SOPS is an editor of encrypted files that supports YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY formats and encrypts with AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault, age, and PGP. (demo)
Binaries and packages of the latest stable release are available at
For the adventurous, unstable features are available in the main branch, which you can install from source:
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
$ git clone $GOPATH/src/
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make install
(requires Go >= 1.19)
If you don't have Go installed, set it up with:
$ {apt,yum,brew} install golang
$ echo 'export GOPATH=~/go' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ mkdir $GOPATH
Or whatever variation of the above fits your system and shell.
To use SOPS as a library, take a look at the decrypt package.
Table of Contents
- 1 Download
- 2 Usage
- 2.1 Test with the dev PGP key
- 2.2 Encrypting with GnuPG subkeys
- 2.3 Encrypting using age
- 2.4 Encrypting using GCP KMS
- 2.5 Encrypting using Azure Key Vault
- 2.6 Encrypting and decrypting from other programs
- 2.7 Encrypting using Hashicorp Vault
- 2.8 Adding and removing keys
- 2.9 KMS AWS Profiles
- 2.10 Assuming roles and using KMS in various AWS accounts
- 2.11 AWS KMS Encryption Context
- 2.12 Key Rotation
- 2.13 Using .sops.yaml conf to select KMS, PGP and age for new files
- 2.14 Specify a different GPG executable
- 2.15 Specify a different GPG key server
- 2.16 Key groups
- 2.17 Key service
- 2.18 Auditing
- 2.19 Saving Output to a File
- 2.20 Passing Secrets to Other Processes
- 2.21 Using the publish command
- 3 Important information on types
- 4 Examples
- 4.1 Creating a new file
- 4.2 Encrypting an existing file
- 4.3 Encrypt or decrypt a file in place
- 4.4 Encrypting binary files
- 4.5 Extract a sub-part of a document tree
- 4.6 Set a sub-part in a document tree
- 4.7 Unset a sub-part in a document tree
- 4.8 Showing diffs in cleartext in git
- 4.9 Encrypting only parts of a file
- 5 Encryption Protocol
- 6 Motivation
- 7 Threat Model
- 8 Backward compatibility
- 9 Security
- 10 License
- 11 Authors
- 12 Credits
For a quick presentation of SOPS, check out this Youtube tutorial:
If you're using AWS KMS, create one or multiple master keys in the IAM console and export them, comma separated, in the SOPS_KMS_ARN env variable. It is recommended to use at least two master keys in different regions.
export SOPS_KMS_ARN="arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:656532927350:key/920aff2e-c5f1-4040-943a-047fa387b27e,arn:aws:kms:ap-southeast-1:656532927350:key/9006a8aa-0fa6-4c14-930e-a2dfb916de1d"
SOPS uses aws-sdk-go-v2 to communicate with AWS KMS. It will automatically
read the credentials from the ~/.aws/credentials
file which can be created with the aws configure
An example of the ~/.aws/credentials
file is shown below:
$ cat ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = AKI.....
aws_secret_access_key = mw......
In addition to the ~/.aws/credentials
file, you can also use the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
environment variables to specify your credentials:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="AKI......"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="mw......"
For more information and additional environment variables, see specifying credentials.
If you want to use PGP, export the fingerprints of the public keys, comma separated, in the SOPS_PGP_FP env variable.
export SOPS_PGP_FP="85D77543B3D624B63CEA9E6DBC17301B491B3F21,E60892BB9BD89A69F759A1A0A3D652173B763E8F"
Note: you can use both PGP and KMS simultaneously.
Then simply call sops edit
with a file path as argument. It will handle the
encryption/decryption transparently and open the cleartext file in an editor
$ sops edit mynewtestfile.yaml
mynewtestfile.yaml doesn't exist, creating it.
please wait while an encryption key is being generated and stored in a secure fashion
file written to mynewtestfile.yaml
Editing will happen in whatever $SOPS_EDITOR
is set to, or, if it's
not set, in vim, nano, or vi.
Keep in mind that SOPS will wait for the editor to exit, and then try to reencrypt
the file. Some GUI editors (atom, sublime) spawn a child process and then exit
immediately. They usually have an option to wait for the main editor window to be
closed before exiting. See #127 for
more information.
The resulting encrypted file looks like this:
myapp1: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:Tr7o=,iv:1=,aad:No=,tag:k=]
user: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:CwE4O1s=,iv:2k=,aad:o=,tag:w==]
password: ENC[AES256_GCM,data:p673w==,iv:YY=,aad:UQ=,tag:A=]
# private key for secret operations in app2
key: |-
- ENC[AES256_GCM,data:v8jQ=,iv:HBE=,aad:21c=,tag:gA==]
- ENC[AES256_GCM,data:X10=,iv:o8=,aad:CQ=,tag:Hw==]
- ENC[AES256_GCM,data:KN=,iv:160=,aad:fI4=,tag:tNw==]
- created_at: 1441570389.775376
enc: CiC....Pm1Hm
arn: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:656532927350:key/920aff2e-c5f1-4040-943a-047fa387b27e
- created_at: 1441570391.925734
enc: Ci...awNx
arn: arn:aws:kms:ap-southeast-1:656532927350:key/9006a8aa-0fa6-4c14-930e-a2dfb916de1d
- fp: 85D77543B3D624B63CEA9E6DBC17301B491B3F21
created_at: 1441570391.930042
enc: |
A copy of the encryption/decryption key is stored securely in each KMS and PGP block. As long as one of the KMS or PGP method is still usable, you will be able to access your data.
To decrypt a file in a cat
fashion, use the -d
$ sops decrypt mynewtestfile.yaml
SOPS encrypted files contain the necessary information to decrypt their content. All a user of SOPS needs is valid AWS credentials and the necessary permissions on KMS keys.
Given that, the only command a SOPS user needs is:
$ sops edit <file>
<file> will be opened, decrypted, passed to a text editor (vim by default), encrypted if modified, and saved back to its original location. All of these steps, apart from the actual editing, are transparent to the user.
The order in which available decryption methods are tried can be specified with
option or SOPS_DECRYPTION_ORDER environment variable
as a comma separated list. The default order is age,pgp
. Offline methods are
tried first and then the remaining ones.
If you want to test SOPS without having to do a bunch of setup, you can use the example files and pgp key provided with the repository:
$ git clone $ cd sops $ gpg --import pgp/sops_functional_tests_key.asc $ sops edit example.yaml
This last step will decrypt example.yaml
using the test private key.
If you want to encrypt with specific GnuPG subkeys, it does not suffice to provide the
exact key ID of the subkey to SOPS, since GnuPG might use another subkey instead
to encrypt the file key with. To force GnuPG to use a specific subkey, you need to
append !
to the key's fingerprint.
- pgp: >-
Please note that this is only passed on correctly to GnuPG since SOPS 3.9.3.
age is a simple, modern, and secure tool for encrypting files. It's recommended to use age over PGP, if possible.
