This code is for the paper "Test-time Adaptation via Self-training with Nearest Neighbor information (TAST)", accetped to ICLR'23. We use the publicly released code "". You can follow the descriptions about installation and experiments in "".
Python 3.7.11 PyTorch 1.8.0 Torchvision 0.9.0 CUDA 10.2 CUDNN 7605 NumPy 1.2 PIL 8.4.0
You can download the domain generalization benchmarks, namely VLCS, PACS, OfficeHome, and TerraIncognita by following the procedure. e.g.) python -m --data_dir=/my/datasets/path --dataset pacs
You can change pacs to vlcs, office_home, terra_incognita to download other datasets.
You can train a model on training domains.
e.g.) python -m domainbed.scripts.train
--data_dir /my/datasets/path
--output_dir /my/pretrain/path
--algorithm ERM
--dataset PACS
--hparams "{"backbone": "resnet18-BN"}"
You can use backbone networks such as resnet50-BN, resnet50 which are presented in the file. The trained network and information about the training are recorded in "/my/pretrain/path"
While testing, we adapt trained classifiers.
e.g.) python -m domainbed.scripts.unsupervised_adaptation
You can use the test-time adaptation algorithms such as T3A, TAST, and TAST_bn which are presented in the file.
Then, the test reulsts will be recorded in "/my/pretrain/path/out_TAST.txt" and "/my/pretrain/path/results_TAST.jsonl"