- Add wildcards for tags [GH-1038]
- Fix ps error in Pester tests on Linux [GH-1037]
- Fix dynamic module clean up after mock tests [GH-1036]
- Fix mocks clean up on start [GH-1035]
- Fix lessthan greaterthan assertion messages [GH-1034]
- Fix saving result files to the path provided as a PSDrive [GH-1033]
- Fix style rules for Pester dependencies [GH-1031]
- Add error message to fail in Should -Not -Throw [GH-1027]
- Add FileContentMatchMultiline back among assertions. [GH-1023]
- Fix FileContentMatchMultiline [GH-1024]
- Fix file count in JaCoCo report [GH-1013]
- Fix issue template by using the -ListAvailable [GH-1001]
- Fix Add-AssertionOperator example [GH-1016]
- Fix spaces in DescribeImpl [GH-1019]
- Fix -FileContentMatch example [GH-1020]
- Fix missing dependencies in packages
- Add tests for help [GH-997]
- Update output in assertions [GH-996]
- Fix stack trace output in assertions [GH-992]
- Add examples for gherkin [GH-994] [GH-995]
- Update should documentation [GH-990]
- Add tags PSEdition_Core, PSEdition_Desktop [GH-978]
- Add Get-ScriptModule error message with link to wiki [GH-945]
- Fix Write-PesterStart [GH-964]
- Fix AfterAll synopsis [GH-975]
- Fix detection of empty tests [GH-835]
- Add -Because parameters to all assertions [GH-959]
- Add -BeLessOrEqual and -BeGreaterOrEqual
- Add -Contain (that operates on arrays)
- Add -BeLikeExactly
- Add -HaveType alias to -BeOfType
- Fix assertion messages in -BeOfType
- Throw argument exception when -BeOfType is given type that is not loaded
- Add -PassThru to -Throw to get the exception when some is thrown and passes the filters
- Add -BeTrue to test for truthy values
- Add -BeFalse to test for falsy values
- Add -HaveCount to count stuff in collections
- Load dependencies optionally, because they are not part of the package build
- Should Throw filters on exception type [GH-954]
- Fix deployment scripts and package on choco and nuget
- Help for the Assert-VerifiableMocks function added [GH-883]
- Add-AssertionOperator can be called multiple times for identical parameters without errors. [GH-893]
- Update Pester to work on PowerShell Core at Windows, Linux, macOS [GH-925]
- Throw on Assert-VerifiableMocks [GH-918]
- Update a syntax of Should for the Pester v4 notation [GH-903]
- Syntax for the Should operator updated in Pester tests itself, an about_* documentation, examples [GH-910]
- Remove progress to make execution faster and fix linux formatting [GH-938]
- Invoke-Pester -Strict fails with internal pester error [GH-886] due to the prefered syntax change introduced in Pester v4 [GH-903]
- Fix Gherkin for Linux [GH-937] and PS2 [GH-942]
- Add Assert-VerifiableMocks that throws [GH-881]
- Use https in manifest and link to release notes [GH-871]
- Make commands singular [GH-860]
- Update help of Gherkin-related functions [GH-861]
- Rename Contain assertions to FileContentMatch [GH-859]
- Remove CommandUsed parameter from Describe [GH-858]
- Add new readme [GH-837]
- Add CodeCoverageOutputFileFormat parameter [GH-850]
- Update help for New-PesterOption [GH-847]
- Extend style rules to psd1 files [GH-842]
- Update help of New-MockObject and Context [GH-841]
- Update help of Invoke-Gherking [GH-839]
- Fix exception propagating outside of describe/context when AfterAll fails [GH-836]
- Fix foreground for inconclusive tests results [GH-829]
- Add limit for cyclic arrays on Should -Be [GH-824]
- Fix infinite recursion on Should -Be [GH-818]
- Fix output when passing in hashtables [GH-816]
- Fix -Verifiable parameter on Assert-VerifiableMocks [GH-786]
- Add Set-TestInconclusive documentation to It [GH-778]
- Add script analyzer tests and more internal fixes
- Publish Add-AssertionOperator [GH-765]
