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417 lines (352 loc) · 29.5 KB

File metadata and controls

417 lines (352 loc) · 29.5 KB

CoreSQLite3 Framework Reference


CoreSQLite3 is sqlite3 library for iOS and Mac OSX platforms. It provides intuitive, Core Foundation based API for accessing and manipulating sqlite3 databases.

Toll-free bridging between Core Foundation and Objective-C Foundation allows CoreSQLite3 framework to be used directly from Objective-C code.

The framework includes amalgamation version of sqlite3 library. You can use this version of sqlite3 or system provided sqlite3.dylib on iOS and Mac OSX.

You may want to use included sqlite3-amalgamation version of the library because of the following reasons:

  • it provides the latest version of sqlite3 library
  • includes FTS3 (full text search) extension
  • includes R*Tree extension for fast range and geo-spatial queries

Additionally CoreSQLite3 allows to register the following functions:

  • math extension

    • sin(radians)
    • cos(radians)
    • deg2rad(degrees)
    • rad2deg(radians)
    • pi()
  • logic extension

    • if(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false) -> null if condition is null or value_if_false when condition equals to zero, value_if_true otherwise
  • crypto extension

    • md5(value) -> null if value is null, md5 hash string otherwise
    • sha1(value) -> null if value is null, md5 hash string otherwise
  • spatial extension

    • lat_lng_dist_in_km(lat_1, long_2, lat_2, long_2) -> float
    • lat_lng_dist_in_mi(lat_1, long_2, lat_2, long_2) -> float

In order to register one or more of the functions above call the following function(s) on open connection:

  • SQLite3ExtRegisterAllFunctions - to register all above functions
  • SQLite3ExtMathRegisterAllFunctions - to register all math functions
  • SQLite3ExtLogicRegisterAllFunctions - to register all math functions
  • SQLite3ExtCryptoRegisterAllFunctions - to register all math functions
  • SQLite3ExtSpatialRegisterAllFunctions - to register all math functions

You can also register and unregister individual functions by calling:

  • SQLite3ExtMathRegisterSinFunction
  • SQLite3ExtLogicUnregisterIfFunction

Functions by Task

Creating Connection


Closing Connection

SQLite3ConnectionClose SQLite3ConnectionRelease

Creating Statement

SQLite3StatementCreate SQLite3StatementFinalize


SQLite3StatementBindValue SQLite3StatementClearBindings

Return value kSQLite3StatusOK on success, kSQLite3StatusError otherwise.

Binding Arrays and Dictionaries

SQLite3 supports the following format for parameter bindings:

  • ? or ?1 - index based bindings
  • :name, @name, $name - name based bindings

Example queries:

  • select * from users where username = ? and password = ?
  • select * from users where username = ?1 and password = ?2 and (?1 <> ?2)
  • select * from users where username = :username and password = :password

Please note when binding values, the binding name should include ?, : prefix. Example:

SQLite3StatementBindStringWithName(statement, CFSTR(':username'), CFSTR('mirek'));

Binding Multiple Arrays and Dictionaries

Serialized Columns

CoreSQLite3 provides the following function to simplify working with serialised columns (structured data stored in single value):

  • SQLite3StatementBindPropertyList - bind property list value, the value is serialised with the specified encoding
  • SQLite3StatementCreatePropertyListWithColumn or SQLite3StatementCreatePropertyListWithColumnName - get property list value by deserializing row data for specified column

Serialised value can be one of:

  • CFData, CFString, CFArray, CFDictionary, CFDate, CFBoolean and CFNumber

or one of their counterparts in Objective-C Foundation:

  • NSData, NSString, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSDate and NSNumber

The type of column for serialised data should be text (for XML based serialisation) or blob (for binary based serialisation).

Example usage:

NSDictionary *preferences = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                             [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"English", @"German"], @"languages",
                             @"English", @"preferred",

SQLite3StatementRef statement = SQLite3StatementCreate(connection, @"update users set data = :preferences where id = :id");
SQLite3StatementBindIntegerWithName(statement, @"id", 1);
SQLite3StatementBindPropertyList(statement, preferences);

To retrieve serialised object graph back you can use SQLite3StatementCreatePropertyListWithColumn or connection's function:

id preferences = SQLite3ConnectionCreatePropertyListWithQuery(connection, @"select data from users where id = 1");

Binding images


Schema Migrations

Schema migration pattern has been included as an extra functionality built on top of the core functions.

Pattern of schema migrations is similar to Ruby on Rails one.

