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The bintools CPU emulator and debug monitor.


Originally I had intended to define a simple 8-bit RISC processor. However, programming a RISC processor in assembly is not always enjoyable. RISC processors are generally designed assuming that a high-level language compiler is involved.

So instead I chose to design a simple 8-bit CISC processor and emulator. This design was inspired by classic microprocessors like the 6502, 6800 and the 6809. Similar to those processors, the addressable memory space is 64KB.

However, like many microcontrollers, this CPU has a Harvard architecture. Which means that there are separate 64KB address spaces for instruction code I and data D. The I space is read-only memory and the D is read-write memory. You can think of these two memory spaces as representing ROM and RAM.

The processor is little endian.


I wanted to keep the CPU as simple as possible. So there are a very small number of registers. I am still debating the value of a frame pointer register. The registers are:

Register Description Size
A Accumulator 8-bit
CC Condition Codes 8-bit
X Index register 16-bit
Y Index register 16-bit
SP Stack Pointer 16-bit
PC Program counter 16-bit

The A register is the arithmetic accumulator. Most operations involve the use of the accumulator. Like the 6502 and unlike the 6800 and 6809 there is only a single accumulator register.

The X and Y registers are index registers. They are usually used as an index of, or pointer to, memory locations.

The CC register holds the condition codes or flags. Individual instructions set or query the condition flags as needed. Note that this register cannot be directly addressed by instructions. However, you can modify it indirectly by pushing the CC register onto the stack, popping it into the accumulator and then restoring it via the stack.

The SP or stack pointer register holds a pointer to the current position of the stack. The stack is a full descending type.

The PC or program counter register holds a pointer to the current instruction. It updates automatically after each instruction or branch is executed.

The various condition codes are described below.

Flag Description
C Carry flag - last arithmetic operation caused a carry/borrow
Z Zero flag - last operation produced a zero result
V Overflow flag - last arithmetic operation caused a signed overflow
N Negative flag - last operation produced a negative number
I Interrupt flag - interrupts are in progress or disabled
S Single step flag - processor is in single step mode

Instruction Design

To keep things simple I tried to avoid including any extra instructions which were not strictly necessary. Initially, rather than include a compare instruction CMP to compare a value to the accumulator A I had planned to recommend the use of SUB to compare to the value from A and branch based on the result. The tradeoff of course would be the need to frequently preserve A via a PUSH to the stack followed by a restore of A via a subsequent POP. Given how frequently comparisons are used, the extra code space and performance of added PUSH and POP instructions seemed unwise.

Similarly, there are no special register transfer functions. All such moves can be accomplished by an apropriate PUSH and POP via the stack.

Finally, many conditional branches we left out because they can be implemented in terms of other conditional branches. For example, a jump if greater or equal to JGE is not needed as it can be implmented by the appropriate logic with a jump if less than JLT. And Likewise with JLE and JGT.

Hopefully it is clear that not less-than a value is logically equivalent to greater-than-or-equal-to that value. And likewise with not greater-than and less-than-or-equal-to.

Instruction Set

Instruction opcodes are all 8-bits in length. Each opcode is followed by zero or more bytes containing operands.

The various types of instruction operands are shown in the table below.

Operand Description
R register
Rset one or more registers
imm8 8-bit immediate value
imm16 16-bit immediate value
M reference to memory (code or data as appropriate)
M/imm8 either a memory reference or an immediate byte
M/imm16 either a memory reference or an immediate word
P 8-bit I/O port number
simm8 signed 8-bit immediate value

Below is a complete list of the instruction mnemonics, their operands and their affect on the CC flags.

Instruction Description Flags
AAX add A to X CZNV
AAY add A to Y CZNV
ADD M/imm8 add memory/immediate byte into A CZNV
ADC M/imm8 add memory/immediate byte into A with carry
AND M/imm8 logical AND of A and memory/immediate ZNV
BRK breakpoint interrupt I
CALL M branch to a subroutine (none)
CMP M/imm8 compare A to memory/immediate byte CZNV
IN P input a byte to A from an IO port (none)
LAX load A using X as a pointer ZNV
LAY load A using Y as a pointer ZNV
LDA M/imm8 load A from memory/immediate ZNV
LDX M/imm16 load X from memory/immediate ZNV
LDY M/imm16 load X from memory/immediate ZNV
LEAX simm8 add 8-bit signed immediate offset to X Z
LEAY simm8 add 8-bit signed immediate offset to Y Z
LXX load X from addres pointed to by X ZNV
LYY load Y from addres pointed to by Y ZNV
JEQ M jump on equal (none)
JGT M jump if greater than (none)
JLT M jump if less than (none)
JMP M unconditional jump (none)
JNE M jump if not equal (none)
NOP no or null operation (none)
NOT logical complement of A CZNV
OR M/imm8 logical OR of A and memory/immediate ZNV
OUT P output byte in A to an IO port (none)
POP Rset pop one or more registers from the stack (none)
PUSH Rset push one or more registers onto the stack (none)
RET return from subroutine (none)
RTI return from interrupt (none)
SBB M/imm8 subtract with borrow CZNV
SHL imm8 arithmetic shift left CZNV
SHR imm8 arithmetic shift right CZN
STA M store A to memory (none)
STAX store A using X as a pointer (none)
STAY store A using Y as a pointer (none)
STX M store X to memory (none)
STY M store Y to memory (none)
SUB M/imm8 subtract memory/immediate from A CZNV
SWI software interrupt I
XOR logical XOR of A and memory/immediate ZNV


The processor supports several types of interrupts. Interrupts save the current processor state and branch to an interrupt handler. Interrupts are vectored through a table at the top of RAM. Entering an interrupt sets the I
interrupt flag in CC. When the I flag is set, interrupts are masked.

A new interrupt cannot occur while an interrupt is being serviced. So interrupt handlers must be short to avoid missing an interrupt.

On an interrupt, the entire processor state is stacked in the following order: PC, X, Y, A, CC, SP.

Interrupt Vector address Description
BRK 0xFFF8 breakpoint interrupt
SWI 0xFFFA software interrupt
Timer 0xFFFC timer interrupt
Reset 0xFFFE reset vector

On a return from interrupt RTI the processor state is restored by popping the registers off the stack in the following order: SP, CC, A, Y, X, PC.

Note that the decision to stack the SP last, and unstack it first, makes a context switch much simpler to implement.

Memory map

The default memory map is shown below. The start of code can be changed by setting a non-zero base address in the linker.

| $FFFE - reset vector                                     |
| $FFFC - interrupt vector                                 |
| $FFFA - SWI software interrupt vector                    |
| $FFF8 - BRK software interrupt vector                    |
| $FF01 - $FFF7 (reserved for interrupt vectors)           |
| $FF00 - top of stack                                     |
| $E000 - top of heap, bottom of stack (__brk)             |
| __ram_start - bottom of heap                             |
| $0000 - start of code segment, data segment, bss segment |

Debug monitor

The debug monitor supports a number of commands. Where practical I tried to follow gdb or lldb conventions.

Command Description
b list breakpoints
b name set breakpoint at name
db name dump byte at name
dw name dump word at name
g go, run the program
m name dump memory at name
q quit
r print registers
s single step the processor
y clear all breakpoints
y name clear breakpoint at name