You can encrypt a file for one or more age recipients (comma separated) using
the --age
option or the SOPS_AGE_RECIPIENTS environment variable:
$ sops encrypt --age age1yt3tfqlfrwdwx0z0ynwplcr6qxcxfaqycuprpmy89nr83ltx74tqdpszlw test.yaml > test.enc.yaml
When decrypting a file with the corresponding identity, SOPS will look for a
text file name keys.txt
located in a sops
subdirectory of your user
configuration directory. On Linux, this would be $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sops/age/keys.txt
is not set $HOME/.config/sops/age/keys.txt
is used instead.
On macOS, this would be $HOME/Library/Application Support/sops/age/keys.txt
. On
Windows, this would be %AppData%\sops\age\keys.txt
. You can specify the location
of this file manually by setting the environment variable SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE.
Alternatively, you can provide the key(s) directly by setting the SOPS_AGE_KEY
environment variable.
The contents of this key file should be a list of age X25519 identities, one
per line. Lines beginning with #
are considered comments and ignored. Each
identity will be tried in sequence until one is able to decrypt the data.
Encrypting with SSH keys via age is also supported by SOPS. You can use SSH public keys
("ssh-ed25519 AAAA...", "ssh-rsa AAAA...") as age recipients when encrypting a file.
When decrypting a file, SOPS will look for ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
and falls back to
. You can specify the location of the private key manually by setting
the environment variableuse SOPS_AGE_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE.
Note that only ssh-rsa
and ssh-ed25519
are supported.
A list of age recipients can be added to the .sops.yaml
- age: >-
It is also possible to use updatekeys
, when adding or removing age recipients. For example:
$ sops updatekeys secret.enc.yaml
2022/02/09 16:32:02 Syncing keys for file /iac/solution1/secret.enc.yaml
The following changes will be made to the file's groups:
Group 1
+++ age1qe5lxzzeppw5k79vxn3872272sgy224g2nzqlzy3uljs84say3yqgvd0sw
Is this okay? (y/n):y
2022/02/09 16:32:04 File /iac/solution1/secret.enc.yaml synced with new keys
GCP KMS uses Application Default Credentials. If you already logged in using
$ gcloud auth login
you can enable application default credentials using the sdk:
$ gcloud auth application-default login
Encrypting/decrypting with GCP KMS requires a KMS ResourceID. You can use the cloud console the get the ResourceID or you can create one using the gcloud sdk:
$ gcloud kms keyrings create sops --location global
$ gcloud kms keys create sops-key --location global --keyring sops --purpose encryption
$ gcloud kms keys list --location global --keyring sops
# you should see
projects/my-project/locations/global/keyRings/sops/cryptoKeys/sops-key ENCRYPT_DECRYPT ENABLED
Now you can encrypt a file using:
$ sops encrypt --gcp-kms projects/my-project/locations/global/keyRings/sops/cryptoKeys/sops-key test.yaml > test.enc.yaml
And decrypt it using:
$ sops decrypt test.enc.yaml
The Azure Key Vault integration uses the default credential chain which tries several authentication methods, in this order:
- Environment credentials
- Service Principal with Client Secret
- Service Principal with Certificate
- User with username and password
- Configuration for multi-tenant applications
- Workload Identity credentials
- Managed Identity credentials
- Azure CLI credentials
For example, you can use a Service Principal with the following environment variables:
You can create a Service Principal using the CLI like this:
$ az ad sp create-for-rbac -n my-keyvault-sp
"appId": "<some-uuid>",
"displayName": "my-keyvault-sp",
"name": "http://my-keyvault-sp",
"password": "<random-string>",
"tenant": "<tenant-uuid>"
The appId is the client ID, and the password is the client secret.
Encrypting/decrypting with Azure Key Vault requires the resource identifier for a key. This has the following form:
To create a Key Vault and assign your service principal permissions on it from the commandline:
# Create a resource group if you do not have one:
$ az group create --name sops-rg --location westeurope
# Key Vault names are globally unique, so generate one:
$ keyvault_name=sops-$(uuidgen | tr -d - | head -c 16)
# Create a Vault, a key, and give the service principal access:
$ az keyvault create --name $keyvault_name --resource-group sops-rg --location westeurope
$ az keyvault key create --name sops-key --vault-name $keyvault_name --protection software --ops encrypt decrypt
$ az keyvault set-policy --name $keyvault_name --resource-group sops-rg --spn $AZURE_CLIENT_ID \
--key-permissions encrypt decrypt
# Read the key id:
$ az keyvault key show --name sops-key --vault-name $keyvault_name --query key.kid
Now you can encrypt a file using:
$ sops encrypt --azure-kv test.yaml > test.enc.yaml
And decrypt it using:
$ sops decrypt test.enc.yaml
When using sops
in scripts or from other programs, there are often situations where you do not want to write
encrypted or decrypted data to disk. The best way to avoid this is to pass data to SOPS via stdin, and to let
SOPS write data to stdout. By default, the encrypt and decrypt operations write data to stdout already. To pass
data via stdin, you need to not provide an input filename. For encryption, you also must provide the
option with the file's filename. The filename will be used to determine the input and output
types, and to select the correct creation rule.
The simplest way to decrypt data from stdin is as follows:
$ cat encrypted-data | sops decrypt > decrypted-data
By default, sops
determines the input and output format from the provided filename. Since in this case,
no filename is provided, sops
will use the binary store which expects JSON input and outputs binary data
on decryption. This is often not what you want.
To avoid this, you can either provide a filename with --filename-override
, or explicitly control
the input and output formats by passing --input-type
and --output-type
as appropriate:
$ cat encrypted-data | sops decrypt --filename-override filename.yaml > decrypted-data
$ cat encrypted-data | sops decrypt --input-type yaml --output-type yaml > decrypted-data
In both cases, sops
will assume that the data you provide is in YAML format, and will encode the decrypted
data in YAML as well. The second form allows to use different formats for input and output.
To encrypt, it is important to note that SOPS also uses the filename to look up the correct creation rule from
. Therefore, you must provide the --filename-override
parameter which allows you to tell
SOPS which filename to use to match creation rules:
$ echo 'foo: bar' | sops encrypt --filename-override path/filename.sops.yaml > encrypted-data
SOPS will find a matching creation rule for path/filename.sops.yaml
in .sops.yaml
and use that one to
encrypt the data from stdin. This filename will also be used to determine the input and output store. As always,
the input store type can be adjusted by passing --input-type
, and the output store type by passing
$ echo foo=bar | sops encrypt --filename-override path/filename.sops.yaml --input-type dotenv > encrypted-data
We assume you have an instance (or more) of Vault running and you have privileged access to it. For instructions on how to deploy a secure instance of Vault, refer to Hashicorp's official documentation.
To easily deploy Vault locally: (DO NOT DO THIS FOR PRODUCTION!!!)
