# This workflow is designed to automate the update process for various package ecosystems, # ensuring that dependencies are kept up-to-date with regular checks. # # For more details about configuring Dependabot, see full documentations here: # https://docs.github.com/github/administering-a-repository/configuration-options-for-dependency-updates version: 2 updates: # Configuration for pip - package-ecosystem: "pip" directory: "/" # Search for "requirements.txt" on root directory schedule: interval: "weekly" commit-message: prefix: "pip" include: "scope" labels: - "dependencies" assignees: - "mitsuki31" # Configuration for GitHub Actions - package-ecosystem: "github-actions" directory: "/" # Search for ".github/workflows" on root directory schedule: interval: "daily" commit-message: prefix: "GH Actions" include: "scope" labels: - "chore" assignees: - "mitsuki31" # Configuration for Maven - package-ecosystem: "maven" directory: "/" # Search for "pom.xml" on root directory schedule: interval: "weekly" commit-message: prefix: "Maven" include: "scope" labels: - "dependencies" assignees: - "mitsuki31"