#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# pantcl - standalone application and pandoc filter
#          for literate programming
# Author: Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany
# Version: 0.9.12 - 2023-04-17
# Version: 0.9.13 - 2023-09-07
# Version: 0.9.14 - 2024-11-27
# Version: 0.10.0 - 2024-11-29
# Version: 0.10.1 - 2024-12-19
# Version: 0.10.2 - 2024-12-24
# Version: 0.10.3 - 2025-02-22

package provide pantcl 0.10.3
namespace eval ::pantcl { }
if {[llength $argv] > 0 && ([lsearch -exact $argv -v] >= 0 || [lsearch -exact $argv --version] >= 0)} {
    puts "[package present pantcl]"
    exit 0

 Usage (filter):    pandoc \[pandoc arguments\] --filter $argv0 \[pandoc arguments\]
  This is the pandoc Tcl filter which should be run as filter for the pandoc document
  converter with a syntax like shown above.  This filter allows you to embed Tcl code 
  and other tools code within Markdown and other Text format documents. 
  For a list of filters which are available see below.

 Available Filters:
       - ```{.abc}    ABC music notation code```
       - ```{.cmd}    Command line application code```
       - ```{.dot}    GraphViz dot/neato code```
       - ```{.emf}    MicroEmacs macro code```
       - ```{.eqn}    EQN equations```
       - ```{.julia}  Julia code```
       - ```{.mmd}    Mermaid diagram code```
       - ```{.mtex}   LaTeX equations```
       - ```{.pic}    PIC diagram code```
       - ```{.pik}    Pikchr diagram code```
       - ```{.pipe}   Embed Python, R or Octave code```
       - ```{.puml}   PlantUML diagram code```
       - ```{.rplot}  R plot code```
       - ```{.sqlite} SQLite3 code code```
       - ```{.tcl}    Tcl code```
       - ```{.tcrd}   Songs with embedded chords```
       - ```{.tdot}   Tcl package tdot code```
       - ```{.tsvg}   Tcl package tsvg code```
 Usage (standalone): 
     $argv0 \[arguments\] infile outfile \[options\] \[--no-pandoc\]

     Converting the given infile to outfile.
     If infile is a source code file ending with `.tcl`, `.R`  or `.py,
     it is assumed that it contains mkdoc documentation. 
     This is embedded Markdown markup after  a #' comment. 
     In case pandoc is installed the pantcl application will  will be used
      as filter afterwards.
     To set the default for the evaluation of filters to TRUE you can run the
     application like this:
     FILTEREVAL=1 $argv0 \[arguments\] infile \[outfile\] \[options\] \[--no-pandoc\]

     Hint: The --no-pandoc option is not required for the pantcl.mbin application as
           this can be only used standalone, but not as a pandoc filter.


    --help                  - display this help page

    --version               - display the pantcl version  

    --gui                   - start the graphical user interace, in this case outfile can
                              be omitted

    infile                  - the input filename, can be Markdown, Tcl, R,
                              Python etc with embedded Makrdown behind #' comments  

    outfile                 - the output file either Markdown (.md) or HTML (.html) or
                              source code files if the outfile has a extension like `.tcl`
                              or `.R` etc.   
    --base64     BOOL      - should local image and css files being included using base64 encoding
                             creating standalone HTML files
    --javascript LIB|FILE  - should the online Javascript library LIB or the file FILE being included
                             in the header section, possible LIB is highlightjs
    --no-pandoc            - do not work as a pandoc filter, but as a standalone application

    --mathjax    BOOL      - should mathjax library being included to display formulas, default: false

    --refresh    INT       - should a refresh header included into the HTML output to refresh the page
                             automatically every N seconds
    --tangle     CHUNK     - exteact all  code from chunk type CHUNK

    $argv0 --version                  - display the version
    $argv0 infile outfile --no-pandoc - use the standalone converter
    $argv0 infile outfile --tangle .tcl  - extract all code from .tcl chunks
    $argv0 infile outfile --mathjax true - render equations within the document
    $argv0 infile outfile --javascript highlightjs --no-pandoc 
                                       - support highlighting source code
    $argv0 infile outfile --refresh 10 --no-pandoc 
                                       - support HTML refreshing every N seconds

    Usage (GUI): $argv0 --gui \[infile\]
         Supported infiles: abc, dot, eqn, mmd, mtex, pic, pik, puml, rplot, tdot, tsvg\n"


    $argv0 pantcl.tcl pantcl.html --css mini.css

           will extract the documentation from the file pantcl.tcl itself
           and create a HTML file executing all filters available.
           All usual pandoc options can be passed after the output file name

    Version:  [package present pantcl]
    Homepage: https://github.com/mittelmark/pantcl
    Author:   Detlef Groth, University of Potsdam, Germany
    License:  MIT
    Readme:   http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/mittelmark/pantcl/blob/master/pantcl/Readme.html
# allow loading Tcl packages and filters
set appdir [file dirname [info script]]
if {[file exists  [file join $appdir lib]]} {
    lappend auto_path [file normalize [file join $appdir lib]]
    package require tsvg

if {[llength $argv] > 0 && ([lsearch -regex $argv {-h$}] >= 0 || [lsearch -regex $argv {--help$}] >= 0)} {
    if {![catch {package require rl_json}]} {
        puts [subst $HELPFILTER]
    puts [subst $HELPSTANDALONE]
    puts $FILTERS
    exit 0

set css {
    html {
        overflow-y: scroll;
    body {
        color: #444;
        font-family: Georgia, Palatino, 'Palatino Linotype', Times, 'Times New Roman', serif;
        line-height: 1.2;
        padding: 1em;
        margin: auto;
        max-width:  1100px;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
        color: #111;
        line-height: 115%;
        margin-top: 1em;
        font-weight: normal;
    h1 {
        text-align: center;
    h2.author, h2.date {
        text-align: center;
    a {
        color: #0645ad;
        text-decoration: none;
    a:visited {  color: #0b0080; }
    a:hover   {  color: #06e;    }
    a:active  {  color: #faa700; }
    a:focus   {  outline: thin dotted; }
    p {  margin: 0.5em 0;    }
    p.author, p.date {
        font-size: 110%;
        text-align: center;
    img {  max-width: 100%;    }
    figure { text-align: center ; } 
    pre, blockquote pre {
        border-top: 0.1em #9ac solid;
        background: #e9f6ff;
        padding: 10px;
        border-bottom: 0.1em #9ac solid;
    pre, code, kbd, samp {
        color: #000;
        font-family: Monaco, 'courier new', monospace;
        font-size: 90%; 
    pre code.tclinn {
        color: #ff2222;
    pre code.tclout {
        color: #3366ff;
    code.r {
        color: #770000;
    pre.pipeout {
        background: #ffefef;
    pre {
        white-space: pre;
        white-space: pre-wrap;
        word-wrap: break-word;
    code span.kw { color: #007020; font-weight: normal; }
    pre.sourceCode {  background: #fff6f6;  } 
    blockquote {
        margin: 0;
        padding-left: 3em; 
    hr {
        display: block;
        height: 2px;
        border: 0;
        border-top: 1px solid #aaa;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
        margin: 1em 0;
        padding: 0;
    table {    
        border-collapse: collapse;
        border-bottom: 2px solid;
    table thead tr th { 
        background-color: #fde9d9;
        text-align: left; 
        padding: 10px;
        border-top: 2px solid;
        border-bottom: 2px solid;
    table td { 
        background-color: #fff9e9;
        text-align: left; 
        padding: 10px;
    .left {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: flex-start;
# some helper functions
# some generic helper functions