$ docker run -d -p8200:8200 vault:1.2.0 server -dev -dev-root-token-id=toor
$ # Substitute this with the address Vault is running on
$ export VAULT_ADDR=
$ # this may not be necessary in case you previously used `vault login` for production use
$ export VAULT_TOKEN=toor
$ # to check if Vault started and is configured correctly
$ vault status
Key Value
--- -----
Seal Type shamir
Initialized true
Sealed false
Total Shares 1
Threshold 1
Version 1.2.0
Cluster Name vault-cluster-618cc902
Cluster ID e532e461-e8f0-1352-8a41-fc7c11096908
HA Enabled false
$ # It is required to enable a transit engine if not already done (It is suggested to create a transit engine specifically for SOPS, in which it is possible to have multiple keys with various permission levels)
$ vault secrets enable -path=sops transit
Success! Enabled the transit secrets engine at: sops/
$ # Then create one or more keys
$ vault write sops/keys/firstkey type=rsa-4096
Success! Data written to: sops/keys/firstkey
$ vault write sops/keys/secondkey type=rsa-2048
Success! Data written to: sops/keys/secondkey
$ vault write sops/keys/thirdkey type=chacha20-poly1305
Success! Data written to: sops/keys/thirdkey
$ sops encrypt --hc-vault-transit $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sops/keys/firstkey vault_example.yml
$ cat <<EOF > .sops.yaml
- path_regex: \.dev\.yaml$
hc_vault_transit_uri: "$VAULT_ADDR/v1/sops/keys/secondkey"
- path_regex: \.prod\.yaml$
hc_vault_transit_uri: "$VAULT_ADDR/v1/sops/keys/thirdkey"
$ sops encrypt --verbose prod/raw.yaml > prod/encrypted.yaml
When creating new files, sops
uses the PGP, KMS and GCP KMS defined in the
command line arguments --kms
, --pgp
, --gcp-kms
or --azure-kv
, or from
the environment variables SOPS_KMS_ARN
. That information is stored in the file under the
section, such that decrypting files does not require providing those
parameters again.
Master PGP and KMS keys can be added and removed from a sops
file in one of
three ways:
- By using a
file and theupdatekeys
command. - By using command line flags.
- By editing the file directly.
The SOPS team recommends the updatekeys
The updatekeys
command uses the .sops.yaml
configuration file to update (add or remove) the corresponding secrets in the
encrypted file. Note that the example below uses the
Block Scalar yaml construct to build a space
separated list.
- pgp: >-
$ sops updatekeys test.enc.yaml
SOPS will prompt you with the changes to be made. This interactivity can be
disabled by supplying the -y
The rotate
command generates a new data encryption key and reencrypt all values
with the new key. At the same time, the command line flag --add-kms
, --add-pgp
, --add-azure-kv
, --rm-kms
, --rm-pgp
, --rm-gcp-kms
and --rm-azure-kv
can be used to add and remove keys from a file. These flags use
the comma separated syntax as the --kms
, --pgp
, --gcp-kms
and --azure-kv
arguments when creating new files.
Use updatekeys
if you want to add a key without rotating the data key.
# add a new pgp key to the file and rotate the data key
$ sops rotate -i --add-pgp 85D77543B3D624B63CEA9E6DBC17301B491B3F21 example.yaml
# remove a pgp key from the file and rotate the data key
$ sops rotate -i --rm-pgp 85D77543B3D624B63CEA9E6DBC17301B491B3F21 example.yaml
Alternatively, invoking sops edit
with the flag -s will display the master keys
while editing. This method can be used to add or remove kms
or pgp
keys under the
For example, to add a KMS master key to a file, add the following entry while editing:
- arn: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:656532927350:key/920aff2e-c5f1-4040-943a-047fa387b27e
And, similarly, to add a PGP master key, we add its fingerprint:
- fp: 85D77543B3D624B63CEA9E6DBC17301B491B3F21
When the file is saved, SOPS will update its metadata and encrypt the data key with the freshly added master keys. The removed entries are simply deleted from the file.
When removing keys, it is recommended to rotate the data key using -r
otherwise, owners of the removed key may have add access to the data key in the
If you want to use a specific profile, you can do so with aws_profile:
- arn: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:656532927350:key/920aff2e-c5f1-4040-943a-047fa387b27e
aws_profile: foo
If no AWS profile is set, default credentials will be used.
Similarly the --aws-profile flag can be set with the command line with any of the KMS commands.
SOPS has the ability to use KMS in multiple AWS accounts by assuming roles in each account. Being able to assume roles is a nice feature of AWS that allows administrators to establish trust relationships between accounts, typically from the most secure account to the least secure one. In our use-case, we use roles to indicate that a user of the Master AWS account is allowed to make use of KMS master keys in development and staging AWS accounts. Using roles, a single file can be encrypted with KMS keys in multiple accounts, thus increasing reliability and ease of use.
You can use keys in various accounts by tying each KMS master key to a role that the user is allowed to assume in each account. The IAM roles documentation has full details on how this needs to be configured on AWS's side.
From the point of view of SOPS, you only need to specify the role a KMS key must assume alongside its ARN, as follows:
- arn: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:656532927350:key/920aff2e-c5f1-4040-943a-047fa387b27e
role: arn:aws:iam::927034868273:role/sops-dev-xyz
The role must have permission to call Encrypt and Decrypt using KMS. An example policy is shown below.
"Sid": "Allow use of the key",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
You can specify a role in the --kms
flag and SOPS_KMS_ARN
variable by
appending it to the ARN of the master key, separated by a + sign:
<KMS ARN>+<ROLE ARN> arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:927034868273:key/fe86dd69-4132-404c-ab86-4269956b4500+arn:aws:iam::927034868273:role/sops-dev-xyz
SOPS has the ability to use AWS KMS key policy and encryption context to refine the access control of a given KMS master key.
When creating a new file, you can specify the encryption context in the
flag by comma separated list of key-value pairs:
$ sops edit --encryption-context Environment:production,Role:web-server
The format of the Encrypt Context string is <EncryptionContext Key>:<EncryptionContext Value>,<EncryptionContext Key>:<EncryptionContext Value>,...
The encryption context will be stored in the file metadata and does not need to be provided at decryption.
Encryption contexts can be used in conjunction with KMS Key Policies to define roles that can only access a given context. An example policy is shown below:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/RoleForExampleApp"
"Action": "kms:Decrypt",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"kms:EncryptionContext:AppName": "ExampleApp",
"kms:EncryptionContext:FilePath": "/var/opt/secrets/"
It is recommended to renew the data key on a regular basis. sops
supports key
rotation via the rotate
command. Invoking it on an existing file causes sops
to reencrypt the file with a new data key, which is then encrypted with the various
KMS and PGP master keys defined in the file.
Add the -i
option to write the rotated file back, instead of printing it to
$ sops rotate example.yaml
It is often tedious to specify the --kms
and --age
parameters for creation
of all new files. If your secrets are stored under a specific directory, like a
repository, you can create a .sops.yaml
configuration file at the root
directory to define which keys are used for which filename.
The file needs to be named .sops.yaml
. Other names (i.e. .sops.yml
) won't be automatically
discovered by SOPS. You'll need to pass the --config .sops.yml
option for it to be picked up.
