# # This file tells Git about engine files that never really belong in source control. They are usually build products, log # files and intermediate files generated from a compiler or the engine runtime. # # # NOTE: # Paths that start with / match paths relative to the root (where the .gitignore file is) # Paths that end with / will match a folder and all files under it (but not a regular file with no extension) # Use * for wildcards. Wildcards stop at path separators # Use ** for a wildcard that spans path separators # Paths in this file should use forward slash characters, not back slashes # Use \ to escape special characters like ! and # # Use ! to negate a previous pattern. But it doesn't work if the parent sub-folder was masked out already. # # Ignore all files by default, but scan all directories * !*/ # C/C++ source files !*.c !*.cc !*.cpp !*.cpp.template !*.h !*.h.template !*.hpp !*.inl !*.inc !*.m !*.mm !*.rc !*.rc2 !*.def !*.exp !*.manifest # Java source files !*.java !*.java.template # C# source files !*.cs !*.cs.template !*.aspx !*.resx # Shader formats !*.usf !*.ush !*.hlsl !*.glsl # Text files !*.txt !*.md # Script files !*.bat !*.sh !*.pl !*.py !*.js !*.command # Other configuration and markup files !*.ini !*.json !*.tps !*.xml !*.xaml !*.uproject !*.uplugin !*.html !*.html.template !*.css !*.udn !*.config !*.version !.git* # Projects and makefiles !*.cmake !*.mk !*.dsp !*.dsw !*.csproj !*.vcproj !*.vcxproj !*.vcxproj.filters !*.sln !*.xcodeproj !*.xcconfig !*.vsprops !*.snippet !Makefile !Makefile.* !Settings.settings # Specific names !README !AUTHORS !LICENSE !FAQ !VERSION !ChangeLog # Ignore Unix backup files *~ # Exceptions /.idea /*.sln /*.xcodeproj .vs /Makefile /CMakeLists.txt *.target.xml *.exe.config *.exe.manifest /.kdev4/ /UE4CodeCompletionFolders.txt /UE4CodeLitePreProcessor.txt # Add exceptions for .dlls needed to run built version !/Binaries/Win64/* !/Binaries/ThirdParty/**/rail_api64.dll !/Plugins/**/Binaries/Win64/* *.pdb # Ignore content folders except mats !/Content/Mods/TestMod/** !/Content/Utils/** !/Content/MapGen/** !USMAP/* # Ignore intermediate folders Intermediate/ obj/ # Ignore any saved local files /Saved/* !/Saved/Logs !/Saved/Logs/keep.txt /Engine/Programs/UnrealBuildTool/** /LocalBuilds/ # Explcitly ignore Mac DS_Store files, regardless of where they are .DS_Store Build/WindowsNoEditor/ChunkLayerInfo/pakchunklayers.txt WindowsNoEditor/Manifest_NonUFSFiles_Win64.txt Binaries/Win64/b1.exe Binaries/Win64/b1.target Binaries/Win64/b1.lib Binaries/Win64/b1.exp WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/SlateDebug/Fonts/LastResort.tps WindowsNoEditor/Manifest_DebugFiles_Win64.txt Binaries/Win64/b1-Win64-Shipping.exe Binaries/Win64/b1-Win64-Shipping.exp Binaries/Win64/b1-Win64-Shipping.lib Binaries/Win64/b1-Win64-Shipping.target # Include master materials and dependencies