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223 lines (129 loc) · 15.1 KB

File metadata and controls

223 lines (129 loc) · 15.1 KB



####* api.generateAuthUrl(client_id, client_secret, redirect_url, scopes=None)

Saves id, secret, redirect for getAuthResponse. First half of server-side web flow. This returns a URL. Copy it and open it in a browser. When you authenticate, it will take you to the redirect URL with the code attached. Feed that code into getAuthResponse and you will have the access token.

####* api.getAuthResponse(code)

Second half of server-side web flow. Use the code obtained from the AuthURL. Note that this sets access_token but doesn't save it.

####* api.getAppAccessToken(client_id, client_secret)

Obtains and returns an app access token. ###user ####* api.getUser(user_id) - Retrieve a User

####* api.updateUser() - Update a User

####* api.partialUpdateUser() - Partially Update a User

####* api.getAvatarUser(user_id) - Retrieve a User's avatar image

####* api.updateAvatarUser() - Update a User's avatar image

####* api.getCoverUser(user_id) - Retrieve a User's cover image

####* api.updateCoverUser() - Update a User's cover image

####* api.followUser(user_id) - Follow a User

####* api.unfollowUser(user_id) - Unfollow a User

####* api.muteUser(user_id) - Mute a User

####* api.unmuteUser(user_id) - Unmute a User

####* api.blockUser(user_id) - Block a User

####* api.unblockUser(user_id) - Unblock a User

####* api.getListUser(ids=[...]) - Retrieve multiple Users

####* api.searchUser() - Search for Users

####* api.getFollowingUser(user_id) - Retrieve Users a User is following

####* api.getFollowersUser(user_id) - Retrieve Users following a User

####* api.getFollowingIdsUser(user_id) - Retrieve IDs of Users a User is following

####* api.getFollowerIdsUser(user_id) - Retrieve IDs of Users following a User

####* api.getMutedUser(user_id) - Retrieve muted Users

####* api.getMutedListUser(ids=[...]) - Retrieve muted User IDs for multiple Users

####* api.getBlockedUser(user_id) - Retrieve blocked Users

####* api.getBlockedListUser(ids=[...]) - Retrieve blocked User IDs for multiple Users

####* api.getRepostersUser(post_id) - Retrieve Users who reposted a Post

####* api.getStarsUser(post_id) - Retrieve Users who starred a Post ###post ####* api.createPost() - Create a Post

####* api.getPost(post_id) - Retrieve a Post

####* api.destroyPost(post_id) - Delete a Post

####* api.repostPost(post_id) - Repost a Post

####* api.unrepostPost(post_id) - Unrepost a Post

####* api.starPost(post_id) - Star a Post

####* api.unstarPost(post_id) - Unstar a Post

####* api.getListPost(ids=[...]) - Retrieve multiple Posts

####* api.getUserPost(user_id) - Retrieve a User's posts

####* api.getUserStarredPost(user_id) - Retrieve a User's starred posts

####* api.getUserMentionsPost(user_id) - Retrieve Posts mentioning a User

####* api.getHashtagPost(hashtag) - Retrieve Posts containing a hashtag

####* api.getThreadPost(post_id) - Retrieve replies to a Post

####* api.getUserStreamPost() - Retrieve a User's personalized stream

####* api.getUnifiedStreamPost() - Retrieve a User's unified stream

####* api.getGlobalPost() - Retrieve the Global stream

####* api.reportPost(post_id) - Report a Post

####* api.searchPost() - Search for Posts ###channel ####* api.getUserSubscribedChannel() - Get current user's subscribed channels

####* api.createChannel() - Create a Channel

####* api.getChannel(channel_id) - Retrieve a Channel

####* api.getListChannel(ids=[...]) - Retrieve multiple Channels

####* api.getCreatedChannel() - Retrieve my Channels

####* api.getUnreadCountChannel() - Retrieve number of unread PM Channels

####* api.getUnreadBroadcastCountChannel() - Retrieve number of unread Broadcast Channels

####* api.markBroadcastChannelsReadChannel() - Mark all Broadcast Channels as read

####* api.updateChannel(channel_id) - Update a Channel

####* api.deactivateChannel(channel_id) - Deactivate a Channel

####* api.subscribeChannel(channel_id) - Subscribe to a Channel

####* api.unsubscribeChannel(channel_id) - Unsubscribe from a Channel

####* api.getSubscribersChannel(channel_id) - Retrieve users subscribed to a Channel

####* api.getSubscriberIdsChannel(channel_id) - Retrieve user ids subscribed to a Channel

####* api.getSubscriberIdListChannel(ids=[...]) - Retrieve user ids subscribed to multiple Channels

####* api.muteChannel(channel_id) - Mute a Channel

####* api.unmuteChannel(channel_id) - Unmute a Channel

####* api.getMutedChannel() - Get current user's muted Channels

####* api.searchChannel() - Search for Channels ###message ####* api.getChannelMessage(channel_id) - Retrieve the Messages in a Channel

####* api.createMessage(channel_id) - Create a Message

####* api.getMessage(channel_id, message_id) - Retrieve a Message

####* api.getListMessage(ids=[...]) - Retrieve multiple Messages

####* api.getUserMessage() - Retrieve my Messages

####* api.destroyMessage(channel_id, message_id) - Delete a Message ###file ####* api.createFile() - Create a File

####* api.createPlaceholderFile() - Create a File Placeholder

####* api.getFile(file_id) - Retrieve a File

####* api.getListFile(ids=[...]) - Retrieve multiple Files

####* api.destroyFile(file_id) - Delete a File

####* api.getUserFile() - Retrieve my Files

####* api.updateFile(file_id) - Update a File

####* api.getContentFile(file_id) - Get File content

####* api.setContentFile(file_id) - Set File content ###AppStream ####* api.createAppStream() - Create a Stream

####* api.getAppStream(stream_id) - Retrieve a Stream

####* api.updateAppStream(stream_id) - Update a Stream

####* api.destroyAppStream(stream_id) - Delete a Stream

####* api.getAllAppStream() - Retrieve all Streams for the current Token

####* api.destroyAllAppStream() - Delete all Streams for the current Token ###UserStream ####* api.destroyUserStream(connection_id) - Delete a User Stream

####* api.destroySubscriptionUserStream(connection_id, subscription_id) - Delete a User Stream Subscription ###filter ####* api.createFilter() - Create a Filter

####* api.getFilter(filter_id) - Retrieve a Filter

####* api.updateFilter(filter_id) - Update a Filter

####* api.destroyFilter(filter_id) - Delete a Filter

####* api.getUserFilter() - Get the current User's Filters

####* api.destroyUserFilter() - Delete the current User's Filters ###interaction ####* api.getInteraction() - Retrieve Interactions with the current User ###marker ####* api.updateMarker() - Update a Stream Marker ###text ####* api.processText() - Process text ###token ####* api.getToken() - Retrieve the current token

####* api.getAuthorizedIdsToken() - Retrieve authorized User IDs for an app

####* api.getAuthorizedToken() - Retrieve authorized User tokens for an app ###place ####* api.getPlace(factual_id) - Retrieve a Place

####* api.searchPlace() - Search for Places ###explore ####* api.showExplore() - Retrieve all Explore Streams

####* api.getExplore(slug) - Retrieve an Explore Stream ###config ####* api.getConfig() - Retrieve the Configuration Object