Let's take an example:
- file named should use one set of KMS A, PGP and age
- file named should use another set of KMS B, PGP and age
- other files use a third set of KMS C and PGP
- all live under mysecretrepo/something.{dev,prod,gcp}.yaml
Under those circumstances, a file placed at mysecretrepo/.sops.yaml can manage the three sets of configurations for the three types of files:
# creation rules are evaluated sequentially, the first match wins
# upon creation of a file that matches the pattern *.dev.yaml,
# KMS set A as well as PGP and age is used
- path_regex: \.dev\.yaml$
kms: 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:927034868273:key/fe86dd69-4132-404c-ab86-4269956b4500,arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:361527076523:key/5052f06a-5d3f-489e-b86c-57201e06f31e+arn:aws:iam::361527076523:role/hiera-sops-prod'
pgp: 'FBC7B9E2A4F9289AC0C1D4843D16CEE4A27381B4'
age: 'age129h70qwx39k7h5x6l9hg566nwm53527zvamre8vep9e3plsm44uqgy8gla'
# prod files use KMS set B in the PROD IAM, PGP and age
- path_regex: \.prod\.yaml$
kms: 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:361527076523:key/5052f06a-5d3f-489e-b86c-57201e06f31e+arn:aws:iam::361527076523:role/hiera-sops-prod,arn:aws:kms:eu-central-1:361527076523:key/cb1fab90-8d17-42a1-a9d8-334968904f94+arn:aws:iam::361527076523:role/hiera-sops-prod'
pgp: 'FBC7B9E2A4F9289AC0C1D4843D16CEE4A27381B4'
age: 'age129h70qwx39k7h5x6l9hg566nwm53527zvamre8vep9e3plsm44uqgy8gla'
hc_vault_uris: "http://localhost:8200/v1/sops/keys/thirdkey"
# gcp files using GCP KMS
- path_regex: \.gcp\.yaml$
gcp_kms: projects/mygcproject/locations/global/keyRings/mykeyring/cryptoKeys/thekey
# Finally, if the rules above have not matched, this one is a
# catchall that will encrypt the file using KMS set C as well as PGP
# The absence of a path_regex means it will match everything
- kms: 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:927034868273:key/fe86dd69-4132-404c-ab86-4269956b4500,arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:142069644989:key/846cfb17-373d-49b9-8baf-f36b04512e47,arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:361527076523:key/5052f06a-5d3f-489e-b86c-57201e06f31e'
pgp: 'FBC7B9E2A4F9289AC0C1D4843D16CEE4A27381B4'
When creating any file under mysecretrepo, whether at the root or under
a subdirectory, SOPS will recursively look for a .sops.yaml
file. If one is
found, the filename of the file being created is compared with the filename
regexes of the configuration file. The first regex that matches is selected,
and its KMS and PGP keys are used to encrypt the file. It should be noted that
the looking up of .sops.yaml
is from the working directory (CWD) instead of
the directory of the encrypting file (see Issue 242).
The path_regex
checks the path of the encrypting file relative to the .sops.yaml
config file. Here is another example:
- files located under directory development should use one set of KMS A
- files located under directory production should use another set of KMS B
- other files use a third set of KMS C
# upon creation of a file under development,
# KMS set A is used
- path_regex: .*/development/.*
kms: 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:927034868273:key/fe86dd69-4132-404c-ab86-4269956b4500,arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:361527076523:key/5052f06a-5d3f-489e-b86c-57201e06f31e+arn:aws:iam::361527076523:role/hiera-sops-prod'
pgp: 'FBC7B9E2A4F9289AC0C1D4843D16CEE4A27381B4'
# prod files use KMS set B in the PROD IAM
- path_regex: .*/production/.*
kms: 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:361527076523:key/5052f06a-5d3f-489e-b86c-57201e06f31e+arn:aws:iam::361527076523:role/hiera-sops-prod,arn:aws:kms:eu-central-1:361527076523:key/cb1fab90-8d17-42a1-a9d8-334968904f94+arn:aws:iam::361527076523:role/hiera-sops-prod'
pgp: 'FBC7B9E2A4F9289AC0C1D4843D16CEE4A27381B4'
# other files use KMS set C
- kms: 'arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:927034868273:key/fe86dd69-4132-404c-ab86-4269956b4500,arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:142069644989:key/846cfb17-373d-49b9-8baf-f36b04512e47,arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:361527076523:key/5052f06a-5d3f-489e-b86c-57201e06f31e'
pgp: 'FBC7B9E2A4F9289AC0C1D4843D16CEE4A27381B4'
Creating a new file with the right keys is now as simple as
$ sops edit <newfile>.prod.yaml
Note that the configuration file is ignored when KMS or PGP parameters are passed on the SOPS command line or in environment variables.
SOPS checks for the SOPS_GPG_EXEC
environment variable. If specified,
it will attempt to use the executable set there instead of the default
of gpg
Example: place the following in your ~/.bashrc
SOPS_GPG_EXEC = 'your_gpg_client_wrapper'
By default, SOPS uses the key server
to retrieve the GPG
keys that are not present in the local keyring.
This is no longer configurable. You can learn more about why from this write-up: SKS Keyserver Network Under Attack.
By default, SOPS encrypts the data key for a file with each of the master keys, such that if any of the master keys is available, the file can be decrypted. However, it is sometimes desirable to require access to multiple master keys in order to decrypt files. This can be achieved with key groups.
When using key groups in SOPS, data keys are split into parts such that keys from multiple groups are required to decrypt a file. SOPS uses Shamir's Secret Sharing to split the data key such that each key group has a fragment, each key in the key group can decrypt that fragment, and a configurable number of fragments (threshold) are needed to decrypt and piece together the complete data key. When decrypting a file using multiple key groups, SOPS goes through key groups in order, and in each group, tries to recover the fragment of the data key using a master key from that group. Once the fragment is recovered, SOPS moves on to the next group, until enough fragments have been recovered to obtain the complete data key.
By default, the threshold is set to the number of key groups. For example, if you have three key groups configured in your SOPS file and you don't override the default threshold, then one master key from each of the three groups will be required to decrypt the file.
Management of key groups is done with the sops groups
For example, you can add a new key group with 3 PGP keys and 3 KMS keys to the
file my_file.yaml
$ sops groups add --file my_file.yaml --pgp fingerprint1 --pgp fingerprint2 --pgp fingerprint3 --kms arn1 --kms arn2 --kms arn3
Or you can delete the 1st group (group number 0, as groups are zero-indexed)
from my_file.yaml
$ sops groups delete --file my_file.yaml 0
Key groups can also be specified in the .sops.yaml
config file,
like so:
- path_regex: .*keygroups.*
# First key group
- pgp:
- fingerprint1
- fingerprint2
- arn: arn1
role: role1
foo: bar
- arn: arn2
aws_profile: myprofile
# Second key group
- pgp:
- fingerprint3
- fingerprint4
- arn: arn3
- arn: arn4
# Third key group
- pgp:
- fingerprint5
Given this configuration, we can create a new encrypted file like we normally
would, and optionally provide the --shamir-secret-sharing-threshold
command line
flag if we want to override the default threshold. SOPS will then split the data
key into three parts (from the number of key groups) and encrypt each fragment with
the master keys found in each group.