proc ::pantcl::luniq {L} {
    # removes duplicates without sorting the input list
    set t {}
    foreach i $L {if {[lsearch -exact $t $i]==-1} {lappend t $i}}
    return $t
proc ::pantcl::getCacheDir {} {
    if {[info exists ::env(HOME)]} {
        set path [file join $::env(HOME) .cache pantcl]
    } elseif {[info exists ::env(APPDATALOCAL)]} {
        set path  [file join $::env(APPDATALOCAL) pantcl]
    } else {
        set path pantcl
    if {![file exists $path]} {
        file mkdir $path
    return $path

# interp create mdi
# mdi eval "set auto_path \[list [luniq $auto_path]\]"

catch {
    # if available load filters
    package require tclfilters

# load other tcl based filters
foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join [file dirname [info script]] filter filter*.tcl]]  {
    catch {
        source $file
if {[lsearch $argv --pantcl-filter] >= 0} {
    # TODO: check if this works in standalone mode
    # should not work in pandoc mode (yet)
    set index [lsearch $argv --pantcl-filter]
    incr index
    if {![file exists [lindex $argv $index]]} {
        puts "Error: File [lindex $argv $index] does not exists!"
        exit 0
    } else {
        set fname [lindex $argv $index]
        source $fname
        set argv [lreplace $argv [expr {$index-1}] $index]
proc ::pantcl::debug {jsonData} {
    puts [::rl_json::json keys $jsonData]

proc ::pantcl::tangle {args} {
    set outfile [lindex $args 0]
    set idx 0
    set infile ""
    set outfile ""
    set type ""
    foreach arg $args {
        if {[lindex $args $idx] eq "--tangle"} {
            # nop
        } elseif {$infile eq ""} {
            set infile [lindex $args $idx]
        } elseif {$outfile eq ""} {
            set outfile [lindex $args $idx]
        } elseif {$type eq ""} {
            set type [lindex $args $idx]
        incr idx
    if {$type eq ""} {
        set type [string range [string tolower [file extension $outfile]] 1 end]
    } else {
        set type [regsub --  {^\.} $type ""]
    if {$outfile ni [list stdout -]} {
        set out [open $outfile w 0600]
    } else {
        set out stdout
    if [catch {open $infile r} infh] {
        return -code error "Cannot open $infile: $infh"
    } else {
        set flag false
        while {[gets $infh line] >= 0} {
            set line [regsub {^\s*#' } $line ""]
            if {[regexp "^\[> \]{0,2}```\{\.?$type\[^a-zA-Z\]" $line]} {
                set flag true
            } elseif {$flag && [regexp {^[> ]{0,2}```} $line]} {
                set flag false
            } elseif {$flag} {
                puts $out $line
        close $infh
        if {$outfile ni [list stdout -]} {
            close $out


set lineFilter false
proc ::pantcl::lineFilter {argv} {
    global lineFilter 
    set lineFilter true
    if {[info exists ::env(FILTEREVAL)]} {
        set evalvar  $::env(FILTEREVAL)
    } else {
        set evalvar false
    set args [split $argv " "]
    set infile [lindex $args 0]
    set outfile [lindex $args 1]
    set mode md
    set yamldict [dict create]
    if {![regexp {.+\.[a-zA-Z]*md$} $outfile] && ![regexp -nocase {.+\.html} $outfile]} {
        error "Error: currently only conversion from Markdown to Markdown or to HTML is possible!"
    if {[regexp -nocase {.+\.html} $outfile]} {
        set mode html
        set outfile [regsub {\.html} $outfile "-out.md"]
    if {![file exists $infile]} {
        error  "Error: $infile does not exists"
    if {[lsearch $argv "--metadata-file"] > -1} {
        set idx [lsearch $argv "--metadata-file"]
        incr idx 
        #puts "metafile $idx"
        if {[file exists [lindex $argv $idx]]} {
            set metafile [lindex $argv $idx]
            set fin [open $metafile r]
            set txt [read $fin]
            close $fin
            #puts $txt
            set yamldict [yaml::yaml2dict $txt]
    if [catch {open $infile r} infh] {
        error "Cannot open $infile: $infh"
    } else {
        set out [open $outfile w 0600]
        set i 0
        set n 0
        set flag false
        set yamlflag false
        set yamltext ""
        set filt "xxx"
        set ind ""
        # TODO: should be default false??
        set ddef [dict create echo true results show eval $evalvar] 
        set pre false
        while {[gets $infh line] >= 0} {
            incr n
            if {$n < 5 && !$yamlflag && [regexp {^---} $line]} {
                set yamlflag true
            } elseif {$yamlflag && [regexp {^---} $line]} {
                set yamldict [dict merge [yaml::yaml2dict $yamltext] $yamldict]
                set yamlflag false
                set yamltext ""
                dict for {key val} $yamldict {
                    if {[dict exists $yamldict $key filter]} {
                        set fname [dict get $yamldict $key filter]
                        if {[file exists $fname]} {
                            source $fname
                        } else {
                            puts stderr "Error: File `$fname` does not exists!"
                if {[dict exists $yamldict bibliography]} {
                    package require citer
                    citer::bibliography [dict get $yamldict bibliography]
            } elseif {$yamlflag} {
                foreach key [list title author date] {
                    if {[regexp "^${key}:" $line]} {
                        if {[dict exists $yamldict $key]} {
                            if {$key eq "date" && [dict exists $yamldict date] && \
                                [regexp {^[0-9]{10,}} [dict get $yamldict date]]} {
                                dict set yamldict date [clock format [dict get $yamldict  date] -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
                            set line "${key}: [dict get $yamldict $key]"
                append yamltext "$line\n"
            if {!$pre && [regexp @ $line]} {
                if {[regexp {\[@references ([^ ]+)\]} $line -> bibfile]} {
                    set line [lindex [filter-tcl "bibliography $bibfile\n" {eval true results asis}] 0]
                } else {
                    set line [regsub {\[@references ([^ ]+)\]} $line "tcl bibliography \\1"]
                    set line [regsub -all {\[@([-A-Z0-9a-z]+)\]} $line "`tcl cite \\1`"]
                    set line [regsub -all {\[@([-A-Z0-9a-z]+);([-A-Z0-9a-z]+)\]} $line "`tcl cite \\1 \\2`"]
                    set line [regsub -all {\[@([-A-Z0-9a-z]+)\s*;\s*([-A-Z0-9a-z]+)\s*;\s*([-A-Z0-9a-z]+) \]} $line "`tcl cite \\1 \\2 \\3`"]
            set x 0
            while {!$pre && [regexp {`(r|py) +([^`]+)`} $line -> lang code]} {
                if {$lang eq "r"} { set lang R }
                if {$lang eq "py"} { set lang python }                    
                set res [filter-pipe $code [dict create pipe $lang eval true]]
                set res [regsub {.*>>>} [lindex $res 0] ""]
                set res [string range $res [expr {[string length $code]+1}] end]
                set res [regsub {.*\[1\] } $res ""]
                set res [string trim $res]
                #set res [regsub {^ +} $res ""]
                #set res [regsub { +$} $res ""]
                set line [regsub {`(r|py) +([^`]+)`} $line $res]
                # to avoid endless loops
                if {[incr x] > 10} {
            # translate r-chunks into pipe chunks
            if {[regexp {``` ?\{.*\}} $line]} {
                set line [regsub {\{r(.*)\}} $line "{.pipe pipe=\"R\"\\1}"]
                set line [regsub {\{py(.*)\}} $line "{.pipe pipe=\"python\"\\1}"]
                set line [regsub {\{oc(.*)\}} $line "{.pipe pipe=\"octave\"\\1}"]
                set line [regsub -all {TRUE} $line true]
                set line [regsub -all {FALSE} $line false]                
                set line [regsub -all {,} $line " "]
            # TODO: simple YAML parsing

