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A Friendly Dependency Injection Container for node.js

Gerenuk - named after the animal - is a Dependency Injection Container for node.js. It targets CoffeeScript, but should work for regular javascript code as well.

Gerenuk attempts to work around various problems that arise when working with asynchronous code. Its main goal is to facilitate easy application set up and independence of various parts of your code, in accordance with Demeter's law.


Gerenuk is a Dependency Injection Container (DIC) that can hold various "services". You can retrieve a service from Gerenuk through the get method. Every service has a unique identifier, which is passed to get. Services can have dependencies on other services, which get injected into their constructor or passed to a function you specify.

The container is initialized with a config. The config is a Javascript hash. In this config you can add nodes for every service you'd like to have. It's also possible to add children to nodes, and even to load a config for a node from a config file. The ids for the services are their positions in the config hash, like "foo", and "bar".

# DI Container
Container = (require 'Gerenuk').Container

# Sample config
dic = new Container

    # Simple service ("foo") with two params, and a child within a child ("")
        require: 'fooPackage'
            param1: 'param one'
            param2: 'param two'
        inject ['foo.param1', 'foo.param2']
        # Children of foo
                    baz: 'bazPackage'
    # Create an instance of barPackage's Bar and pass the foo service to the constructor
    # This is like new (require 'barPackage').Bar foo
        require: 'barPackage'
        instantiate: 'Bar'
        inject: ['foo']
    # Instead of creating an instance the `bazFunction` will be called on bazPackage
    # `foo` and `bar`'s resolved services are passed as params
        require: 'bazPackage'
        inject: ['foo', 'bar']
        call: 'bazFunction'

Using the container you can resolve services:

dic.get 'foo', (service) -> ... your code ...

Asynchronous Operation

One of the more challenging aspects of working with node is asynchronous instantiation of resources. You may, for example, need to connect to a database before you can perform other operations. Gerenuk attempts to aid you with this by supporting asynchronously resolvable services.

Callbacks In Services

It is possible to set up a callback for an item. This is a function you define, that is passed both an instance of the service and a callback which you are supposed to call with the service once you have it ready. Gerenuk will wait patiently for you to do this, and can inject the result into other services. You can build chains of asynchronously created services this way.

In the example of the database connection, you might do the following.

dic = new Container
        require: 'dbPackage'
        # Callback on an instance of dbPackage
        callback: (db, callback) ->
            db.connect (error, connection) ->
                throw "Error!" if error
                callback connection

Gerenuk keeps track of services it's currently waiting on. This means that when asking for a service twice, before it's ready, will still give you the same object, once for both injections.

Injection Into Callbacks

Sometimes you don't want to instantiate a service, but get a set of services injected into a function. If you need to combine some services, and asynchronously - either through events or a callback - get a new service, Gerenuk can inject directly into the callback. This gives you complete control over the instantiation of a service.

dic = new Container
    # Foo package
        require: 'fooPackage'
            param1: 'bar'
            param2: 'baz'
        inject: ['foo.param1', 'foo.param2']
    # Bar has no require, but just gets `foo` injected into a callback
            param1: 'foo'
        injectCallback: ['foo', 'bar.param1']
        # The callback gets all injected services in order as the first parameters
        # As the last param it gets a callback you call with the resolved service
        callback: (foo, param, callback) ->
            foo.someAsyncFuncThatCreatesBar (bar) ->
                callback bar

Putting Your DI Configuration Into Files

When setting up your application, it is often useful to put your DI config into a configuration file (or files). Gerenuk supports this through the loadConfig() method. The config loaded through loadConfig() will be added to any existing configuration. It does not do a deep merge, however, and will throw an exception if you try to overwrite an existing config key.

dic = new Container
dic.loadConfig 'yourConfigFile'

The contents of would be like:

module.exports = 
    foo: 'fooPackage'
        require 'barPackage'
        instantiate: 'bar'

You can also use loadConfig inside of a config item, replacing its contents with the loaded config. This has the disadvantage that the items loaded through this do not explicitly know the name of the node they are in, making it hard(er) to set up references.

dic = new Container 
        loadConfig: 'yourConfigFile'

Config Examples


When config is a string, the DIC will act like nothing more than wrapper around require(), the resulting object will be seen as the actual service.

config =
    foo: 'fooPackage'

Same as before, but more explicit

config =
        require: 'fooPackage'


With instantiate: true the container will attempt to create a new object directly from whatever require gave back, which is handy when you have a package directly exporting a single class: module.exports = SomeClass.

config =
        require: 'fooPackage'
        instantiate: true

When you only want to instantiate a part of the module.exports hash, you can name it in instantiate, in this case bar:

# In fooPackage
module.exports = 
    foo: FooClass
    bar: BarClass
# In DIC config
config =
        require: 'fooPackage'
        instantiate: 'bar'


The container will become really useful as soon as you start to inject services into other services. You can use inject to set up an array of services passed to the constructor. When inject is set, the DIC assumes that you want to instantiate.

config =
        require: 'barPackage'
        instantiate: true
        require: 'fooPackage'
        inject: ['bar']

You can set parameters, which you can reference by their name, just like a service. You can mix and match params and services in the inject array, but params get preference over (child) services if they have the same name.

config =
        require: 'fooPackage'
            param1: 'foo'
            param2: 'bar'
        inject: ['foo.param1', 'foo.param2']

Services can have children, in this case the id of the child is

config =
                # `` works as a regular service, as well as parent for ``
                require: 'barPackage'
                instantiate: true
                        require: 'bazPackage'
                        instantiate: true

Configuration files

It is possible to spread your DI config over multiple files. You can specify a package and use as a config for a service. When using loadConfig the entire node of the configuration you specify it for will be overwritten by the contents of the exports from the loaded file.

dic = new Container   
        loadConfig: 'fooConfig'

Children can load configs just like their parents can:

config =
                loadConfig: 'barConfig'

Injecting Into Package Methods

When you don't want to instantiate, but rather call a method from a required package, you can use call. The function named in call is assumed to return the service directly (synchronously).

dic = new Container   
        require: 'barPackage'
        call: 'barFunction'

Call can also use injection, so the following would work like (require 'fooPackage').someFunction bar, baz, where foo and baz are resolved services, which can themselves have dependencies, etc.:

dic = new Container
    ... snip ...
        require: 'fooPackage'
        inject: ['bar', 'baz']
        call: 'fooFunction'

Callbacks And Asynchronous Operation

When going even further down the road towards asynchrony, you can set up a callback, which gets called on an instance of an object. The callback gets passed both the object and a function you are required to call with the service once you're done setting it up.

dic = new Container
        require: 'fooPackage'

        # callback gets passed an instance of fooPackage
        callback: (foo, callback) ->
            foo.doSomethingWithACallback (somethingUseful) ->
                callback somethingUseful

Another frequently encountered pattern is that the resource you're working with emits an event when it's ready for duty. When you have to wait for such an event to happen you can listen to it in the callback. Note that in this case "foo" will be instantiated, by the container. The callback waits for it to emit "connected", then passes the instance of "foo" back. Any services that are injected with foo can then assume it's connected.

dic = new Container
        require: 'fooPackage'

        # Set up host/port config for foo
            host: 'hostname'
            port: 12345
        inject: ['', 'foo.port']

        # callback gets passed an instance of fooPackage
        callback: (foo, callback) ->
            foo.on 'connected', () ->
                callback foo
            do foo.connect