Releases: midas-isg/FRED
Releases · midas-isg/FRED
Try for generate all USA states take 5
spew-0.5 Tried to generate for all states by os.listdir().
Try for generate all USA states take 4
spew-0.4 Fixed a mistake from the last commit.
Try for generate all USA states take 3
spew-0.3 Skipped states that already ran by detecting their .out file.
Try for generate all USA states take 2
spew-0.2 Tried to generate for all states by os.listdir() and also redirect st…
Try for generate all USA states
spew-0.1 Tried to generate for all states 01 to 99.
First beta for 64-bit Cygwin
This pre-release is a build of FRED created to run 'out-of-box' with a 64-bit installation of Cygwin.
It contains binaries generated from building FRED within a 64-bit Cygwin environment on Windows 10.
It can be packaged into an installer for distribution by following instructions from FRED_CYGWIN_INSTALLER (
This branch was the latest version of FRED released when midas-isg/FRED ( was forked from PublicHealthDynamicsLab/FRED (