            if {[regexp {^>? ?\s{0,2}```} $line]} {
                if {$pre} {
                    set pre false
                } else {
                    set pre true
            if {[regexp {^>? ?\s{0,2}``` ?\{\.} $line]} {
                set dchunk [dict create]    
                set dchunk [dict merge $ddef $dchunk]
                set ind ""
                if {[regexp {^> } $line]} {
                    set ind "> "
                regexp {``` ?\{\.([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*(.*).*\}.*} $line -> filt options
                if {[dict exists $yamldict $filt]} {
                    set dchunk [dict merge $dchunk [dict get $yamldict $filt]]
                # enable as well options with comma instead of space:
                # like results="show",wait=1
                set options [regsub {,([^ ])} $options " \\1"]
                foreach {op} [split $options " "] {
                    foreach {key val} [split $op "="] {
                        set val [regsub -all {"} $val ""] ;#"
                        dict set dchunk $key $val         
                set flag true
                set cont ""
            } elseif {$flag && [regexp {^>? ?\s{0,2}```} $line]} {
                set flag false
                if {[info command filter-$filt] ne ""} {
                    set res [filter-$filt $cont $dchunk]
                    if {[dict get $dchunk echo]} {
                        # TODO: indentation adding if was there"
                        puts $out "$ind```${filt}inn\n$cont$ind```"
                    if {[lindex $res 0] ne ""} {
                        if {[dict get $dchunk results] eq "show"} {
                            # TODO: indentation adding if was there"
                            # remove trailing newline as we add our own
                            set r [regsub {\n$} [lindex $res 0] ""]
                            set r [string map  {&amp;gt; &gt;} $r] ;#BUG in markdown lib?
                            puts $out "\n$ind```${filt}out\n$r\n$ind```"
                        } elseif {[dict get $dchunk results] eq "asis"} {
                            set ores [regsub {^```} [lindex $res 0] "\n"]
                            puts $out "$ores\n"
                    if {[lindex $res 1] ne ""} {
                        set title ""
                        if {[dict exists $dchunk title]} {
                            set title [dict get $dchunk title]
                        puts $out "\n!\[$title\]([lindex $res 1])"
                set cont ""
            } elseif {$flag} {
                append cont "$line\n"
            } else {
                # TODO: more than one inline code per line
                if {!$pre} {
                    while {[regexp {`\.?[A-Za-z]{1,4} .+`} $line]} {
                        set cont false
                        set eval false
                        set pipe python
                        set filt [regsub {.*?`\.?([A-Za-z]{1,4}) [^`]+`.*$} $line "\\1"]
                        if {$filt in [list "r" "R"]} {
                            set filt pipe
                            set pipe R
                        if {$filt in [list "py"]} {
                            set filt pipe
                            set pipe python
                        if {[dict exists $yamldict $filt eval]} {
                            if {[dict get $yamldict $filt eval]} {
                                set eval true
                        if {[info command filter-$filt] eq "filter-$filt" && $eval} {
                            set code [regsub {.*?`\.?[A-Za-z]{1,4} ([^`]+)`.*$} $line "\\1"]
                            if {[dict exists $yamldict $filt]} {
                                if {[dict exists $yamldict $filt]} {
                                    set d [dict create {*}[dict get $yamldict $filt]] 
                                    dict set d pipe $pipe
                                    dict set d terminal false
                                    if {[dict exists $d eval] && [dict get $d eval]} {
                                        set res [lindex [filter-$filt $code $d] 0]
                                        set res [regsub -all "\n" $res " "]
                                        set res [regsub {.+ ([^\s]+) ?$} $res "\\1"]
                                        set line [regsub {(.*?)`\.?[A-Za-z]{1,4} ([^`]+)`(.+)} $line "\\1$res\\3"]
                                        set cont true
                        if {!$cont} {
                puts $out $line
        close $infh
    close $out
    if {$mode eq "html"} {
        if {![lsearch -glob $argv *-mathjax] > -1} {
            if {[dict exists $yamldict mathjax] && [dict get $yamldict mathjax]} {
                lappend argv -mathjax 
                lappend argv true
        if {![lsearch -glob $argv *-base64] > -1} {
            if {[dict exists $yamldict base64] && [dict get $yamldict base64]} {
                lappend argv -base64 
                lappend argv true
        if {![lsearch -glob $argv *-javascript] > -1} {
            if {[dict exists $yamldict javascript] && [dict get $yamldict javascript] ne ""}  {
                lappend argv --javascript
                lappend argv [dict get $yamldict javascript]
        #puts $argv
        if {![lsearch -glob $argv *-refresh] > -1} {
            if {[dict exists $yamldict refresh] && [dict get $yamldict refresh]} {
                lappend argv -refresh 
                lappend argv  [dict get $yamldict refresh]
        mkdoc::mkdoc $outfile [regsub -- {-out.md} $outfile ".html"] {*}[lrange $argv 2 end]
        file delete $outfile