/migrations/20100209-111000.undo.sql (optional)
/migrations/20100209-111000.undo.sql (optional)


Typical usage:

CFErrorRef error = NULL;

// As an example, let's create in-memory database
SQLite3ConnectionRef connection = SQLite3ConnectionCreate(CFSTR(":memory:"), 0);

// SQL queries can be executed directly on the connection
SQLite3ConnectionExecute(connection, CFSTR("create table users(id integer primary key, name varchar, surname varchar)"));
if ((error = SQLite3ConnectionCreateError(connection))) {

// Simple binding
  SQLite3StatementRef statement = SQLite3StatementCreate(connection, CFSTR("insert into users(name, surname) values(?, ?)"));
  SQLite3StatementBindString(statement, CFSTR("Mirek"));
  SQLite3StatementBindString(statement, CFSTR("Rusin"));
  if ((error = SQLite3ConnectionCreateError(connection))) {

// We can use toll-free bridging for Core Foundation types, so it's easy to use the library from Objective-C
  NSArray values = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Mirek", @"Rusin", nil];
  SQLite3StatementRef statement = SQLite3StatementCreate(connection, CFSTR("insert into users(name, surname) values(?, ?)"));
  SQLite3StatementBindArray(statement, (CFArrayRef)values);
  if ((error = SQLite3ConnectionCreateError(connection))) {

// Selecting is easy
  SQLite3StatementRef statement = SQLite3StatementCreate(connection, CFSTR("select name, surname from users"));
  while (SQLite3StatementStep(statement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
    CFStringRef name = SQLite3StatementGetString(statement, 0);
    CFStringRef surname = SQLite3StatementGetString(statement, 1);
    NSLog(@"name: %@, surname: %@", name, surname);
  if ((error = SQLite3ConnectionCreateError(connection))) {