- Fix BeNullOrEmpty for empty hashtable [GH-760]
- Fix style rules [GH-691]
- Fix mock scope error message [GH-759]
- Fix mocking in consecutive scopes [GH-747]
- Add JaCoCo code coverage output [GH-782]
- Fix context and describe in test results [GH-755]
- Fix mocking functions in two consequitive contexts [GH-744]
- Fix import localized data on non en-US systems [GH-711]
- Fix IncludeVSCodeMarker [GH-726]
- Fix should be when working with distinct types [GH-704]
- Add commas to output [GH-690]
- Updated help and other small fixes
- Fix build script that builds the package for PowerShell gallery to include lib
- Pushing 4.0.0-rc again, because the PowerShell gallery does not allow the same version to be pushed again
- Fix nuget package to include gherkin library
Add Gherkin support
Add new should syntax to Should -Not -Be 1 to enable more extensibility
Add more unified output
Add colors to summary
(experimental) Add nested Describe and Context
Deprecated: Quiet parameter is depracated, use -Show none
Deprecated: New-TestDriveItem as most of the people do not even know it exists
Gone: OutputXml is gone, it was deprecated before, use -OutputFormat and -OutputFile
- Fix bug with -Show parameter on PowerShell v4 and older [GH-677]
- Add commas to test run summary [GH-676]
- Add -Show parameter to filter on-screen output [GH-647]
- Add BeIn assertion to assert an item is part of an array [GH-646]
- Fix test drive to work on PSCore [GH-643]
- Add New-MockObject function that creates empty objects for almost any .NET class [GH-635]
- Fixed mocking for certain cmdlets containing dynamic parameters in PowerShell 5.1. [GH-599]
- Bug fix when multiple cmdlets with the same name exist in PowerShell 5.1. [GH-588]
- Updated code to use Get-CimInstance if possible, then Get-WmiObject, for Nano compatibility. [GH-484]
- Fixed failure message output of Should BeLike / BeLikeExactly. [GH-497]
- Added some missing information to about_Should help. [GH-519]
- Made -OutputFormat parameter optional, defaulting to NUnitXml. [GH-503]
- Fix error message of Should Throw when null input is provided [GH-521]
- Fix mocking bug on functions that contain certain parameter names (Metadata, etc). [GH-583]
- Bug fix for PSv2 when no matching scripts are found by Invoke-Pester. [GH-441]
- Added "Should BeLike" assertion. [GH-456]
- Discarded unwanted pipeline output from BeforeEach / AfterEach / BeforeAll / AfterAll. [GH-468]
- Allowed closures to be used as mocks. [GH-465]
- Fixed invalid NUnit XML output if test script had a syntax error. [GH-467]
- Fix for mocking advanced functions that define a parameter named 'Args'. [GH-471]
- Fixed bug when trying to mock a command with a weird name containing a single quotation mark. [GH-474]
- Fixed bug for mocking Cmdlets that do not contain any positional parameters. [GH-477]
- Fixed bug when calling a mocked command from inside the mock. [GH-478]
- Added PesterOption parameter, and a switch to tweak console output for better VSCode extension functionality. [GH-479]
- Fixed Coverage analysis output, which broke in 3.3.12. [GH-440]
- Fixed a bug where mocking Get-Command would result in infinite recursion. [GH-437]
- Fixed a bug with mocking dynamic parameters on latest Windows 10 / PSv5 builds. [GH-419]
- Fix for NUnit XML export on .NET core. [GH-420]
- Added Set-TestInconclusive command. [GH-421]
- Mocking improvements for calling original commands with begin/process/end blocks. [GH-422]
- Case insensitive replacement of Test in help [GH-428]
- Improve stack trace and exception console output [GH-426]
- Added support for intercepting module-qualified calls to a mocked command. [GH-432]
- Improved Assert-MockCalled to allow it to be passed an alias as the -CommandName.
