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Getting Started

Mike Perham edited this page Feb 13, 2023 · 72 revisions

Sidekiq makes every effort to make usage with modern Rails applications as simple as possible. Please see the ActiveJob page if you want to use Sidekiq with ActiveJob.


  1. Add sidekiq to your Gemfile:
gem 'sidekiq'
  1. Add a job in app/sidekiq to process jobs asynchronously:

Run this command in your shell:

rails generate sidekiq:job hard

It generates the job file as well as the test or spec, depending on the test framework you have configured.

class HardJob
  include Sidekiq::Job

  def perform(name, count)
    # do something

Your perform method arguments must be simple, basic types like String, integer, boolean that are supported by JSON. Complex Ruby objects will not work.

To namespace your hard job in a rock namespace:

rails generate sidekiq:job rock/hard

This will generate the following:

class Rock::HardJob
  include Sidekiq::Job

  def perform(*args)
    # Do something
  1. Create a job to be processed asynchronously:
HardJob.perform_async('bob', 5)

Note that perform is an instance method, whereas perform_async is called on the class.

You can also create a job to be processed in the future:

HardJob.perform_in(5.minutes, 'bob', 5)
HardJob.perform_at(5.minutes.from_now, 'bob', 5)

Note: The 5.minutes.from_now syntax is Rails specific. If you are not using Rails, use unix epoch thus:

HardJob.perform_at(*60, 'bob', 5)
  1. Start sidekiq from the root of your Rails application so the jobs will be processed:
bundle exec sidekiq

That's it.

Plain Ruby

por.rb in examples/ is a "Plain Old Ruby" example.

Watch an overview:

Getting Started

Next: The Basics

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