set runGui false
proc ::pantcl::runGui {argv} {
    package require fview
    set file false
    foreach arg $argv {
        if {[file exists $arg]} {
            set ext [string range [file extension $arg] 1 end]
            #puts $ext
            fview::fileOpen $arg
            fview::fileSave $arg
            set file true
    if {!$file} {
        set ftemp [file temp].tsvg
        set out [open $ftemp w 0600]
        puts $out {package require tsvg
tsvg set code "" ;
tsvg set width 400
tsvg set height 400

tsvg rect -x 10 -y 10 -width 380 -height 380 \
        -fill cornsilk
tsvg circle -cx 200 -cy 200 -r 120 -stroke black -stroke-width 2 -fill #eeffee
tsvg text -x 155 -y 180 "Hello TSVG"
tsvg text -x 135 -y 220 "Filter View World!"
        close $out
        fview::fileOpen $ftemp
        fview::fileSave $ftemp
        file delete $ftemp
# Gui mode
if {[llength $argv] > 0 && [lsearch $argv --gui] > -1} {
    ::pantcl::runGui $argv
    set runGui true
# Standalone processing 
# calling pandoc eventually itself

if {[catch {package require rl_json}]} {
   if {[lsearch $argv --no-pandoc] < 0} {
       lappend argv --no-pandoc
   if {[llength $argv] == 1} {
       puts "Usage: $argv0 \[arguments\] infile outfile \[options\]"
       puts "       Arguments are for instance --help or --version\n             for options see --help"

if {[info exists argv] && [llength $argv] > 1 && [file exists [lindex $argv 0]]} {
    set pandoc true
    if {[lsearch $argv --tangle] >= 0} {
        pantcl::tangle {*}$argv
    if {[lsearch $argv --no-pandoc] > 1 || [auto_execok pandoc] eq ""} {
        package require yaml
        package require mkdoc::mkdoc
        set idx [lsearch $argv --no-pandoc] 
        if {$idx > 0} {
            set argv [lsearch -inline -all -not -exact $argv --no-pandoc]
        set pandoc false
    if {[file extension [lindex $argv 1]] eq ".html" && [lsearch [lrange $argv 1 end] --css] == -1} {
        if {![file exists pantcl.css]} {
            set out [open pantcl.css w 0600]
            puts $out $css
            close $out
        lappend argv --css
        lappend argv pantcl.css
    if {[file extension [lindex $argv 0]] in [list .tcl .tm .py .R .r .c .cxx .cpp .m .pl .pm .h .hpp .hxx]} {
        set tempfile [file tempfile].md 
        set filename [lindex $argv 0]
        set infile [lindex $argv 0]
        set out [open $tempfile w 0600]
        if [catch {open $filename r} infh] {
            puts stderr "Cannot open $filename: $infh"
        } else {
            while {[gets $infh line] >= 0} {
                if {[regexp {^\s*#' ?} $line]} {
                    set line [regsub {^\s*#' ?} $line ""]
                    puts $out $line
            close $infh
        close $out
        if {$pandoc} {
            exec pandoc $tempfile --filter $argv0 -o {*}[lrange $argv 1 end] 
        }  else {
            set argv [lset argv 0 $tempfile]
            pantcl::lineFilter $argv
        file delete $tempfile
        puts "converting $infile to [lindex $argv 1] done"
        exit 0
    } else {
        if {$pandoc} {
            exec pandoc [lindex $argv 0] --filter $argv0 -o {*}[lrange $argv 1 end]
        }  else {
            pantcl::lineFilter $argv
        #puts "converting [lindex $argv 0] to [lindex $argv 1] done"
    exit 0