- Fixed a bug where mocking New-Object would cause a stack overflow. [GH-405]
- Fully qualified calls to Get-Content within Mocking code, to avoid triggering client's mocked versions of that command. [GH-362]
- Fixed a scoping error when calling the original command if no parameter filters match the call. [GH-362]
- Added Ignore alias for -Skip on the It command, and updated NUnit output to flag these tests as Ignored instead of Skipped, for better integration with things like TeamCity. [GH-368]
- Added support for Unicode to Should Contain. [GH-378]
- Added support for side-by-side installations to chocolateyInstall.ps1. [GH-401]
- Fixed Describe's handling of TestName filter when multiple strings are passed to Invoke-Pester's -TestName parameter.
- Failing BeforeEach or AfterEach will fail the test [GH-326]
- Added BeOfType operator to the Should command. [GH-327]
- Fixed BeforeEach / etc parsing in PSv3+ so breakpoints and automatic variables ($PSCommandPath, etc) will work properly. [GH-333]
- Fixed bug in 'Should Be' when comparing strings, and null or empty strings are piped in to the Should command. [GH-333]
- Added some calls to Write-Progress in the It command. [GH-322]
- Bug fix when mocking functions that are in the global scope; the original functions were being lost when the Describe block ended. [GH-323]
- Improved failed assertion output from Assert-MockCalled; now behaves more like Should. [GH-324]
- Added -ExclusiveFilter parameter to Assert-MockCalled. Works like -ParameterFilter, except there also must not be any calls to the mocked command which do not match the filter.
- Added the "bin" folder to the PATH environment variable when installing from Chocolatey. Also removed the hard-coded -OutputXml and -Strict parameters from this file; only -EnableExit is always used from the bat file now. [GH-281]
- PassThru object (when used in conjunction with -CodeCoverage) now includes information about Hit commands in addition to Missed commands. [GH-341]
- Improvements to support for mocking advanced functions with dynamic parameters. [GH-346]
- Fix for PowerShell v2 bug when mocking commands that have an -ArgumentList parameter with validation attributes. [GH-354]
- Fixed stack trace output when the call to Should is in a file other than the file that contains the It block. [GH-358]
- Further mocking fixes around the use of $ExecutionContext in client scope. [GH-307]
- Added workaround for GetDynamicParameters() bug that was affecting mocks on the ActiveDirectory module in Windows 7. [GH-295]
- Revised Mocking code to avoid potential bugs when functions define parameters named $ExecutionContext or $MyInvocation. [GH-304]
- Mocked functions no longer call Get-MockDynamicParameters if the original function had no dynamicparam block. [GH-306]
- Fix for mocking aliases for commands that are in scopes that Pester can't normally see. [GH-267]
- Added line information to test failure output in Should assertion failures. [GH-266]
- Added support for passing named parameters or positional arguments to test scripts, and for calling test scripts that are not named *.Tests.ps1. [GH-272]
- Made Pester compliant with StrictMode. [GH-274]
- Improved error message when InModuleScope finds multiple modules loaded with the same name. [GH-276]
- Updated build script to allow for custom root folder in the nupkg. [GH-254]
- Improved error messages for InModuleScope and Mock -ModuleName when multiple modules with the same name are loaded. Also enabled these commands to work if only one of the loaded modules is a Script module. [GH-278]
- Added some graceful handling of test code that has a misplaced break or continue statement. [GH-290]
- Updated tests to allow PRs to be automatically tested, with status updates to GitHub, by our CI server.
- Added Snippets directory to the nuget packages, and updated code so the module won't fail to import if Snippets are missing.
- No changes; publishing again to fix broken PowerShellGet upload.