For example:
$ sops edit --shamir-secret-sharing-threshold 2 example.json
Alternatively, you can configure the Shamir threshold for each creation rule in the .sops.yaml
with shamir_threshold
- path_regex: .*keygroups.*
shamir_threshold: 2
# First key group
- pgp:
- fingerprint1
- fingerprint2
- arn: arn1
role: role1
foo: bar
- arn: arn2
aws_profile: myprofile
# Second key group
- pgp:
- fingerprint3
- fingerprint4
- arn: arn3
- arn: arn4
# Third key group
- pgp:
- fingerprint5
And then run sops edit example.json
The threshold (shamir_threshold
) is set to 2, so this configuration will require
master keys from two of the three different key groups in order to decrypt the file.
You can then decrypt the file the same way as with any other SOPS file:
$ sops decrypt example.json
There are situations where you might want to run SOPS on a machine that
doesn't have direct access to encryption keys such as PGP keys. The sops
service allows you to forward a socket so that SOPS can access encryption
keys stored on a remote machine. This is similar to GPG Agent, but more
SOPS uses a client-server approach to encrypting and decrypting the data key. By default, SOPS runs a local key service in-process. SOPS uses a key service client to send an encrypt or decrypt request to a key service, which then performs the operation. The requests are sent using gRPC and Protocol Buffers. The requests contain an identifier for the key they should perform the operation with, and the plaintext or encrypted data key. The requests do not contain any cryptographic keys, public or private.
WARNING: the key service connection currently does not use any sort of authentication or encryption. Therefore, it is recommended that you make sure the connection is authenticated and encrypted in some other way, for example through an SSH tunnel.
Whenever we try to encrypt or decrypt a data key, SOPS will try to do so first with the local key service (unless it's disabled), and if that fails, it will try all other remote key services until one succeeds.
You can start a key service server by running sops keyservice
You can specify the key services the sops
binary uses with --keyservice
This flag can be specified more than once, so you can use multiple key
services. The local key service can be disabled with
For example, to decrypt a file using both the local key service and the key
service exposed on the unix socket located in /tmp/sops.sock
, you can run:
$ sops decrypt --keyservice unix:///tmp/sops.sock file.yaml`
And if you only want to use the key service exposed on the unix socket located
in /tmp/sops.sock
and not the local key service, you can run:
$ sops decrypt --enable-local-keyservice=false --keyservice unix:///tmp/sops.sock file.yaml
Sometimes, users want to be able to tell what files were accessed by whom in an environment they control. For this reason, SOPS can generate audit logs to record activity on encrypted files. When enabled, SOPS will write a log entry into a pre-configured PostgreSQL database when a file is decrypted. The log includes a timestamp, the username SOPS is running as, and the file that was decrypted.
In order to enable auditing, you must first create the database and credentials
using the schema found in audit/schema.sql
. This schema defines the
tables that store the audit events and a role named sops
that only has
permission to add entries to the audit event tables. The default password for
the role sops
is sops
. You should change this password.
Once you have created the database, you have to tell SOPS how to connect to it.
Because we don't want users of SOPS to be able to control auditing, the audit
configuration file location is not configurable, and must be at
. This file should have strict permissions such
that only the root user can modify it.
For example, to enable auditing to a PostgreSQL database named sops
on localhost, using the user sops
and the password sops
should have the following contents:
- connection_string: "postgres://sops:sops@localhost/sops?sslmode=verify-full"
You can find more information on the connection_string
format in the
PostgreSQL docs.
Under the postgres
map entry in the above YAML is a list, so one can
provide more than one backend, and SOPS will log to all of them:
- connection_string: "postgres://sops:sops@localhost/sops?sslmode=verify-full"
- connection_string: "postgres://sops:sops@remotehost/sops?sslmode=verify-full"
By default SOPS just dumps all the output to the standard output. We can use the
flag followed by a filename to save the output to the file specified.
Beware using both --in-place
and --output
flags will result in an error.
In addition to writing secrets to standard output and to files on disk, SOPS
has two commands for passing decrypted secrets to a new process: exec-env
and exec-file
. These commands will place all output into the environment of
a child process and into a temporary file, respectively. For example, if a
program looks for credentials in its environment, exec-env
can be used to
ensure that the decrypted contents are available only to this process and never
written to disk.
# print secrets to stdout to confirm values
$ sops decrypt out.json
"database_password": "jf48t9wfw094gf4nhdf023r",
# decrypt out.json and run a command
# the command prints the environment variable and runs a script that uses it
$ sops exec-env out.json 'echo secret: $database_password; ./database-import'
secret: jf48t9wfw094gf4nhdf023r
# launch a shell with the secrets available in its environment
$ sops exec-env out.json 'sh'
sh-3.2# echo $database_password
# the secret is not accessible anywhere else
sh-3.2$ exit
$ echo your password: $database_password
your password:
If you want process signals to be sent to the command, for example if you are
running exec-env
to launch a server and your server handles SIGTERM, then the
flag can be used to instruct sops
to start your command in
the same process instead of a child process. This uses the execve
system call
and is supported on Unix-like systems.
If the command you want to run only operates on files, you can use exec-file
instead. By default, SOPS will use a FIFO to pass the contents of the
decrypted file to the new program. Using a FIFO, secrets are only passed in
memory which has two benefits: the plaintext secrets never touch the disk, and
the child process can only read the secrets once. In contexts where this won't
work, eg platforms like Windows where FIFOs unavailable or secret files that need
to be available to the child process longer term, the --no-fifo
flag can be
used to instruct SOPS to use a traditional temporary file that will get cleaned
up once the process is finished executing. exec-file
behaves similar to
in that {}
is used as a placeholder in the command which will be
substituted with the temporary file path (whether a FIFO or an actual file).
# operating on the same file as before, but as a file this time
$ sops exec-file out.json 'echo your temporary file: {}; cat {}'
your temporary file: /tmp/.sops894650499/tmp-file
"database_password": "jf48t9wfw094gf4nhdf023r",
# launch a shell with a variable TMPFILE pointing to the temporary file
$ sops exec-file --no-fifo out.json 'TMPFILE={} sh'
sh-3.2$ echo $TMPFILE
sh-3.2$ cat $TMPFILE
"database_password": "jf48t9wfw094gf4nhdf023r",
sh-3.2$ ./program --config $TMPFILE
sh-3.2$ exit
# try to open the temporary file from earlier
$ cat /tmp/.sops506055069/tmp-file291138648
cat: /tmp/.sops506055069/tmp-file291138648: No such file or directory
Additionally, on unix-like platforms, both exec-env
and exec-file
support dropping privileges before executing the new program via the
--user <username>
flag. This is particularly useful in cases where the
encrypted file is only readable by root, but the target program does not
need root privileges to function. This flag should be used where possible
for added security.