#' ---
#' title: pantcl filter documentation - 0.10.3
#' author: Detlef Groth, Schwielowsee, Germany
#' date: 2024-12-24
#' tcl:
#'    echo: "true"
#'    results: show
#'    eval: 1
#' ---
#' ------
#' ```{.tcl results="asis" echo=false}
#' include header.md
#' ```
#' ------
#' ## NAME
#' _pantcl.tcl_ - filter application for the pandoc command line 
#' application to convert Markdown files into other formats. The filter allows you to embed Tcl code into your Markdown
#' documentation and offers a plugin architecture to add other command line filters easily using Tcl
#' and the `exec` command. As examples are given in the filter folder of the project:
#' * Tcl filter {.tcl}: `filter-tcl.tcl` [filter/filter-tcl.html](filter/filter-tcl.html)
#' * ABC music filter {.abc}: `filter-abc.tcl` [filter/filter-abc.html](filter/filter-abc.html)
#' * command line application filter {.cmd}: `filter-cmd.tcl` [filter/filter-abc.html](filter/filter-cmd.html)
#' * Graphviz dot filter {.dot}: `filter-dot.tcl` [filter/filter-dot.html](filter/filter-dot.html)
#' * EQN filter plugin for equations written in the EQN language {.eqn}: `filter-eqn` [filter/filter-eqn.html](filter/filter-eqn.html)
#' * Julia filter plugin for Julia clode {.julia}: `filter-julia` [filter/filter-julia.html](filter/filter-julia.html)
#' * Math TeX filter for single line equations {.mtex}: `filter-mtex.tcl` [filter/filter-mtex.html](filter/filter-mtex.html)
#' * Mermaid filter for diagrams {.mmd}: `filter-mmd.tcl` [filter/filter-mmd.html](filter/filter-mmd.html)
#' * Pikchr filter plugin for diagram creation {.pikchr}: `filter-pik.tcl` [filter/filter-pik.html](filter/filter-pik.html)
#' * PIC filter plugin for diagram creation (older version) {.pic}: `filter-pic.tcl` [filter/filter-pic.html](filter/filter-pic.html)
#' * pipe filter for R, Python and Octave {.pipe}: `filter-pipe.tcl` [filter/filter-pipe.html](filter/filter-pipe.html)
#' * PlantUMLfilter plugin for diagram creation {.puml}: `filter-puml.tcl` [filter/filter-puml.html](filter/filter-puml.html)
#' * R plot filter plugin for displaying plots in the R statistical language {.rplot}: `filter-rplot.tcl` [filter/filter-rplot.html](filter/filter-rplot.html)
#' * sqlite3 filter plugin to evaluate SQL code {.sqlite}: `filter-sqlite.tcl` [filter/filter-sqlite.html](filter/filter-sqlite.html)
#' * tcrd filter for music songs with chords {.tcrd}: `filter-tcrd.tcl` [filter/filter-tcrd.html](filter/filter-tcrd.html)
#' * tdot package filter {.tsvg}: `filter-tdot.tcl` [filter/filter-tdot.html](filter/filter-tdot.html)
#' * tsvg package filter {.tsvg}: `filter-tsvg.tcl` [filter/filter-tsvg.html](filter/filter-tsvg.html)
#' We assume that you renamed the standalone file `pantcl.tapp` to `pantcl` and
#' that this file is in your path.
#' ```
#' # standalone application
#' pantcl infile outfile ?options? --no-pandoc
#' # same with default eval=true for all code chunks
#' FILTEREVAL=1 pantcl infile outfile ?options? --no-pandoc
#' # as filter for pandoc
#' pandoc infile --filter pantcl ?options?
#' # using graphics user interface
#' pantcl --gui [filename]
#' ```
#' Where options for the filter and the standalone mode
#' are the usual pandoc options. For HTML conversion you should use for instance:
#' ```
#' pantcl infile.md outfile.html --css style.css -s --toc
#' ```
#' Please note, that you can rename as well the file `pantcl.tapp` into other names like 
#' `pantcl.bin`, however the basename `pantcl` must stay the same.
#' ## Code embedding
#' Embed code either inline or in form of code chunks like here (triple ticks):
#' ``` 
#'     ```{.tcl}
#'     set x 4
#'     incr x
#'     set x
#'     ```
#'     Hello this is Tcl `tcl package provide Tcl`!
#' ```
#' ## Filter Overview 
#' The markers for the other filters are:
#' `{.abc}, `{.dot}`, `{.eqn}`, `{.julia}`, `{.mmd}`, `{.mtex}`, `{.pic}`,
#' `{.pikchr}, `{.puml}`, `{.rplot}`,`{.sqlite}` and `{.tsvg}`. 
#' For details on how to use them have a look at the manual page links on top.
#' You can combine all filters in one document  just by using the appropiate markers. 
#' Here an overview about the required tools to use a filter:
#' <center>
#' | filter | tool | svg | png | pdf | comment |
#' | ------ | ----- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
#' | .tcl   | tclsh   | tsvg | cairosvg | cairosvg | programming | 
#' | .abc   | abcm2ps | abcm2ps | cairosvg | cairosvg | music |
#' | .dot   | dot   | native | native | native | diagrams |
#' | .emf   | jasspa microemacs | no | no | no | editor | 
#' | .eqn   | eqn2graph | no | convert | no | math | 
#' | .julia | julia  | native | native | native | statistics | 
#' | .mmd   | mermaid-cli (mmdc) | native | native | native | diagrams |
#' | .mtex  | latex  | dvisgm | dvipng | dvipdfm | math, diagrams, games |
#' | .pic   | pic2graph | no | convert | no | diagrams |
#' | .pik   | fossil    |  native | cairosvg | cairosvg | diagrams |
#' | .pipe  | R / python / octave |  native | native | native | Statistics, Programming |
#' | .puml  | plantuml  |  native | native | native | diagrams |
#' | .rplot | R         | native  | native | native | statistics, graphics |
#' | .tcrd  | tclsh       | no      | no    |  no | music, songs with chords |
#' | .tdot  | tclsh/dot   | native  | native |  native | diagrams |
#' | .tsvg  | tclsh       | native  | cairosvg | cairosvg | graphics |
#' </center>
#' The Markdown document within this file could be extracted and converted as follows:
#' ```
#'  pantcl pantcl.tcl pantcl.html \
#'    --css mini.css -s
#' ```
#' ## Example Tcl Filter
#' #### Tcl-filter
#' ```
#'     ```{.tcl}
#'     set x 1
#'     puts $x
#'     ```
#' ```
#' And here the output:
#' ```{.tcl}
#' set x 1
#' puts $x
#' ```
#' Does indented code blocks works as well?
#' > ```{.tcl}
#'   set x 2
#'   puts $x
#' >  ```
#' > Yes, since version 0.7.0!!
#' There is as well the possibility to inline Tcl code like here:
#' ```
#' This document was processed using Tcl `tcl set tcl_patchLevel`!
#' ```
#' will produce:
#' This document was processed using Tcl `tcl set tcl_patchLevel`!
#' This works as well in nested structures like lists or quotes.
#' > This document was processed using Tcl `tcl set tcl_patchLevel`!
#' > - This document was processed using Tcl `tcl set tcl_patchLevel`!
#' ## Filter - Plugins
#' The pantcl.tcl application allows to create custom filters for other 
#' command line application quite easily. The Tcl files has to be named `filter-NAME.tcl`
#' where NAME hast to match the code chunk marker. Below an example:
#' ```
#'    ` ``{.dot label=dotgraph}
#'    digraph G {
#'      main -> parse -> execute;
#'      main -> init;
#'      main -> cleanup;
#'      execute -> make_string;
#'      execute -> printf
#'      init -> make_string;
#'      main -> printf;
#'      execute -> compare;
#'    }
#'    ![](dotgraph.svg)
#'    ` ``
#' ```
#' The main script `pantcl.tcl` evaluates if in the same folder as the script is,
#' if there any other files named `filter/filter-NAME.tcl` and sources them. In case of the dot
#' filter the file is named `filter-dot.tcl` and its filter function `filter-dot` is 
#' executed. Below is the simplified code: of this file `filter-dot.tcl`:
#' ```{.tcl eval=false results="hide"}
#' # a simple pandoc filter using Tcl
#' # the script pantcl.tcl 
#' # must be in the same filter directoy of the pantcl.tcl file
#' proc filter-dot {cont dict} {
#'     global n
#'     incr n
#'     set def [dict create app dot results show eval true fig true 
#'              label null ext svg width 400 height 400 \
#'              include true imagepath images]
#'     # fuse code chunk options with defaults
#'     set dict [dict merge $def $dict]
#'     set ret ""
#'     if {[dict get $dict label] eq "null"} {
#'         set fname dot-$n
#'     } else {
#'         set fname [dict get $dict label]
#'     }
#'     # save dot file
#'     set out [open $fname.dot w 0600]
#'     puts $out $cont
#'     close $out
#'     # TODO: error catching
#'     set res [exec [dict get $dict app] -Tsvg $fname.dot -o $fname.svg]
#'     if {[dict get $dict results] eq "show"} {
#'         # should be usually empty
#'         set res $res
#'     } else {
#'         set res ""
#'     }
#'     set img ""
#'     if {[dict get $dict fig]} {
#'         if {[dict get $dict include]} {
#'             set img $fname.svg
#'         }
#'     }
#'     return [list $res $img]
#' }
#' ```
#' Using the label and the option `include=false` we could create an image link manually using Markdown syntax. The 
#' The image filename should be then images/label.svg for instance.
#' ## Dot Example
#' Here a longer dot-example where the code is include in 
#' ```{.dot}
#' digraph G {
#'   margin=0.1;
#'   node[fontname="Linux Libertine";fontsize=18];
#'   node[shape=box,style=filled;fillcolor=skyblue,width=1.2,height=0.9];    
#'   { rank=same; Rst[group=g0,fillcolor=salmon] ; 