- Performance Improvements
- Import ISESteroids snippets on load
- Updated Code Coverage analysis to be compatible with the PowerShell 5.0 AST when analyzing DSC configurations. [GH-249]
- Validate manifest version, changelog version and tag version
- Added BeforeAll and AfterAll commands
- Updated code to take advantage of -ErrorAction Ignore in PowerShell v3+.
- Add ISESteroids snippets but do not import them
- Added BeGreaterThan and BeLessThan assertions to Should.
- Add -Quiet parameter for Invoke-Pester that disables the output written to screen by Write-Host [GH-223]
- Fix Error output for TestDrive [GH-232]
- Add ExcludeTagFilter parameter [GH-234]
- Add different color schemes for dark and light backgrounds
- Fix Skipped and Pending
- Fix output format on non-US systems
- Fix mocking of Get-ItemProperty
- Fix mocking commands with parameters named $FunctionName, $ModuleName or $ArgumentList under some circumstances. [GH-215]
- Add Skipped and Pending test results
- Added support for parameterized tests to the It command.
- Deprecated -OutputXml parameter, added -OutputFile and -OutputFormat parameters.
- Added new updated NUnit export format. Original format still available as -OutputFormat LegacyNUnitXml.
- Stopped forcing -ParameterFilter blocks to return explicit booleans, preventing some unnecessary null reference exceptions.
- Can be installed from PowerShellGet
- Version updated to solve issue on PowerShellGet
- Coverage Analysis now ignores closing conditions of do/while and do/until loops, which were giving false failures. [GH-200]
- Calls to Functions and Cmdlets with dynamic parameters can now be mocked. [GH-203]
- Mock now avoids assigning strings to items in the Function provider, bypassing a PowerShell 3.0 bug.
- Bug fix when mocking executables or functions with no param block. [GH-209]
- Replace the nuget.exe with version 2.8.2 and set the Team City server to use the same version.
- Fixing wrong version in the manifest, publishing new version so I can update it on Nuget/Chocolatey
- Fix nuspec specification to build the 3.0.0 package correctly
- Add verbose output for Be and BeExactly string comparison [GH-192]
- Fixed NUnit XML output (missing close tag for failure element.) [GH-195]
- Fix code coverage tests so they do not left breakpoints set [GH-149]
- Add better output for hashtables in code coverage [GH-150]
- Fix Invoke-Pester -OutputXml usage of relative paths
- Remove Validate-Xml function
- Remove legacy object adaptations support
- Remove tests testing usage of the global scope
- Add function name to Code coverage output [GH-152]
- Suppress pipeline output in Context / Describe [GH-155]
- Coverage Output Update [GH-156]
- Add initial implementation of BeforeEach / AfterEach [GH-158]
- CodeCoverage of files containing DSC Configurations [GH-163]
- Rolling back some earlier Pester Scope changes [GH-164]
- Legacy expectations cleanup [GH-165]
- Invoke-Pester tests path fix [GH-166]
- Assert-MockCalled default ModuleName fix. [GH-167]
- Output exception source when test fails [GH-147]
- Fix for PesterThrowFailureMessage on PowerShell 2.0. [GH-171]
- Pester.bat no longer enables StrictMode. [GH-172]
- Fixed default behavior of fixture parameter in Describe and Context. [GH-174]
- Syntax errors in test files, as well as terminating errors from Describe or Context blocks are now treated as failed tests. [GH-168]
- Mock lifetime is no longer tied to It blocks. [GH-176]
- Add module manifest
- Added multiple lines to failure messages from Should Be and Should BeExactly. Updated console output code to support blank lines in failure messages and stack traces. [GH-185]
- Fixed stack trace information when test failures come from inside InModuleScope blocks, or from something other than a Should assertion. [GH-183]
- Fixed stack trace information from Describe and Context block errors in PowerShell 2.0. [GH-186]
