We use MeloTTS, a lightweight yet performant TTS model, as the backbone of our TTS subnet. The miner is responsible for training the TTS model and submitting it to Huggingface 🤗. You can refer to the training document from the MeloTTS repo for the training guideline. We will also provide a detailed training setup here. But please keep in mind -- this is just a reference setup, and the game will become super competitive, you will likely need to develop your own secret sauce to train the best model.
Please make sure you have installed the package following README.md
in the root directory.
We use the VCTK dataset as the source of our speaker data for now. And the goal is to build a model that can mimic a specific speaker's voice. You can download the dataset from the Huggingface website and extract the speaker's data you want to train on. For example, you can extract the speaker's data with the id p225
. You can use librosa
to convert the audio files to the wav
format and put them in a folder.
Then you can create a metadata.list
file in the folder you want to store all the configuration files. Each line of the file should be in the following format:
Path to your .wav file|EN-US|EN|The text associated with the audio file
where EN-US|EN
should be untouched since we will evaluate under this configuration.
Then, you can run
python preprocess_text.py --metadata path_to_your_metadata.list
to get preprocessed configs and data.
We provide a script in train.sh
to train the model. But you can also run the following command to train the model:
torchrun --nproc_per_node=your_num_gpus --master_port=your_port \
train.py --c path_to_your_config --model the_model_name_you_want_to_store
where the config.json
will be generated in the same folder as the metadata.list
file. You can modify the config.json
file to adjust the training hyperparameters. For example, you can change the batch_size
, num_workers
, lr
, max_steps
, etc.
In addition, you can add the --pretrain_G path_to_your_pretrained_model_pth_file
to load the pretrained model. For example, the official MeloTTS model can be downloaded from the Huggingface model hub.
Warning: As for now, there is an incompatible issue between the pretrained model and the default model configuration. We've fixed it in the newest version. But if you are using an old version of this package, please edit the
file in the same folder as themetadata.list
file and change then_speakers
in thedata
section from 1 to 256 and add an additional line"num_languages": 10
in the model section. An example of a good configuration file is provided in thedocs/config.json
. Sorry for the inconvenience.
After training, you can run the following command to generate audio from the text:
python infer.py --text "<some text here>" -m path_to_your_G_<iter>.pth -o <output_dir>
where the G_<iter>.pth
is the model checkpoint which will be saved under the logs/your_model_name/
folder. This is also the file you need to submit to Huggingface 🤗.
After training, please use the following command to submit the model to Huggingface 🤗 (assuming tts_subnet
package has been installed):
python tts_subnet/upload_model.py --hf_repo_id huggingface_repo_name --load_model_dir path_to_your_checkpoint.pth_file --wallet.name your_wallet --wallet.hotkey your_hotkey
For example:
python tts_subnet/upload_model.py --hf_repo_id myshell-ai/melotts --load_model_dir /melo-en/checkpoint.pth --wallet.name myshell --wallet.hotkey shell
Please make sure you have added your huggingface API key to the .env
file. For example:
Since MeloTTS is a lightweight model, you can train it on a single consumer-grade GPU.