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File metadata and controls

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Quick Start

This is a configuration example to quickly get started with salt-sproxy.

1. Install salt-sproxy

Run pip install salt-sproxy either at root, or within a virtual environment.

If you don't know how to install pip, see this document:

For setting up a virtual environment, check out

If you have more specific requirements for the salt-sproxy installation, see :ref:`install`.

2. Build the list of devices

Say you have a list of devices you want to manage. For ease, you can put them into a file:


  driver: junos
  driver: iosxr
  driver: eos
  driver: panos


The /etc/salt/roster file can use any of the available SLS formats (combinations of the Salt Renderer modules) - Jinja + YAML, YAML, JSON, pure Python, JSON5, HJSON, etc.

For more examples, see also :ref:`example-file-roster`.

3. Configure

Apply the following configuration:


roster: file

This is all you need at minimum, however, you may have more specific requirements which you can customise using the configuration options documented in

4. Prepare the connection credentials

In a file, say /srv/pillar/proxy.sls, you'll need the following structure:

  proxytype: <proxy type>
  username: <username>
  password: <password>
  host: <host>

Where proxy type is the name of one of the available Proxy modules, either Salt native (, or developed in your own environment.


Either of these fields (i.e., proxytype, username, password, host) can be specified in the list of devices in the Pillar above (step 2). Generally, in this file, you put the list of parameters that are globally available to any devices. For example, if you're using the same username to manage all devices, you don't need to put it in the Pillar defined at step 2, but rather set it here.


  proxytype: napalm
  username: salt
  password: SaltSPr0xyRocks!
  host: {{ }}

The trick in the SLS above is the host field, which is rendered differently for each device; for instance, the hostname for the device router1 would be, and so on. As an exception, at step 2, for fw2 we defined a most specific host field, so salt-sproxy is going to use that one instead.

In the same way you can build custom dynamically rendered fields, as your business logic requires, making use of the flexibility of the SLS file format (which is by default Jinja + YAML, see this for more information).


If you want to use your own username / SSH key for authentication, you can configure the following:

username: {{ salt.environ.get('USER') }}

The configuration above, would dynamically use the username currently logged in, which could be particularly useful for shared environments where multiple users (with potentially different access levels) can log in and run Salt commands.

To authenticate using your SSH key, you need to set the password field blank / empty string (i.e., password: '').

As for using a custom private SSH key, you should check the documentation of the Proxy module of choice. For example, if you're using NAPALM, the location of the SSH key would be configured under the optional_args key, e.g.,

  proxytype: napalm
  username: {{ salt.environ.get('USER') }}
  password: ''
  host: {{ }}
    key_file: /path/to/priv/key

Granted you have the structure above in the /srv/pillar/proxy.sls file, as a last step, you only need to include it into the Pillar top file:


    - proxy

5. Happy automating!

With these three files (/etc/salt/roster, /etc/salt/master, and /srv/pillar/proxy.sls) configured as described, you can now start automating your network, e.g.,

$ salt-sproxy router1 net.arp
# ... snip ...

$ salt-sproxy -L router1,router2 net.load_config \
    text='set system ntp server'
# ... snip ...

$ salt-sproxy router2 napalm.junos_rpc 'get-validation-statistics'
# ... snip ...

$ salt-sproxy \* net.cli 'request system zeroize'