This crate implements all three ML-KEM (FIPS 203 (Initial Public Draft)) variants 512, 768, and 1024. It is formally verified using hax and F*.
Functions in this crate use CPU feature detection to pick the most efficient version on each platform. To use a specific version with your own feature detection use e.g. one of the following
analogously for encapsulation and decapsulation.
use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore};
// Ensure you use good randomness.
// It is not recommended to use OsRng directly!
// Instead it is highly encouraged to use RNGs like NISTs DRBG to account for
// bad system entropy.
fn random_array<const L: usize>() -> [u8; L] {
let mut rng = OsRng;
let mut seed = [0; L];
rng.try_fill_bytes(&mut seed).unwrap();
use libcrux_ml_kem::*;
// This example uses ML-KEM 768. The other variants can be used the same way.
// Generate a key pair.
let randomness = random_array();
let key_pair = mlkem768::generate_key_pair(randomness);
// Encapsulating a shared secret to a public key.
let randomness = random_array();
let (ciphertext, shared_secret) = mlkem768::encapsulate(key_pair.public_key(), randomness);
// Decapsulating a shared secret with a private key.
let shared_secret_decapsulated = mlkem768::decapsulate(key_pair.private_key(), &ciphertext);
By default, all ML-KEM parameter sets are enabled. If required, they are
available individually under feature flags mlkem512
, mlkem768
In addition to the verified implementations of the ML-KEM variants, the
feature flag pre-verification
gives access to, as yet, unverified
implementations of ML-KEM that are optimized for SIMD instruction sets.
The kyber
flag (in combination with pre-verification
) also gives access
to an, as yet, unverified implementation of Kyber as submitted in Round 3 of
the NIST PQ competition.