- Fixed a problem with parameter / argument resolution in mocked cmdlets / advanced functions. [GH-187]
- Improved error reporting when Pester commands are called outside of a Describe block. [GH-188]
- Extensive updates to help files and comment-based help for v3.0 release. [GH-190]
- Add code coverage [GH-148]
- Fix TestName
- Fix direct execution of tests when the script is dot-sourced to global scope [GH-144]
- Fix mock parameter filter in strict mode [GH-143]
- Fix nUnit schema compatibility
- Fix special characters in nUnit output
- Add full support for module mocking
- Isolate Pester internals from tested code [GH-139]
- Tests.ps1 files can be run directly [GH-139]
- Add It scope to TestDrive
- Add It scope to Mock
- Add Scope parameter to Assert-MockCalled
- Measure test time more precisely
- Process It blocks in memory [GH-123]
- Fixed -ExecutionPolicy in pester.bat [GH-130]
- Add support for mocking internal module functions, aliases, exe and filters. [GH-126]
- Fix TestDrive clean up [GH-129]
- Fix ShouldArgs in Strict-Mode [GH-134]
- Fix initialize $PesterException [GH-136]
- Validate Should Assertion methods [GH-135]
- Fix using commands without fully qualified names [GH-137]
- Enable latest strict mode when running Pester tests using Pester.bat
- Fixed issue where TestDrive doesn't work with paths with . characters [GH-52]
- Fixed issues when mocking Out-File [GH-71]
- Exposing TestDrive with Get-TestDriveItem [GH-70]
- Fixed bug where mocking Remove-Item caused cleanup to break [GH-68]
- Added -Passthru to Setup to obtain file system object references [GH-69]
- Can assert on exception messages from Throw assertions [GH-58]
- Fixed assertions on empty functions [GH-50]
- Fixed New-Fixture so it creates proper syntax in tests [GH-49]
- Fixed assertions on Object arrays [GH-61]
- Fixed issue where curly brace misalignment would cause issues [GH-90]
- Better contrasting output colours [GH-92]
- New-Fixture handles "." properly [GH-86]
- Fixed mix scoping of It and Context [GH-98] and [GH-99]
- Test Drives are randomly generated, which should allow concurrent Pester processes [GH-100] and [GH-94]
- Fixed nUnit test failing on non-US computers [GH-109]
- Add case sensitive Be, Contain and Match assertions [GH-107]
- Fix Pester template self-tests [GH-113]
- Time is output to the XML report [GH-95]
- Internal fixes to remove unnecessary dependencies among functions
- Cleaned up Invoke-Pester interface
- Make output better structured
- Add -PassThru to Invoke-Pester [GH-102], [GH-84] and [GH-46]
- Makes New-Fixture -Path option more resilient [GH-114]
- Make the New-Fixture input accept any path and output objects
- Move New-Fixture to separate script
- Remove Write-UsageForNewFixture
- Fix Should Throw filtering by exception message [GH-125]
- Fixed line number reported in pester failure when using new pipelined should assertions [GH-40]
- Added describe/context scoping for mocks [GH-42]
- Fixed exit code bug that was introduced in version 2.0.0
- Renamed -EnableLegacyAssertions to -EnableLegacyExpectations
- Functionality equivalent to 1.2.0 except legacy assertions disabled by default. This is a breaking change for anyone who is already using Pester
- Fixing many of the scoping issues [GH-9]
- Ability to tag describes [GH-35]
- Added new assertion syntax (eg: 1 | Should Be 1)
- Added 'Should Throw' assertion [GH-37]
- Added 'Should BeNullOrEmpty' assertion [GH-39]
- Added negative assertions with the 'Not' keyword
- Added 'Match' assertion
- Added -DisableOldStyleAssertions [GH-19] and [GH-27]
- Added Contain assertion which tests file contents [GH-13]
- Add should.not_be [GH-38]
- Add mocking functionality [GH-26]
This changelog is inspired by the Vagrant file. Hopefully this will help keep the releases tidy and understandable.