10. See Fast Tracks


  1. OSAL PR #481 Fix #380, Add OS_TimeBase Api Functional Tests


  1. cFE PR #714 Fix #704. Added stub for CFE_SB_DeletePipe in ut_sb_stubs.c

Invite list

  • GSFC

    • Jacob Hageman (cFS Framework Lead)[P]
    • Jonathan Wilmot (cFS Program Manager)[P]
    • Alan Cudmore (cFS Architect)[P]
    • Gerardo Cruz-Ortiz (cFS Management)
    • Dan Knutsen (cFS Developer) [P]
    • Jay Czarnecki (Software Process Imp) [P]
    • Beth Timmons (GSFC Apps)[P]
    • Dwaine Molock (Project Developer)
    • Anhelina Yurkova (cFS Test Automation)
    • Leor Bleier (cFS Developer)[P]
  • JSC

    • Steve Duran (PSP, OSAL Developer)
    • Ron Maglothin (Lunar CATALYST Developer)
    • Allen Brown (AES Developer)
    • Thomas Brain (AES Integration)
    • Tam Ngo AES Lead
    • Carrejo, Daniel Systems
    • Schlesinger, Adam Avionics and Software
    • Thad Flemming [P]
  • ARC

    • Chris Knight (SBN Developer & Research)
    • Joseph (Pat) Castle
    • Michael Scott
    • Craig Pires
  • LaRC

    • Chris Thames (Lead/FSW Management)[P]
    • Noah Ryan (Software Developer)
  • MSFC

    • Deanna Whitehead
    • Stefanie Justice
    • Lisa Vanderaar (Software lead)
  • GRC

    • Joe Hickey (cFS Developer) [P]
  • IV&V

    • Matt Grubb (SmallSat baseline, build testing)

    • Chris Monaco
  • Guest

    • Dave McComas (GSFC)
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