Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if you have a way to improve this project.
Make sure your request is meaningful and you have tested the app locally before submitting a pull request.
This documentation contains a set of guidelines to help you during the contribution process.
You can refer to the following articles on the basics of Git and GitHub in case you are stuck:
- Forking a Repo
- Cloning a Repo
- How to create a Pull Request
- Getting started with Git and GitHub
- Learn GitHub from Scratch
sudo apt-get install php
sudo apt-get install php-curl
sudo apt-get install composer
sudo apt-get install inkscape
Install PHP from XAMPP or
▶ How to install and run PHP using XAMPP (Windows)
git clone
cd github-readme-streak-stats
To get the GitHub API to run locally you will need to provide a token.
- Visit this link to create a new Personal Access Token
- Scroll to the bottom and click "Generate token"
- Make a copy of the
in the root directory and add your token afterTOKEN=
Run the following command to install all the required dependencies to work on this project.
composer install
composer start
Open http://localhost:8000/?user=DenverCoder1 to run the project locally
Open http://localhost:8000/demo/ to run the demo site
Run the following command to run the PHPUnit test script which will verify that the tested functionality is still working.
composer test
This project uses Prettier for formatting PHP, Markdown, JavaScript and CSS files.
# Run prettier and show the files that need to be fixed
composer lint
# Run prettier and fix the files
composer lint-fix
Below you will find the process and workflow used to review and merge your changes.
- Take a look at the existing issues or create your own issues!
- Fork this repository. This will create a copy of this repository on your GitHub profile.
Keep a reference to the original project in the
git clone<your-username>/github-readme-streak-stats.git
cd github-readme-streak-stats
git remote add upstream
- If you have already forked the project, update your copy before working.
git remote update
git checkout <branch-name>
git rebase upstream/<branch-name>
Create a new branch. Use its name to identify the issue you're addressing.
# Creates a new branch with the name feature_name and switches to it
git checkout -b feature_name
- Work on the issue(s) assigned to you.
- Make all the necessary changes to the codebase.
- After you've made changes or made your contribution to the project, add changes to the branch you've just created using:
# To add all new files to the branch
git add .
# To add only a few files to the branch
git add <some files (with path)>
- Commit a descriptive message using:
# This message will get associated with all files you have changed
git commit -m "message"
- Now you are ready to your work on the remote repository.
- When your work is ready and complies with the project conventions, upload your changes to your fork:
# To push your work to your remote repository
git push -u origin Branch_Name
- Go to your forked repository in your browser and click on "Compare and pull request". Then add a title and description to your pull request that explains your contribution.
- Voila! Your Pull Request has been submitted and it's ready to be merged.🥳