#'     Docx [group=g1,fillcolor=salmon]
#'   }
#'   { rank=same; Md[group=g0,fillcolor=salmon]  ; 
#'     pandoc ; AST1 ; filter[fillcolor=cornsilk] ; AST2 ; pandoc2;  
#'     Html[group=g1,fillcolor=salmon] 
#'   }
#'   { rank=same; Tex[group=g0,fillcolor=salmon] ; 
#'     Pdf[group=g1,fillcolor=salmon]; filters[fillcolor=cornsilk]; 
#'   }
#'   node[fillcolor=cornsilk]; 
#'   { rank=same; dot ; eqn; mtex; pic; pik; rplot; tsvg;}
#'   Rst -> pandoc -> AST1 -> filter -> AST2 -> pandoc2 -> Html ;
#'   Md -> pandoc;
#'   Tex -> pandoc;
#'   Rst -> Md -> Tex -> dot[style=invis] ;
#'   pandoc2 -> Docx;
#'   pandoc2 -> Pdf ;
#'   Docx -> Html -> Pdf -> tsvg[style=invis];
#'   pandoc2[label=pandoc];
#'   filter[label="pantcl\nfilter"];
#'   filter->filters;
#'   filters -> dot ;
#'   filters -> eqn ;
#'   filters -> mtex;
#'   filters -> pic ;
#'   filters -> pik ; 
#'   filters -> rplot;
#'   filters -> tsvg; 
#' }
#' ```
#' ## Creating Markdown Code
#' Since version 0.5.0 it is as well possible to create Markup code within code blocks and to return it. 
#' To achieve this you to set use code chunk option results like this: `results="asis"` -
#' which should be usually used together with `echo=false`. Here an example:
#' ``` 
#'      ```{.tcl echo=false results="asis"}
#'      return "**this is bold** and _this is italic_ text!"
#'      ```    
#' ```
#' which gives this output:
#' ```{.tcl echo=false results="asis"}
#' return "**this is bold** and _this is italic_ text!"
#' ``` 
#' This can be as well used to include other Markup files. Here an example:
#' ```
#'     ```{.tcl results="asis"}
#'     include tests/inc.md
#'     ```
#' ```
#' And here is the result:
#' ```{.tcl results="asis"}
#' include tests/inc.md
#' ```
#' Please note, that currently no filters are applied on the included files. 
#' You should process them before using the pandoc filters and choose output format Markdown to include them later
#' in your master document.
#' To just show some file content as it is, remove the results="asis", 
#' this can be as well useful to display some source code, let's here simply show here the content of *tests/inc.md* without interpreting it as Markdown in a source code block:
#' ```
#'     ```{.tcl results="show"}
#'     include tests/inc.md
#'     ```
#' ```
#' And here is the result:
#' ```{.tcl results="show"}
#' include tests/inc.md
#' ```
#' ## Documentation
#' To use this pipeline and to create pantcl.html out of the code documentation 
#' in pantcl.tcl your command in the terminal is still just:
#' ```
#' FILTEREVAL=1 pantcl pantcl.tcl pantcl.html --css mini.css --no-pandoc
#' ```
#' The result should be the file which you are looking currently.
#' ## ChangeLog
#' * 2021-08-22 Version 0.1
#' * 2021-08-28 Version 0.2
#'     * adding custom filters structure (dot, tsvg examples)
#'     * adding attributes label, width, height, results
#' * 2021-08-31 Version 0.3
#'     * moved filters into filter folder
#'     * plugin example mtex
#'     * default image path _images_
#' * 2021-11-03 Version 0.3.1
#'     * fix for parray and "puts stdout"
#' * 2021-11-15 Version 0.3.2
#'     * --help argument support
#'     * --version argument support
#'     * filters for Pikchr, PIC and EQN
#' * 2021-11-30 Version 0.3.3
#'     * filter for R plots: `.rplot`
#' * 2021-12-04 Version 0.4.0
#'     * pandoc-tcl-filter can be as well directly used for conversion 
#'       being then a frontend which calls pandoc internally with 
#'       itself as a filter ...
#' * 2021-12-12 Version 0.5.0
#'     * support for Markdown code creation in the Tcl filter with results="asis"
#'     * adding list2mdtab proc to the Tcl filter
#'     * adding include proc to the Tcl filter with results='asis' other Markdown files can be included.
#'     * support for `pandoc-tcl-filter.tcl infile --tangle .tcl`  to extract code chunks to the terminal
#'     * support for Mermaid diagrams
#'     * support for PlantUML diagrams 
#'     * support for ABC music notation
#'     * bug fix for Tcl filters for `eval=false`
#'     * documentation improvements for the filters and for the pandoc-tcl-filter
#' * 2022-01-09 - version 0.6.0
#'     * adding filter-cmd.tcl for shell scripts for all type of programming languages and tools
#'     * filter-mtex.tcl with more examples for different LaTeX packages like tikz, pgfplot, skak, sudoku, etc.
#'     * adding filter-tdot.tcl for tdot Tcl package
#'     * adding filter-tcrd.tcl for writing music chords above song lyrics
#' * 2022-02-05 - version 0.7.0
#'     * graphical user interface to the graphical filters (abc, dot, eqn, mmd, mtex, pic, pikchr, puml, rplot, tdot, tsvg) using the command line option *--gui*
#'     * can now as well work without pandoc standalone for conversion of Markdown with code chunks into 
#'       Markdown with evaluated code chunks and HTML code using the
#'       Markdown library of tcllib
#'     * that way it deprecates the use of tmdoc::tmdoc and mkdoc::mkdoc as it contains now the same functionality
#'     * support for inline code evaluations for Tcl, Python (pipe filter) and R (pipe filter) statements as well in nested paragraphs, lists and headers
#'     * support for indented code blocks with evaluation
#'     * new - filter-pipe:
#'         * initial support for R code block features and inline evaluation and error catching
#'         * initial support for Python with code block features and inline evaluation and error catching
#'         * initial support for Octave with code block features and error checking
#'     * more examples filter-mtex, filter-puml, filter-pikchr 
#'     * fix for filter-tcl making variables chunk and res namespace variables, avoiding variable collisions
#' * 2023-01-10 - version 0.9.0
#'     * renamed to pantcl.tcl and creating it's own repository
#' * 2023-03-05 - fixing a problem with the @symbol in text
#' * 2023-03-11 - version 0.9.11
#'     * eval is now per default `false` for all filters
#'     * support for Rst and LaTeX as input if pantcl is used as a filter
#' * 2023-04-06 - version 0.9.12
#'     * adding filter-emf.tcl for MicroEmacs macro language
#'     * adding external Tcl filter support via YAML declaration
#'     * adding example user/filter-geasy.tcl as example for the latter
#'     * standalone mode now with Unicode support 
#'     * fix for standalone mode
#'     * standalone check and working now as well for pipes and inline single backticks, tested with R
#'     * filter for Julia code, however Julia is slow at startup and even slower at plotting
#'     * support for pandoc single percent title, author, date at the beginning of documents
#'     * extending support for tangle for non Tcl code chunks
#' * 2023-09-07 - version 0.9.13
#'     * support for --inline option to allow inlining of images and css files
#'     * bug fix for image/img-tag
#' * 2024-11-29 - version 0.10.0
#'     * updating to newer mkdoc with support for mathjax equations and highlightjs library
#'     * support for refresh option
#'     * bugfix for working as filter pandoc version 3
#'     * support for single backticks for line-filter for R and Python
#'     * documentation updates and fixes
#'     * inline local images and css files for --no-pandoc option as well
#' * 2024-12-19 - version 0.10.1
#'     * timeout for fetching images from the net
#' * 2024-12-24 - version 0.10.2
#'     * fixing ampersand issues in source code
#' * 2025-02-22 - version 0.10.3
#'     * fixing tcl filter issue with -nonewline into a file channel
#' ## SEE ALSO
#' * [Readme.html](Readme.html) - more information and small tutorial
#' * [Examples](examples/example-eqn.html) - more examples for the filters 
#' * [Tclers Wiki page](https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/pandoc%2Dtcl%2Dfilter) - place for discussion
#' * [Pandoc filter documentation](https://pandoc.org/filters.html) - more background and information on how to implement filters in Haskell and Lua
#' * [Lua filters on GitHub](https://github.com/pandoc/lua-filters)
#' * [Plotting filters on Github](https://github.com/LaurentRDC/pandoc-plot)
#' * [Github Pandoc filter list](https://github.com/topics/pandoc-filter)
#' ## AUTHOR
#' Detlef Groth, Caputh-Schwielowsee, Germany, detlef(_at_)dgroth(_dot_).de
#' Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Detlef Groth, Caputh-Schwielowsee, Germany
#' Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#' of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
#' in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
#' to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
#' copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
#' furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
#' The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
#' copies or substantial portions of the Software.
## proc filter-NAME function in a file filter/filter-NAME.tcl

