To start with this repo, run the following command to build the repo
docker-compose -p watchtower build
Once the containers have been built, use the following commands to start up the container
docker-compose -p watchtower up -d
This starts the containers in detach
Please Note, this How to Use shows the steps for localhost
To send the error, it's advisable to use a background service to send the requests. It works effectively in try..catch blocks, error handlers e.t.c
Data sample to send:
"clientIp": "IP Address of client that triggered the error",
"service": "Unique name of the application/microservice where the error is triggered",
"errorMessage": "A user readable form of the error message",
"stackTrace": "The entire Exception in string form",
"clientId": "Unique Identification for Client"
Send a POST request to
with the above data sample
- Authentication
- Token based request