To overwrite the default file name (tmp-file
) in exec-file
use the
--filename <filename>
# the encrypted file can't be read by the current user
$ cat out.json
cat: out.json: Permission denied
# execute sops as root, decrypt secrets, then drop privileges
$ sudo sops exec-env --user nobody out.json 'sh'
sh-3.2$ echo $database_password
# dropped privileges, still can't load the original file
sh-3.2$ id
uid=4294967294(nobody) gid=4294967294(nobody) groups=4294967294(nobody)
sh-3.2$ cat out.json
cat: out.json: Permission denied
sops publish $file
publishes a file to a pre-configured destination (this lives in the SOPS
config file). Additionally, support re-encryption rules that work just like the creation rules.
This command requires a .sops.yaml
configuration file. Below is an example:
- s3_bucket: "sops-secrets"
path_regex: s3/*
pgp: F69E4901EDBAD2D1753F8C67A64535C4163FB307
- gcs_bucket: "sops-secrets"
path_regex: gcs/*
pgp: F69E4901EDBAD2D1753F8C67A64535C4163FB307
- vault_path: "sops/"
vault_kv_mount_name: "secret/" # default
vault_kv_version: 2 # default
path_regex: vault/*
omit_extensions: true
The above configuration will place all files under s3/*
into the S3 bucket sops-secrets
all files under gcs/*
into the GCS bucket sops-secrets
, and the contents of all files under
into Vault's KV store under the path secrets/sops/
. For the files that will be
published to S3 and GCS, it will decrypt them and re-encrypt them using the
pgp key.
You would deploy a file to S3 with a command like: sops publish s3/app.yaml
To publish all files in selected directory recursively, you need to specify --recursive
If you don't want file extension to appear in destination secret path, use --omit-extensions
flag or omit_extensions: true
in the destination rule in .sops.yaml
There are a few settings for Vault that you can place in your destination rules. The first
is vault_path
, which is required. The others are optional, and they are
, vault_kv_mount_name
, vault_kv_version
SOPS uses the official Vault API provided by Hashicorp, which makes use of environment variables for configuring the client.
is used if your Vault KV is mounted somewhere other than secret/
supports 1
and 2
, with 2
being the default.
If the destination secret path already exists in Vault and contains the same data as the source file, it will be skipped.
Below is an example of publishing to Vault (using token auth with a local dev instance of Vault).
$ export VAULT_TOKEN=...
$ export VAULT_ADDR=''
$ sops decrypt vault/test.yaml
example_string: bar
example_number: 42
key: value
$ sops publish vault/test.yaml
uploading /home/user/sops_directory/vault/test.yaml to ? (y/n): y
$ vault kv get secret/sops/test.yaml
====== Metadata ======
Key Value
--- -----
created_time 2019-07-11T03:32:17.074792017Z
deletion_time n/a
destroyed false
version 3
========= Data =========
Key Value
--- -----
example_map map[key:value]
example_number 42
example_string bar
SOPS uses the file extension to decide which encryption method to use on the file
content. YAML
, and INI
files are treated as trees of data, and key/values are
extracted from the files to only encrypt the leaf values. The tree structure is also
used to check the integrity of the file.
Therefore, if a file is encrypted using a specific format, it needs to be decrypted in the same format. The easiest way to achieve this is to conserve the original file extension after encrypting a file. For example:
$ sops encrypt -i myfile.json
$ sops decrypt myfile.json
If you want to change the extension of the file once encrypted, you need to provide
with the --input-type
flag upon decryption. For example:
$ sops encrypt myfile.json > myfile.json.enc
$ sops decrypt --input-type json myfile.json.enc
When operating on stdin, use the --input-type
and --output-type
flags as follows:
$ cat myfile.json | sops decrypt --input-type json --output-type json
SOPS indents JSON
files by default using one tab
. However, you can change
this default behaviour to use spaces
by either using the additional --indent=2
CLI option or
by configuring .sops.yaml
with the code below.
The special value 0
disables indentation, and -1
uses a single tab.
indent: 2
indent: 2
SOPS indents YAML
files by default using 4 spaces. However, you can change
this default behaviour by either using the additional --indent=2
CLI option or
by configuring .sops.yaml
indent: 2
The YAML emitter used by sops only supports values between 2 and 9. If you specify 1, or 10 and larger, the indent will be 2.
SOPS only supports a subset of YAML
's many types. Encrypting YAML files that
contain strings, numbers and booleans will work fine, but files that contain anchors
will not work, because the anchors redefine the structure of the file at load time.
This file will not work in SOPS:
bill-to: &id001
street: |
123 Tornado Alley
Suite 16
city: East Centerville
state: KS
ship-to: *id001
SOPS uses the path to a value as additional data in the AEAD encryption, and thus dynamic paths generated by anchors break the authentication step.
JSON and TEXT file types do not support anchors and thus have no such limitation.
supports having more than one "document" in a single file, while
formats like JSON
do not. SOPS is able to handle both. This means the
following multi-document will be encrypted as expected:
data: foo
data: bar
Note that the sops
metadata, i.e. the hash, etc, is computed for the physical
file rather than each internal "document".
and JSON
top-level arrays are not supported, because SOPS
needs a top-level sops
key to store its metadata.
This file will not work in SOPS:
- some
- array
- elements
But this one will work because the sops
key can be added at the same level as the
- some
- array
- elements
Similarly, with JSON
arrays, this document will not work:
But this one will work just fine:
"data": [
Take a look into the examples folder for detailed use cases of SOPS in a CI environment. The section below describes specific tips for common use cases.
The command below creates a new file with a data key encrypted by KMS and PGP.
$ sops edit --kms "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:927034868273:key/fe86dd69-4132-404c-ab86-4269956b4500" --pgp C9CAB0AF1165060DB58D6D6B2653B624D620786D /path/to/new/file.yaml
Similar to the previous command, we tell SOPS to use one KMS and one PGP key.
The path points to an existing cleartext file, so we give sops
the flag -e
encrypt the file, and redirect the output to a destination file.
$ export SOPS_KMS_ARN="arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:927034868273:key/fe86dd69-4132-404c-ab86-4269956b4500"
$ export SOPS_PGP_FP="C9CAB0AF1165060DB58D6D6B2653B624D620786D"
$ sops encrypt /path/to/existing/file.yaml > /path/to/new/encrypted/file.yaml
Decrypt the file with -d
$ sops decrypt /path/to/new/encrypted/file.yaml
Rather than redirecting the output of -e
or -d
, sops
can replace the
original file after encrypting or decrypting it.
# file.yaml is in cleartext
$ sops encrypt -i /path/to/existing/file.yaml
# file.yaml is now encrypted
$ sops decrypt -i /path/to/existing/file.yaml
# file.yaml is back in cleartext
SOPS primary use case is encrypting YAML and JSON configuration files, but it
also has the ability to manage binary files. When encrypting a binary, SOPS will
read the data as bytes, encrypt it, store the encrypted base64 under
and write the result as JSON.
Note that the base64 encoding of encrypted data can actually make the encrypted file larger than the cleartext one.
In-place encryption/decryption also works on binary files.