# parse Meta data
#puts stderr $jsonData
proc getMetaDict {meta fkey} {
    set d [dict create]
    if {[rl_json::json exists $meta $fkey c]} {
        foreach key [rl_json::json keys $meta $fkey c] {
            dict set d $key [rl_json::json get $meta $fkey c $key c 0 c]
    if {[dict exists $d filter]} {
        if {[info proc filter-$fkey] eq ""} {
            source [dict get $d filter]
    return $d    

# walk and search for inlineCodes
set inlineCodes [list]
proc walk {key {ind 1}} {
    global jsonData
    global inlineCodes
    #puts "key: {*}$key"
    set sind [string repeat " " [expr {$ind*4}]] 
    set type [::rl_json::json type $jsonData blocks {*}$key]
    set l 0 
    if {$type eq "array"} {
        set l [llength [rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks {*}$key]]
    } elseif {$type eq "object"} {
        set l [llength [rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks {*}$key]]
    #puts "$sind type: $type length $l"
    #puts "$sind cnt:   [::rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks {*}$key]"
    incr ind
    if {$type eq "array"} {
        for {set j 0} {$j < $l} {incr j} {
            set nkey $key
            lappend nkey $j
            walk $nkey $ind
    if {$type eq "object"} {
        set tkey $key
        set ckey $key
        if {$l > 2} {
            lappend tkey t
            lappend ckey c
            if {[::rl_json::json exists $jsonData blocks {*}$tkey]} {
                 set t [::rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks {*}$tkey]
                 if {$t eq "Code"} {
                    lappend ckey 1
                    #lappend ckey
                    set code [::rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks {*}$ckey]
                    #puts "$sind  code: $code" 
                    if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3} .+} $code]} {
                        lappend inlineCodes [list $ckey $code]
            } else {
                walk $ckey $ind 

proc codeBlock {} {
    uplevel 1 {
        set type [rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks {*}$tkey] ;#type
        set attr [rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks {*}$akey] ;# attributes
        set a [dict create echo true results show eval $evalvar filter none] 
        set d [getMetaDict $meta $type]
        set a [dict merge $a $d]
        if {[llength $attr] > 0} {
            foreach el $attr {
                dict set a [lindex $el 0] [lindex $el 1]
            #puts [dict keys $a]

