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File metadata and controls

248 lines (206 loc) · 9.17 KB


Nice Weather App

Small app which displays a weather forecast for Berlin using


  • Application can be easily extended to support more cities (list of cities included with app)
  • Weather detail screen uses images from the API response
  • Wind speed value presented with animation.


  • Alternative layout for bigger screens
  • Allow sharing of weather to other people
  • Unit and UI tests

The execution

The app is entirely written in Swift without external libraries. I developed the app using the new Apple framework SwiftUI universal. It will work on iPhone iPad and even on macOS using Catalyst (the share button is UIKit only and will not work therefore it will not be displayed for now).




This is a preview of the API response for Berlin using

  "coord": {
    "lon": 13.41,
    "lat": 52.52
  "weather": [
      "id": 701,
      "main": "Mist",
      "description": "mist",
      "icon": "50d"
  "base": "stations",
  "main": {
    "temp": 285.2,
    "feels_like": 285.14,
    "temp_min": 283.15,
    "temp_max": 288.15,
    "pressure": 1008,
    "humidity": 100
  "visibility": 1000,
  "wind": {
    "speed": 1,
    "deg": 0
  "clouds": {
    "all": 75
  "dt": 1601541645,
  "sys": {
    "type": 1,
    "id": 1275,
    "country": "DE",
    "sunrise": 1601528872,
    "sunset": 1601570629
  "timezone": 7200,
  "id": 2950159,
  "name": "Berlin",
  "cod": 200

The Model

The model is independent of the view and closely matches the response I get from the API. From the API response, I built the model as a struct conforming to the Codable protocol. From the docs, I read that some of these variables are not guaranteed to exist in every API response so I will make them optional.

struct CurrentWeather: Codable {
    var coord: Coordinates
    var weather: [Weather]
    var main: MainWeatherData
    var visibility: Double
    var wind: Wind
    var clouds: Cloud
    var dt: Date
    var timezone: Int
    var id: Int
    var name: String
    var cod: Int

    struct Coordinates: Codable {
        var lat: Double
        var lon: Double


The ViewModel

The ViewModel will use the model to convert the API call to data for our views. It will be a class conforming to the ObservableObject protocol and use a property wrapper @Published to pass the data to our views. When published property changes, SwiftUI will refresh our views automatically. This class will be our source of truth!

class WeatherModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published private(set) var currentWeather: CurrentWeather?
    @Published var currentLocation: Location = loadLastLocation() {
        didSet {

Also the app will remember the last selected city or preferred city. which will be stored in the UserDefaults:

    static func loadLastLocation() -> Location {
        let savedLastLocation = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: WeatherModel.lastLocationKey)
        if let lastLocation = savedLastLocation as? Data {
            let decoder = JSONDecoder()
            return (try? decoder.decode(Location.self, from: lastLocation)) ?? WeatherModel.defaultLastLocation
        return WeatherModel.defaultLastLocation

In SwiftUI we do not have the files AppDelagate.swift and Scene.swift anymore. Instead we have the main struct:

import SwiftUI

struct NiceWeatherApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

The NetworkManager

I create a separate NetworkManager class which will take care of my network calls. In this class, I will call its method getWeather(for city:country:) from my ViewModel to get the current weather data and pass it to the view. In the same class, I have a function to download the image icons provided and I implemented a cache, so we do not need to download the image twice. The images have a very small size in any case, and this will not cause any storage problems.

ATS - Apple Transport Security

Clearly Apple doesnt like URL's starting with HTTP. I got the error message:

2020-10-02 14:42:14.713320+0200 NiceWeather[98370:5805877] App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app's Info.plist file.

I only need to add this to my .plist file:


My Data

I display in the console the converted JSON data and lay the values in the view passing an instance of my model. I will add a picker with a list of cities to choose from. This can be customized later to add more cities, or the user can add cities to the app. For the wind animation, I will use an icon in SF Symbols which will rotate with a speed depending on the intensity of the wind. The wind direction will be indicated by a paperplane icon.


Where needed I added labels to buttons that would be difficult for Voiceover to spell like in the sharing button:

                Button(action: {}) {Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")
                                    .accessibility(label: Text("share"))

Layout for bigger screens

The layout would not change for my app but I tweaked the sizes of the button and the title to make it bigger on the iPad. I think it looks good but can be improved further.

Unit tests

I added some Unit and UITests but are by no mean exhaustive and can be improved further.


As shown in the WWDC20 talk about formatters, unit of measurement values can be converted to a localised string, which takes into account the region and language. Therefore I refactored the temperature values to return a string, where the user can change Fahrenheit or Celsius from the iPhone setting region, and not from the app, with enormous advantages with support of over 100 languages.
I made some utility functions to convert the units of measurement for ex:

func getTempformattedString(temp: Double) -> String {
    let formatter = MeasurementFormatter()
    let temperature = Measurement<UnitTemperature>(value: temp, unit: .celsius)
    formatter.numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 0
    return formatter.string(from: temperature)
func getSpeedformattedString(speed: Double) -> String {
    let formatter = MeasurementFormatter()
    let speed = Measurement<UnitSpeed>(value: speed, unit: .metersPerSecond)
    formatter.numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1
    return formatter.string(from: speed)

This is a preview of the localised app with different language settings.


To do

Still to do:

  • Add a button giving the user to edit the list of locations in the picker.
  • Add a settings button to switch between metric and imperial.
  • Have the possibility to display the "Feels like" temperature would be nice. Maybe hidden under the actual temperature. The usser tap the current temperature and it the "feels like" temperature value gets displayed.
  • display an alert when the user runs out of API calls in the free subscription model.

Resources used