Require the otr4-em module (underlying gcrypt and otr libraries will be initialised.
var otr = require("otr4-em");
Returns version information of the underlying libotr:
console.log("Using version:", otr.version() );
The User object is used to manage a user's accounts (public keys) and known fingerprints.
var otr = require("otr4-em");
var user = new otr.User({
keys:'/alice.keys', //path to OTR keys file (required)
fingerprints:'/alice.fp', //path to fingerprints file (required)
instags:'/alice.instags' //path to instance tags file (required)
All data is loaded in memory (UserState) and stored on the virtual file system VFS().
If specified files exist the keys, fingerprints and instance tags will be loaded automatically. A warning will be logged to the console otherwise.
We can check what accounts have been load..
[ { accountname: '[email protected]',
protocol: 'xmpp',
fingerprint: '65D366AF CF9B065F 41708CB0 1DC26F61 D3DF5935',
privkey: [Object] } ]
To generate an OTR key for a given accountname and protocol: (If a key already exists it will be overwritten)
user.generateKey("[email protected]", "xmpp", function(err, privkey){
console.log("something went wrong!",err.message);
console.log("Generated Key Successfully:",privkey.exportPublic() );
Creating an instance tag for account/protocol:
alice.generateInstag("[email protected]","xmpp",function(err,instag){ if(err){ console.log("failed to generate instance tag.",err); }else{ console.log("new instance tag:",instag); } });
To retrieve the fingerprint of a key:
user.fingerprint("[email protected]","xmpp");
'65D366AF CF9B065F 41708CB0 1DC26F61 D3DF5935'
Returns an OtrlPrivKey() instance if it exists. (null otherwise)
var privkey = user.findKey("[email protected]","xmpp");
Deleted a key from memory and file if it exists.
Create a ConnContext(). accountname and protocol will select the key to use in this context, and buddy_name is our chosen name for the remote party which is stored in the fingerprints file.
Writes fingerprints out to file.
Writes keys out to file.
Exports the DSA key for the account/protocol. (Can be imported to another User using user.importKey())
Exports the DSA key for the account/protocol. (Can be imported to another User using user.importKey())
Will import a DSA key (exported using user.exportKeyHex or user.exportBigInt) and assign it to accountname/protocol.
This is the 'privkey' object returned user.findKey() and inthe callback of user.accounts() and user.generateKey().
privkey.accountname() - Accountname the key is associated with.
privkey.protocol() - Protocol the key is associated with.
privkey.export(format) - Exports the private DSA key. format can be "HEX" or "BIGINT"
privkey.exportPublic(format) - Exports only the public components of the DSA key. format can be "HEX" or "BINGINT"
A ConnContext with buddy 'BOB' is created from a User() object. The last argument is our selected name for buddy Bob.
var context = user.ConnContext("[email protected]","xmpp","BOB");
To get the state of a ConnContext:
returns string: protocol name
return string: name we have given to buddy "BOB"
return string: account name of the otr key, eg. "[email protected]"
return string: fingerprint of buddy in an active Session()
return number: otr protocol version in use, eg. 3
returns number: 0 = plaintext, 1 = encrypted
returns number: current state of the SMP (Socialist Millionaire's Protocol)
returns string: 'smp' if buddy's fingerprint has been verified by SMP.
returns number: instance tag of buddy
returns number: our instance tag
To setup an OTR conversation with a buddy, create a Session(). As arguments it takes a User, ConnContext, and a set of parameters for the session. Session instances are event emitters.
###Setting up a Session()###
var session = new otr.Session(user, context, {
policy: otr.POLICY("ALWAYS"), //optional policy - default = otr.POLICY("DEFAULT")
MTU: 5000, //optional - max fragment size in bytes - default=0,no-fragmentation
secret: "SECRET", //secret for SMP authentication.
secrets: {'question-1':'secret-1',
'question-2':'secret-2'} //question and answer pairs for SMP Authentication.
Initiates the otr protocol. This can be used if we wish to initiate the protocol without sending an actual message.
End the session.
###Exchanging Messages
Fragment and send message.toString(). Optional instag can be specified.
Should be called when receiving a message from buddy.
###Authenticating with SMP (Socialist Millionaire's Protocol)
Starts SMP authentication. If otional [secret] is not passed it is taken from the parameters.
Starts SMP authentication with a question and optional [secret]. If secret is not passed it is taken from the parameters.
Responds to SMP authentication request with optional [secret]. If secret is not passed it is taken from the parameters.
True only if current session is encrypted.
True only if the fingerprint of the buddy has been authenticated/verified by SMP.
message(msg, encrypted) - received message msg. If message was encrypted encrypted will be true.
inject_message(msg_fragment) - encrypted msg_fragment to be sent to buddy
gone_secure() - message exchange is now encrypted.
still_secure() - encryption re-negotiated. message exchange is encrypted.
create_privkey(accountname,protocol) - a private key for account/protocol specified was not found and needs to be created.
create_instag(accountname,protocol) - an instance tag for account/protocol specified was not found and needs to be created.
new_fingerprint(fingerprint) - first time we are seeing remote buddy's fingerprint. This is a que to begin authentication.
smp_request(question) - buddy has started a SMP authentication. (possibly with a question)
smp_complete() - SMP authentication completed successfully.
smp_failed() - SMP failed (usually buddy doesn't know the secret)
smp_aborted() - SMP (something went wrong at the protocol level)
remote_disconnected() - channel closed() [remotely]
update_context_list() - fired when underlying ConnContext changes (inteded mostly for UI updates)
shutdown() - channel was closed [locally]
msg_event(event_no, message, err) - event_no, message if appropriate and a GcryptError() err
received_symkey(use_num, usedata_buff, key_buff) - buddy wants to use the current extra symmetric key. buddy has sent additional use information and use-specific data in use_num (number) and usedata_buff (ArrayBuffer). key_buff is the 32-byte ArrayBuffer holding the synchronised symmetric key.
Returns on of the corresponding event names below of event_number
RCVDMSG_UNENCRYPTED //'message' event will also be fired with encrypted parameter = false
The policy is used as a parameter when setting up a Session().
var otr = require("otr4-em");
var policy = otr.POLICY("DEFAULT");
//available policies
The Virtual File System (vfs) is a volatile in memory file system which stores keys and fingerprints.
var VFS = otr.VFS();
Copies a file from the vfs to the real file system. An Optional 'transform' function will be passed the entire contents of the virtual file as a Buffer before it is written to disk. This operation is synchronous and overwrites an existing file. The transform function must return a Buffer to be written to disk. (You could use this to encrypt the file for example)
Copies a file from the real file system to the vfs. An Optional 'transform' function will be passed the contents of the file as a Buffer before it is imported to the vfs. This operation is synchronous and overwrites an existing file. The transform function must return a Buffer to be written to the vfs file. (You could use this to decrypt the file)