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Insert csv into database

sqlite-utils insert test.db oldata data\processed\ol_dump_editions_2024-07-07.txt --csv --delimiter=";" --quotechar="|"

Create full text search

sqlite-utils enable-fts test.db oldata title isbn

Executing search

sqlite-utils search test.db oldata SEARCHTERM -c title -c isbn --limit 5

Get sql from search

sqlite-utils search test.db oldata SEARCHTERM -c title -c isbn --sql

Pipeline flow

This should be able to be dockerized, from start to finish.

Getting ol dump (we only need editions)

Processing editions file

Inserting into db

could this be the same step as processing? Yes, we really don't need to be creating a separate csv file before inserting into db.

Creating FTS

Optimize database

sqlite-utils optimize test.db

Serve up the search API with Flask