        if {$type eq "" && [dict get $a filter] ne "none"} {
            set type [dict get $a filter]
        #puts stderr "type: $type dict $a"
        set cont [rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks {*}$ckey]
        set cblock "[::rl_json::json extract $jsonData blocks {*}$bkey]"
        if {[dict get $a echo]} {
            append blocks "[::rl_json::json extract $jsonData blocks $i]\n"
        } else {
            #rl_json::json unset jsonData blocks $i
            # add an empty paragraph instead
            append blocks {{"t":"Para","c":[{"t":"Str","c":""}]}}
            #append blocks [::rl_json::json extract $jsonData blocks $i]\n"
        if {$type ne ""} {
            if {[info command filter-$type] eq "filter-$type"} {
                set res [filter-$type $cont $a]
                if {[llength $res] >= 1} {
                    set code [lindex $res 0]
                    if {$code ne ""} {
                        if {[dict get $a results] ne "asis"} {
                            if {$blockType eq "CodeBlock"} {
                                rl_json::json set cblock c 0 1 [rl_json::json array [list string ${type}out]]
                                rl_json::json set cblock c 1 [rl_json::json string $code]
                                append blocks ",[::rl_json::json extract $cblock]"
                            } elseif {$blockType eq "BlockQuote"} {
                                rl_json::json set cblock c 0 c 0 1 [rl_json::json array [list string ${type}out]]
                                rl_json::json set cblock c 0 c 1 [rl_json::json string $code]
                                append blocks ",[::rl_json::json extract $cblock]"
                        } else {
                            set cres $code
                            set mdfile asis.md ;#[file tempfile].md
                            set out [open $mdfile w 0600]
                            puts $out $code
                            close $out
                            set cres [exec pandoc -t json $mdfile]
                            if {[regexp {blocks.+pandoc-api-version} $cres]} {
                                set cres [regsub {^.+"blocks":\[(.+)\],"pandoc-api-version".+} $cres "\\1"]
                            } else {
                                # pandoc 2.12++ (meta first, then block)
                                set cres [regsub {^\{"pandoc-api-version".+"blocks":\[(.+)\]\}} $cres "\\1"] 
                            append blocks ,
                            append blocks $cres
                    if {[llength "$res"] == 2} {
                        set img [lindex $res 1]
                        if {$img ne ""} {
                            rl_json::json set jsonImg c 0 c 2 0 "$img"
                            append blocks ",[::rl_json::json extract $jsonImg]"
# the main method parsing the json data
proc main {jsonData} {
    package require rl_json
    if {[info exists ::env(FILTEREVAL)]} {
        set evalvar $::env(FILTEREVAL)
    } else {
        set evalvar false
    set blocks ""
    set jsonImg {
            "t": "Para",
            "c": [
                    "t": "Image",
                    "c": [
    set meta  [rl_json::json extract $jsonData meta] 
    set len  [llength [::rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks]]
    for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
        if {$i > 0} {
            append blocks ","
        set blockType [::rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks $i t]
        if {$blockType eq "CodeBlock"} {
            set tkey [list $i c 0 1]
            set akey [list $i c 0 2]
            set ckey [list $i c 1]
            set bkey [list $i]
        } elseif {$blockType in [list BulletList Header Para BlockQuote]}  {
            if {$blockType eq "BlockQuote" && [::rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks $i c 0 t] eq "CodeBlock"} {
                set tkey [list $i c 0 c 0 1]
                set akey [list $i c 0 c 0 2]
                set ckey [list $i c 0 c 1]
                set bkey [list $i]
            set ::inlineCodes [list]
            set k [llength [::rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks $i c]]
            if {$blockType eq "Header" && $k == 3} {
                walk [list $i c 2]
            } else {
                for {set j 0} {$j < $k} {incr j} {
                    walk [list $i c [regsub -all @ $j "\\@"]]
            foreach item $::inlineCodes {
                foreach {key code} $item {
                    set ckey [lrange $key 0 end-1]
                    set tkey [lrange $key 0 end-2]
                    lappend tkey t
                    set c [regsub {^[^ ]+} $code ""]
                    # puts stderr $code

                    if {[regexp {^\.?tcl } $code]} {

                        set dm [getMetaDict $meta tcl]
                        set dict [dict merge [dict create eval false] $dm]
                        if {[dict get $dict eval]} {
                            if {[catch {
                                 set ::errorInfo {}
                                set res [interp eval mdi $c]
                            }]} {
                                    set res "error: $c"
                                    set res "Error: [regsub {\n +invoked.+} $::errorInfo {}]"
                            set jsonData [rl_json::json set jsonData blocks {*}$ckey [rl_json::json string "$res"]]
                            set jsonData [rl_json::json set jsonData blocks {*}$tkey Str]
                     } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^\.?R } $code]} {
                         set dm [getMetaDict $meta pipe]
                         #puts stderr "R inline"
                         set d [dict merge [dict create results show echo false pipe R] $dm]
                         set res [lindex [filter-pipe $c $d] 0]
                         set res [regsub {^>.+\[1\]} $res ""]
                         set jsonData [rl_json::json set jsonData blocks {*}$ckey [rl_json::json string "$res"]]
                         set jsonData [rl_json::json set jsonData blocks {*}$tkey Str]
                     } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^\.?oc } $code]} {
                         # octave does not work
                         set dm [getMetaDict $meta pipe]
                         set d [dict merge [dict create results show echo false pipe octave] $dm]
                         set res [regsub {.+?> } [lindex [filter-pipe "$c\n" $d] 0] ""]
                         set jsonData [rl_json::json set jsonData blocks {*}$ckey [rl_json::json string "$res"]]
                         set jsonData [rl_json::json set jsonData blocks {*}$tkey Str]
                     } elseif {[regexp {^\.?py } $code]} {
                         set dm [getMetaDict $meta pipe]
                         #puts stderr "python chunk inline: $dm"
                         set d [dict merge [dict create pipe python3 terminal true eval false] $dm]
                         if {[dict get $d eval]} {
                            set res [regsub {.+> } [lindex [filter-pipe [string trim $c] $d] 0] ""]
                            set res [lindex [split $res "\n"] 1]
                            #puts stderr "res $res"
                             #set res [regsub {^>.+\[1\]} $res ""]
                             set jsonData [rl_json::json set jsonData blocks {*}$ckey [rl_json::json string "$res"]]
                             set jsonData [rl_json::json set jsonData blocks {*}$tkey Str]
            append blocks "[::rl_json::json extract $jsonData blocks $i]\n"
        } else  {
            append blocks "[::rl_json::json extract $jsonData blocks $i]\n"
    set ret "\"blocks\":\[$blocks\]"
    append ret ",\"pandoc-api-version\":[::rl_json::json extract $jsonData pandoc-api-version]"
    append ret ",\"meta\":[::rl_json::json extract $jsonData meta]"
    #set out [open out.json w 0600]
    #puts $out "{$ret}"
    #close $out
    return "{$ret}"

# just demo code from the Tclers wiki (not used): 
proc incrHeader {jsonData} {
    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength [::rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks]]} {incr i} {
        set blockType [::rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks $i t]
        if {$blockType eq "Header"} {
            set headerLevel [::rl_json::json get $jsonData blocks $i c 0]
            set jsonData [::rl_json::json set jsonData blocks $i c 0 [expr {$headerLevel + 1}]]
    return $jsonData

## Global variables

proc ::pantcl::pipe { } {
    global n
    global lineFilter 
    global runGui
    global jsonData
    if {!$lineFilter && !$runGui} {
        set n 0
        set jsonData {}
        while {[gets stdin line] > 0} {
            append jsonData $line
        # give the modified document back to Pandoc again:
        puts -nonewline [main $jsonData]
