aprofutil is a tool to inspect AOT profiler files
Usage: aprofutil.exe OPTIONS* <aotprofile-file>
Processes AOTPROFILE files created by Mono's AOT Profiler
Copyright 2019 Microsoft Corporation
-h, --help, -? Show this message and exit
-a, --all Show modules, types and methods in the profile
-d, --modules Show modules in the profile
--filter-method=VALUE Filter by method with regex VALUE
--filter-module=VALUE Filter by module with regex VALUE
--filter-type=VALUE Filter by type with regex VALUE
-m, --methods Show methods in the profile
-s, --summary Show summary of the profile
-t, --types Show types in the profile
-v, --verbose Output information about progress during the run
of the tool
If no other option than -v is used then --all is used by default
It can be use to show and filter the profiler file content in readable text form.
Display modules and summary of XA startup profile
mono aprofutil.exe -sd startup.aotprofile
41C38B0A-2032-45CE-8638-0299CED65330 mscorlib
0326DF03-2158-4F7A-9A2B-B7A9419F021D Mono.Android
8FB63BB4-1195-4173-A9ED-0EC341B07C32 System
74C06E06-C1C7-4A4C-B64E-EAC7DBB08BBC Java.Interop
11E2319F-6A26-461C-9C46-C972248BEE4B System.Core
7999CC4B-D566-4ECA-8A72-469344172CA3 Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android
C5089213-328B-451D-BA87-D6585C120780 Xamarin.Forms.Performance.Integration.Droid
D754F8AE-503C-41C8-B16F-647FC662507A Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.AppCompat
929ECB6D-1171-4C66-8470-DD32AC608969 Xamarin.Android.Support.Fragment
F841E23B-59A8-4AE2-9A84-D2FC1D891B4A Xamarin.Forms.Core
945CCBF8-C2DB-468B-B3BD-D7ACA37B69AD Xamarin.Forms.Performance.Integration
AF20FA19-F07E-4BD4-B5ED-104706EA660E Xamarin.Forms.Xaml
629C84F8-0988-42EF-8BC5-872173A0A71F FormsViewGroup
60398815-8E62-487E-A553-781F56A0849D Xamarin.Android.Support.Design
F0C550D7-665A-40B5-A307-8E9B49976D87 Xamarin.Android.Support.Core.UI
23A34485-DE75-440E-BA9D-E235F664E990 Xamarin.Android.Support.Compat
Modules: 16
Types: 907
Methods: 4,230
Filter Java.Interop.Runtime type in XA startup profile:
mono aprofutil.exe --filter-type Java.Interop.Runtime -sa startup.aotprofile
0326DF03-2158-4F7A-9A2B-B7A9419F021D Mono.Android
bool Java.Interop.Runtime:IsGCUserPeer (Android.Runtime.IJavaObject)
bool Java.Interop.Runtime:IsGCUserPeer (intptr)
Modules: 1 (of 16)
Types: 1 (of 907)
Methods: 2 (of 4230)