// Images are supported out-of-the-box



Sqlite3 to CoreSQLite3 Quick Function Lookup Table

Sqlite3 API CoreSQLite3 API
sqlite3_aggregate_context -
sqlite3_auto_extension -
sqlite3_backup_finish -
sqlite3_backup_init -
sqlite3_backup_pagecount -
sqlite3_backup_remaining -
sqlite3_backup_step -
sqlite3_bind_blob SQLite3StatementBindData
- SQLite3StatementBindDataWithName
sqlite3_bind_double SQLite3StatementBindDouble
- SQLite3StatementBindDoubleWithName
sqlite3_bind_int SQLite3StatementBindInt32
- SQLite3StatementBindInt32WithName
sqlite3_bind_int64 SQLite3StatementBindInt64
- SQLite3StatementBindInt64WithName
sqlite3_bind_null SQLite3StatementBindNULL
- SQLite3StatementBindNULLWithName
sqlite3_bind_parameter_count SQLite3StatementGetBindParameterCount
sqlite3_bind_parameter_index SQLite3StatementGetBindParameterIndex
sqlite3_bind_parameter_name SQLite3StatementCreateBindNameStringWithIndex
sqlite3_bind_text SQLite3StatementBindString
- SQLite3StatementBindStringWithName
sqlite3_bind_text16 -
sqlite3_bind_value -
sqlite3_bind_zeroblob -
- SQLite3StatementBindWithDictionary
- SQLite3StatementBindWithArray
sqlite3_blob_bytes -
sqlite3_blob_close -
sqlite3_blob_open -
sqlite3_blob_read -
sqlite3_blob_reopen -
sqlite3_blob_write -
sqlite3_busy_handler -
sqlite3_busy_timeout -
sqlite3_changes -
sqlite3_clear_bindings SQLite3StatementClearBindings
sqlite3_close SQLite3ConnectionClose
sqlite3_collation_needed -
sqlite3_collation_needed16 -
sqlite3_column_blob -
sqlite3_column_bytes SQLite3StatementCreateDataWithColumn
- SQLite3StatementCreateDataWithColumnName
sqlite3_column_bytes16 -
sqlite3_column_count SQLite3StatementGetColumnCount
sqlite3_column_database_name -
sqlite3_column_database_name16 -
sqlite3_column_decltype -
sqlite3_column_decltype16 -
sqlite3_column_double SQLite3StatementGetDoubleWithColumn
- SQLite3StatementGetDoubleWithColumnName
sqlite3_column_int SQLite3StatementGetInt32WithColumn
- SQLite3StatementGetInt32WithColumnName
sqlite3_column_int64 SQLite3StatementGetInt64WithColumn
- SQLite3StatementGetInt64WithColumnName
sqlite3_column_name SQLite3StatementCreateColumnNameString
- SQLite3StatementGetColumnIndexWithName
sqlite3_column_name16 -
sqlite3_column_origin_name -
sqlite3_column_origin_name16 -
sqlite3_column_table_name -
sqlite3_column_table_name16 -
sqlite3_column_text SQLite3StatementCreateStringWithColumn
- SQLite3StatementCreateStringWithColumnName
sqlite3_column_text16 -
sqlite3_column_type SQLite3StatementGetColumnType
sqlite3_column_value -
sqlite3_commit_hook -
sqlite3_compileoption_get -
sqlite3_compileoption_used -
sqlite3_complete -
sqlite3_complete16 -
sqlite3_config -
sqlite3_context_db_handle -
sqlite3_create_collation -
sqlite3_create_collation16 -
sqlite3_create_collation_v2 -
sqlite3_create_function -
sqlite3_create_function16 -
sqlite3_create_function_v2 -
sqlite3_create_module -
sqlite3_create_module_v2 -
sqlite3_data_count -
sqlite3_db_config -
sqlite3_db_handle -
sqlite3_db_mutex -
sqlite3_db_status -
sqlite3_declare_vtab -
sqlite3_enable_load_extension -
sqlite3_enable_shared_cache -
sqlite3_errcode SQLite3ConnectionErrorCode
- SQLite3ConnectionHasError
sqlite3_errmsg SQLite3ConnectionCreateError
sqlite3_errmsg16 -
sqlite3_exec SQLite3ConnectionExecute
sqlite3_extended_errcode -
sqlite3_extended_result_codes -
sqlite3_file_control -
sqlite3_finalize SQLite3ConnectionFinalize
sqlite3_free -
sqlite3_free_table -
sqlite3_get_autocommit -
sqlite3_get_auxdata -
sqlite3_get_table -
sqlite3_initialize SQLite3ConnectionCreate
sqlite3_interrupt -
sqlite3_last_insert_rowid -
sqlite3_libversion -
sqlite3_libversion_number -
sqlite3_limit -
sqlite3_load_extension -
sqlite3_log -
sqlite3_malloc -
sqlite3_memory_highwater -
sqlite3_memory_used -
sqlite3_mprintf -
sqlite3_mutex_alloc -
sqlite3_mutex_enter -
sqlite3_mutex_free -
sqlite3_mutex_held -
sqlite3_mutex_leave -
sqlite3_mutex_notheld -
sqlite3_mutex_try -
sqlite3_next_stmt -
sqlite3_open -
sqlite3_open16 -
sqlite3_open_v2 SQLite3ConnectionCreate
sqlite3_os_end -
sqlite3_os_init -
sqlite3_overload_function -
sqlite3_prepare -
sqlite3_prepare16 -
sqlite3_prepare16_v2 -
sqlite3_prepare_v2 SQLite3StatementCreate
sqlite3_profile -
sqlite3_progress_handler -
sqlite3_randomness -
sqlite3_realloc -
sqlite3_release_memory -
sqlite3_reset SQLite3StatementReset
sqlite3_reset_auto_extension -
sqlite3_result_blob -
sqlite3_result_double -
sqlite3_result_error -
sqlite3_result_error16 -
sqlite3_result_error_code -
sqlite3_result_error_nomem -
sqlite3_result_error_toobig -
sqlite3_result_int -
sqlite3_result_int64 -
sqlite3_result_null -
sqlite3_result_text -
sqlite3_result_text16 -
sqlite3_result_text16be -
sqlite3_result_text16le -
sqlite3_result_value -
sqlite3_result_zeroblob -
sqlite3_rollback_hook -
sqlite3_set_authorizer -
sqlite3_set_auxdata -
sqlite3_shutdown -
sqlite3_sleep -
sqlite3_snprintf -
sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64 -
sqlite3_sourceid -
sqlite3_sql -
sqlite3_status -
sqlite3_step SQLite3StatementStep
sqlite3_stmt_readonly -
sqlite3_stmt_status -
sqlite3_strnicmp -
sqlite3_table_column_metadata -
sqlite3_test_control -
sqlite3_threadsafe -
sqlite3_total_changes -
sqlite3_trace -
sqlite3_unlock_notify -
sqlite3_update_hook -
sqlite3_user_data -
sqlite3_value_blob -
sqlite3_value_bytes -
sqlite3_value_bytes16 -
sqlite3_value_double -
sqlite3_value_int -
sqlite3_value_int64 -
sqlite3_value_numeric_type -
sqlite3_value_text -
sqlite3_value_text16 -
sqlite3_value_text16be -
sqlite3_value_text16le -
sqlite3_value_type -
sqlite3_version -
sqlite3_vfs_find -
sqlite3_vfs_register -
sqlite3_vfs_unregister -
sqlite3_vmprintf -
sqlite3_vsnprintf -
sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint -
sqlite3_wal_checkpoint -
sqlite3_wal_hook -