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/somerandom bs=1024
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
524288 bytes (524 kB) copied, 0.0466158 s, 11.2 MB/s
$ sha512sum /tmp/somerandom
9589bb20280e9d381f7a192000498c994e921b3cdb11d2ef5a986578dc2239a340b25ef30691bac72bdb14028270828dad7e8bd31e274af9828c40d216e60cbe /tmp/somerandom
$ sops encrypt -i /tmp/somerandom
please wait while a data encryption key is being generated and stored securely
$ sops decrypt -i /tmp/somerandom
$ sha512sum /tmp/somerandom
9589bb20280e9d381f7a192000498c994e921b3cdb11d2ef5a986578dc2239a340b25ef30691bac72bdb14028270828dad7e8bd31e274af9828c40d216e60cbe /tmp/somerandom
SOPS can extract a specific part of a YAML or JSON document, by provided the
path in the --extract
command line flag. This is useful to extract specific
values, like keys, without needing an extra parser.
$ sops decrypt --extract '["app2"]["key"]' ~/git/svc/sops/example.yaml
The tree path syntax uses regular python dictionary syntax, without the variable name. Extract keys by naming them, and array elements by numbering them.
$ sops decrypt --extract '["an_array"][1]' ~/git/svc/sops/example.yaml
SOPS can set a specific part of a YAML or JSON document, by providing
the path and value in the set
command. This is useful to set specific
values, like keys, without needing an editor.
$ sops set ~/git/svc/sops/example.yaml '["app2"]["key"]' '"app2keystringvalue"'
The tree path syntax uses regular python dictionary syntax, without the variable name. Set to keys by naming them, and array elements by numbering them.
$ sops set ~/git/svc/sops/example.yaml '["an_array"][1]' '"secretuser2"'
The value must be formatted as json.
$ sops set ~/git/svc/sops/example.yaml '["an_array"][1]' '{"uid1":null,"uid2":1000,"uid3":["bob"]}'
Symmetrically, SOPS can unset a specific part of a YAML or JSON document, by providing
the path in the unset
command. This is useful to unset specific values, like keys, without
needing an editor.
$ sops unset ~/git/svc/sops/example.yaml '["app2"]["key"]'
The tree path syntax uses regular python dictionary syntax, without the variable name. Set to keys by naming them, and array elements by numbering them.
$ sops unset ~/git/svc/sops/example.yaml '["an_array"][1]'
You most likely want to store encrypted files in a version controlled repository. SOPS can be used with git to decrypt files when showing diffs between versions. This is very handy for reviewing changes or visualizing history.
To configure SOPS to decrypt files during diff, create a .gitattributes
at the root of your repository that contains a filter and a command.
*.yaml diff=sopsdiffer
Here we only care about YAML files. sopsdiffer
is an arbitrary name that we map
to a SOPS command in the git configuration file of the repository.
$ git config diff.sopsdiffer.textconv "sops decrypt"
$ grep -A 1 sopsdiffer .git/config
[diff "sopsdiffer"]
textconv = "sops decrypt"
With this in place, calls to git diff
will decrypt both previous and current
versions of the target file prior to displaying the diff. And it even works with
git client interfaces, because they call git diff under the hood!
Note: this only works on YAML and JSON files, not on BINARY files.
By default, SOPS encrypts all the values of a YAML or JSON file and leaves the keys in cleartext. In some instances, you may want to exclude some values from being encrypted. This can be accomplished by adding the suffix _unencrypted to any key of a file. When set, all values underneath the key that set the _unencrypted suffix will be left in cleartext.
Note that, while in cleartext, unencrypted content is still added to the
checksum of the file, and thus cannot be modified outside of SOPS without
breaking the file integrity check.
This behavior can be modified using --mac-only-encrypted
flag or .sops.yaml
config file which makes SOPS compute a MAC only over values it encrypted and
not all values.
The unencrypted suffix can be set to a different value using the
Conversely, you can opt in to only encrypt some values in a YAML or JSON file,
by adding a chosen suffix to those keys and passing it to the --encrypted-suffix
A third method is to use the --encrypted-regex
which will only encrypt values under
keys that match the supplied regular expression. For example, this command:
$ sops encrypt --encrypted-regex '^(data|stringData)$' k8s-secrets.yaml
will encrypt the values under the data
and stringData
keys in a YAML file
containing kubernetes secrets. It will not encrypt other values that help you to
navigate the file, like metadata
which contains the secrets' names.
Conversely, you can opt in to only leave certain keys without encrypting by using the
option, which will leave the values unencrypted of those keys
that match the supplied regular expression. For example, this command:
$ sops encrypt --unencrypted-regex '^(description|metadata)$' k8s-secrets.yaml
will not encrypt the values under the description
and metadata
keys in a YAML file
containing kubernetes secrets, while encrypting everything else.
For YAML files, another method is to use --encrypted-comment-regex
which will
only encrypt comments and values which have a preceding comment matching the supplied
regular expression.
Conversely, you can opt in to only left certain keys without encrypting by using the
option, which will leave the values and comments
unencrypted when they have a preeceding comment, or a trailing comment on the same line,
that matches the supplied regular expression.
You can also specify these options in the .sops.yaml
config file.
Note: these six options --unencrypted-suffix
, --encrypted-suffix
, --encrypted-regex
, --encrypted-comment-regex
, and --unencrypted-comment-regex
mutually exclusive and cannot all be used in the same file.
When SOPS creates a file, it generates a random 256 bit data key and asks each
KMS and PGP master key to encrypt the data key. The encrypted version of the data
key is stored in the sops
metadata under sops.kms
and sops.pgp
For KMS:
- enc: CiC6yCOtzsnFhkfdIslYZ0bAf//gYLYCmIu87B3sy/5yYxKnAQEBAQB4usgjrc7JxYZH3SLJWGdGwH//4GC2ApiLvOwd7Mv+cmMAAAB+MHwGCSqGSIb3DQEHBqBvMG0CAQAwaAYJKoZIhvcNAQcBMB4GCWCGSAFlAwQBLjARBAyGdRODuYMHbA8Ozj8CARCAO7opMolPJUmBXd39Zlp0L2H9fzMKidHm1vvaF6nNFq0ClRY7FlIZmTm4JfnOebPseffiXFn9tG8cq7oi
enc_ts: 1439568549.245995
arn: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:656532927350:key/920aff2e-c5f1-4040-943a-047fa387b27e
For PGP:
- fp: 85D77543B3D624B63CEA9E6DBC17301B491B3F21
created_at: 1441570391.930042
enc: |
Version: GnuPG v1
SOPS then opens a text editor on the newly created file. The user adds data to the file and saves it when done.
Upon save, SOPS browses the entire file as a key/value tree. Every time SOPS encounters a leaf value (a value that does not have children), it encrypts the value with AES256_GCM using the data key and a 256 bit random initialization vector.
Each file uses a single data key to encrypt all values of a document, but each value receives a unique initialization vector and has unique authentication data.
Additional data is used to guarantee the integrity of the encrypted data and of the tree structure: when encrypting the tree, key names are concatenated into a byte string that is used as AEAD additional data (aad) when encrypting values. We expect that keys do not carry sensitive information, and keeping them in cleartext allows for better diff and overall readability.
