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Manual Download And Installation

Calin Crisan edited this page Nov 7, 2015 · 9 revisions

Before Proceeding

  • Read the general Installation page first.
  • Although not recommended, manually installing motionEye can give you more control over the directory where motionEye is installed and the way the server is started.
  • All commands require root; use sudo before each command or become root using sudo -i or su.


  1. Unless you configure your machine for a remote cameras-only hub, make sure you have motion, ffmpeg and v4l-utils installed on your system. This step depends on the distro you're using.

  2. Make sure you have installed a python 2.7 interpreter, pip, libcurl and libjpeg.

  3. Download motioneye from PyPI or directly from releases on github.

  4. Install motioneye, which will automatically pull Python dependencies (tornado, jinja2, pillow and pycurl):

    • using pip:

        pip install motioneye-x.y.tar.gz
    • manually running

        tar zxvf motioneye-x.y.tar.gz
        cd motioneye-x.y
        python install --prefix=/usr
  5. Prepare the configuration directory (you can choose to use whatever configuration directory you want):

     mkdir -p /path/to/motioneye
     cp /usr/share/motioneye/extra/motioneye.conf.sample /path/to/motioneye/motioneye.conf
  6. You will probably want to edit the configuration file and change various paths:

     nano /path/to/motioneye/motioneye.conf

    note: if you comment out all the paths in motioneye.conf, the /path/to/motioneye/ folder will be used for conf, run, log and media paths.

  7. Run the motionEye server:

     meyectl startserver -c /path/to/motioneye/motioneye.conf

    (hit Ctrl+C to terminate)

    note: You can use the -b argument to meyectl to start the server in background, and then meyectl stopserver to stop it.

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