This repository contains the demo code from my talk @ HashiTalks 2025
sudo nomad agent -dev -network-interface="en0" -bind=""
cd nomad/lgmt
nomad run lgtm.nomad.hcl
Open Grafana at http://<en0 ip address>:3000
cd nomad/gateway
nomad run gateway.nomad.hcl
You can inspect the gateway ui by going to the nomad allocation and take the address from the ui
cd nomad/agent
nomad run agent.nomad.hcl
You can inspect the agent ui at http://<en0 ip address>:12345
cd apps
./gradlew bootImage
cd cd apps/salutation-provider
nomad run salutation-provider.nomad.hcl
# or the instrumented version
nomad run salutation-provider-instrumented.nomad.hcl
cd apps/hello-world
nomad run hello-world.nomad.hcl
# or the instrumented version
nomad run hello-world-instrumented.nomad.hcl
The hello-world app will be available at http://<en0 ip address>:8080
When you run the instrumented version of the apps, you can start exploring the signals in Grafana.
For the demo we run the Nomad Admission Control Proxy locally.
cd nomad/nacp
nacp -config=nacp.conf.hcl
You can now deploy the uninstrumented version of the apps by pointing the nomad cli to the proxy.
cd apps/hello-world
NOMAD_ADDR=http://localhost:6464 nomad run hello-world.nomad.hcl
Check the nomad ui to inspect the job