Any valid KMS or PGP master key can later decrypt the data key and access the data.
Multiple master keys allow for sharing encrypted files without sharing master keys, and provide a disaster recovery solution. The recommended way to use SOPS is to have two KMS master keys in different regions and one PGP public key with the private key stored offline. If, by any chance, both KMS master keys are lost, you can always recover the encrypted data using the PGP private key.
In addition to authenticating branches of the tree using keys as additional
data, SOPS computes a MAC on all the values to ensure that no value has been
added or removed fraudulently. The MAC is stored encrypted with AES_GCM and
the data key under tree -> sops
-> mac
This behavior can be modified using --mac-only-encrypted
flag or .sops.yaml
config file which makes SOPS compute a MAC only over values it encrypted and
not all values.
📝 A note from the maintainers
This section was written by the original authors of SOPS while they were working at Mozilla. It is kept here for historical reasons and to provide technical background on the project. It is not necessarily representative of the views of the current maintainers, nor are they currently affiliated with Mozilla.
Automating the distribution of secrets and credentials to components of an infrastructure is a hard problem. We know how to encrypt secrets and share them between humans, but extending that trust to systems is difficult. Particularly when these systems follow devops principles and are created and destroyed without human intervention. The issue boils down to establishing the initial trust of a system that just joined the infrastructure, and providing it access to the secrets it needs to configure itself.
In many infrastructures, even highly dynamic ones, the initial trust is established by a human. An example is seen in Puppet by the way certificates are issued: when a new system attempts to join a Puppetmaster, an administrator must, by default, manually approve the issuance of the certificate the system needs. This is cumbersome, and many puppetmasters are configured to auto-sign new certificates to work around that issue. This is obviously not recommended and far from ideal.
AWS provides a more flexible approach to trusting new systems. It uses a powerful mechanism of roles and identities. In AWS, it is possible to verify that a new system has been granted a specific role at creation, and it is possible to map that role to specific resources. Instead of trusting new systems directly, the administrator trusts the AWS permission model and its automation infrastructure. As long as AWS keys are safe, and the AWS API is secure, we can assume that trust is maintained and systems are who they say they are.
Using the AWS trust model, we can create fine grained access controls to Amazon's Key Management Service (KMS). KMS is a service that encrypts and decrypts data with AES_GCM, using keys that are never visible to users of the service. Each KMS master key has a set of role-based access controls, and individual roles are permitted to encrypt or decrypt using the master key. KMS helps solve the problem of distributing keys, by shifting it into an access control problem that can be solved using AWS's trust model.
When Mozilla's Services Operations team started revisiting the issue of distributing secrets to EC2 instances, we set a goal to store these secrets encrypted until the very last moment, when they need to be decrypted on target systems. Not unlike many other organizations that operate sufficiently complex automation, we found this to be a hard problem with a number of prerequisites:
- Secrets must be stored in YAML files for easy integration into hiera
- Secrets must be stored in GIT, and when a new CloudFormation stack is built, the current HEAD is pinned to the stack. (This allows secrets to be changed in GIT without impacting the current stack that may autoscale).
- Entries must be encrypted separately. Encrypting entire files as blobs makes git conflict resolution almost impossible. Encrypting each entry separately is much easier to manage.
- Secrets must always be encrypted on disk (admin laptop, upstream git repo, jenkins and S3) and only be decrypted on the target systems
SOPS can be used to encrypt YAML, JSON and BINARY files. In BINARY mode, the content of the file is treated as a blob, the same way PGP would encrypt an entire file. In YAML and JSON modes, however, the content of the file is manipulated as a tree where keys are stored in cleartext, and values are encrypted. hiera-eyaml does something similar, and over the years we learned to appreciate its benefits, namely:
- diffs are meaningful. If a single value of a file is modified, only that value will show up in the diff. The diff is still limited to only showing encrypted data, but that information is already more granular that indicating that an entire file has changed.
- conflicts are easier to resolve. If multiple users are working on the same encrypted files, as long as they don't modify the same values, changes are easy to merge. This is an improvement over the PGP encryption approach where unsolvable conflicts often happen when multiple users work on the same file.
OpenPGP gets a lot of bad press for being an outdated crypto protocol, and while true, what really made us look for alternatives is the difficulty of managing and distributing keys to systems. With KMS, we manage permissions to an API, not keys, and that's a lot easier to do.
But PGP is not dead yet, and we still rely on it heavily as a backup solution: all our files are encrypted with KMS and with one PGP public key, with its private key stored securely for emergency decryption in the event that we lose all our KMS master keys.
SOPS can be used without KMS entirely, the same way you would use an encrypted PGP file: by referencing the pubkeys of each individual who has access to the file. It can easily be done by providing SOPS with a comma-separated list of public keys when creating a new file:
$ sops edit --pgp "E60892BB9BD89A69F759A1A0A3D652173B763E8F,84050F1D61AF7C230A12217687DF65059EF093D3,85D77543B3D624B63CEA9E6DBC17301B491B3F21" mynewfile.yaml
The security of the data stored using SOPS is as strong as the weakest cryptographic mechanism. Values are encrypted using AES256_GCM which is the strongest symmetric encryption algorithm known today. Data keys are encrypted in either KMS, which also uses AES256_GCM, or PGP which uses either RSA or ECDSA keys.
Going from the most likely to the least likely, the threats are as follows:
An attacker with access to an AWS console can grant itself access to one of
the KMS master keys used to encrypt a sops
data key. This threat should be
mitigated by protecting AWS accesses with strong controls, such as multi-factor
authentication, and also by performing regular audits of permissions granted
to AWS users.
PGP keys are routinely mishandled, either because owners copy them from machine to machine, or because the key is left forgotten on an unused machine an attacker gains access to. When using PGP encryption, SOPS users should take special care of PGP private keys, and store them on smart cards or offline as often as possible.
SOPS doesn't apply any restriction on the size or type of PGP keys. A weak PGP keys, for example 512 bits RSA, could be factorized by an attacker to gain access to the private key and decrypt the data key. Users of SOPS should rely on strong keys, such as 2048+ bits RSA keys, or 256+ bits ECDSA keys.
A vulnerability in AES256_GCM could potentially leak the data key or the KMS master key used by a SOPS encrypted file. While no such vulnerability exists today, we recommend that users keep their encrypted files reasonably private.
SOPS will remain backward compatible on the major version, meaning that all improvements brought to the 1.X and 2.X branches (current) will maintain the file format introduced in 1.0.
Please report any security issues privately using GitHub's advisory form.
Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
SOPS was initially launched as a project at Mozilla in 2015 and has been graciously donated to the CNCF as a Sandbox project in 2023, now under the stewardship of a new group of maintainers.
The original authors of the project were:
- Adrian Utrilla @autrilla
- Julien Vehent @jvehent
Furthermore, the project has been carried for a long time by AJ Bahnken @ajvb, and had not been possible without the contributions of numerous contributors.
SOPS was inspired by hiera-eyaml, credstash, sneaker, password store and too many years managing PGP encrypted files by hand...
We are a Cloud Native Computing Foundation sandbox project.