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Building TensorFlow-DirectML

This document contains instructions for producing private builds of tensorflow-directml.

DirectML Branch

This project is a fork of the official tensorflow repository that targets TensorFlow v1.15. This fork will not merge upstream, since TensorFlow does not accept new features for previous releases, so the master branch is based off v1.15.0 from the upstream repository. DirectML changes do not appear in the master branch.

The directml branch is considered the main branch for development in this repository. This branch contains changes related to DirectML as well as security fixes in the upstream repository (e.g. changes in 1.15.1, 1.15.2, 1.15.3., etc.). Since this project is still in early development, the directml branch may be unstable and reference a "preview" version of DirectML that is subject to change. We recommend testing pre-built packages of tensorflow-directml on PyPI; these builds are produced from the directml branch, but only when a stable version of DirectML is referenced. Alternatively, we recommend building against release tags associated with PyPI releases.

Developer Mode

This repository may periodically reference in-development versions of DirectML for testing new features. For example, experimental APIs are added to DirectMLPreview.h, which may have breaking changes; once an API appears in DirectML.h it is immutable. A preview build of DirectML requires developer mode to be enabled or it will fail to load. This restriction is intended to avoid a long-term dependency on the preview library. Packages on PyPI will only be released when the repository depends on a stable version of DirectML.

You can determine if the current state of the repository references an in-development version of DirectML by inspecting tensorflow/workspace.bzl. If the package name is Microsoft.AI.DirectML.Preview, or the version ends with -dev*, then developer mode will be required. For example, the following snippet shows a dependency on DirectML Microsoft.AI.DirectML.Preview.1.5.0-dev20210406, which requires developer mode.

    name = "dml_redist",
    package = "Microsoft.AI.DirectML.Preview",
    version = "1.5.0-dev20210406",
    source = "",
    build_file = "//third_party/dml/redist:BUILD.bazel",

Developer mode is, as the name indicates, only intended to be used for development! It should not be used for any other purpose. To enable developer mode:

  • Windows

  • WSL

    • Create a plain-text file in your Linux home directory, ~/.directml.conf, with the contents devmode = 1.

DirectX Development Files

The development headers and libraries used to build DirectX-based applications are included in the Windows SDK; however, this SDK is not available when building for Linux, and some of required APIs may not yet exist in public versions of the SDK. For these reasons, the DirectX development files are integrated a little differently in this project.

The header files for Direct3D, DXCore, and DirectML are downloaded automatically. This project does not use any DirectX headers included in the Windows 10 SDK except for dxgi1_6.h, which is part of Windows 10 SDK 10.0.17763.0 or newer.

The use of the redistributable DirectML library is governed by a separate license that is found as part of the package (found in tensorflow_core/python/DirectML_LICENSE.txt when extracted).

Recommended Build Environment

We've tested the following build environments, and we recommend using a Python environment manager like Miniconda to sandbox your builds. It may be possible to build in other environments that we have not tested.

  • Windows

    • Visual Studio 2017 (15.x)
    • Windows 10 SDK 10.0.17763.0 or newer
    • MSYS2 20190524 or newer with the git, unzip, and patch packages installed
    • Bazel 0.26.1
    • Python 3.6, or 3.7 environment with the following packages installed:
      • six
      • numpy
      • wheel
      • keras_applications==1.0.6
      • keras_preprocessing==1.0.5
  • Linux

    • Any glibc-based distro (we've tested Ubuntu 18.04+) with gcc/g++ packages
    • Bazel 0.26.1
    • Python 3.6, or 3.7 environment with the following packages installed:
      • six
      • numpy
      • wheel
      • keras_applications==1.0.6
      • keras_preprocessing==1.0.5

Build Script

A helper script,, can be used to build this repository with support for DirectML. This script is a thin wrapper around the bazel commands for configuring and build TensorFlow; you may use bazel directly if you prefer, but make sure to include --config=dml. Run --help for a full list of options, or inspect this file to get a full list of the bazel commands it executes.

CI/PyPI Builds

The wheels published to tensorflow-directml PyPI are produced using the Azure Pipelines scripts found under third_party/dml/ci/pipeline.

Linux Wheels (Manylinux) and DirectX Libraries

Building portable Linux binaries is tricky in comparison to Windows or MacOS. The Manylinux project attempts to wrangle some of this complexity by providing standards for build environments to produce binaries that are widely usable across GLIBC-based Linux distros. Manylinux also provides container images that implement the various manylinux standards.

Unfortunately, the official manylinux2010 image does not support pre-built versions of bazel (the build tool for TensorFlow); it's necessary to build bazel from source or set up a manylinux2010-compliant toolchain on a different host OS. The official TensorFlow CI builds use Ubuntu 16.04 as the base OS for its container-based builds, and TFDML CI builds take a similar approach by leveraging Google's custom-op-ubuntu16 image.

The DirectX libraries bundled into the TFDML wheel are built using a different cross-compiling technique intended to support both glibc and musl, so they may not be recognized as manylinux2010 compliant. The DX libraries only run in WSL2 distros, so this should not have any real-world consequence, but the auditwheel tool may report issues with these binaries when scanning the TFDML Linux wheels.

You will need to build this repository from source if the manylinux wheels on PyPI do not work for your target WSL2 distro (e.g. Alpine Linux uses musl instead of glibc). PyPI does not support uploading Linux binary wheels unless they conform to the manylinux standards.

Detailed Instructions: Windows

These instructions use Miniconda to sandbox your build environment. This isn't strictly necessary, and there are other ways to do this (e.g. virtual machines, containers), but for the purpose of this walk-through you will use a Python virtual environment to build TFDML.

Install Visual Studio 2017

TensorFlow 1.15 only builds with VS2017. Download and install the community, professional, or enterprise edition.

Make sure you install the Windows 10 SDK as well, which should be version 10.0.17763.0 or newer.

Install MSYS2

The MSYS2 package contains several POSIX tools, built for Windows, which are required by the Bazel build system (bash shell, wget, bzip2, etc.). Again, you can use the default install directory or relocate it if desired.

Once MSYS2 is installed, invoke its package manager to install a few additional dependencies (replace C:\msys64 with the location where you installed MSYS2):

PS> C:\msys64\usr\bin\pacman.exe -S git patch unzip

Install Bazel

Bazel is the build tool for TensorFlow. Bazel is distributed as an executable and there is no installer step.

  1. Download Bazel 0.26.1.
  2. Copy/rename bazel-0.26.1-windows-x86_64.exe to a versioned path, such as C:\bazel\0.26.1\bazel.exe. TensorFlow will expect bazel.exe on the %PATH%, so renaming the executable while retaining the version within the path is useful.

Install Miniconda

Miniconda is a bundle that includes Python, a package and environment manager named Conda, and a very small set of Python packages. It is a lighter-weight alternative to Anaconda, which contains hundreds of Python packages that aren't necessary for building. The rest of this document applies equally to Anaconda if you prefer.

Download the latest Miniconda3 Windows 64-bit installer. You can leave all the default settings, but take note of the installation location (you'll need it later). The examples in this doc will reference "c:\miniconda3" as the install location.

Create Conda Build Environment

Launch a Miniconda prompt (appears as "Anaconda PowerShell Prompt (Miniconda3)" in Windows Start Menu). The examples below will use the PowerShell version, but you can use the CMD version if you prefer. This prompt is a thin wrapper around PowerShell/CMD that adds the Conda installation to the PATH environment variable and modifies the display prompt slightly.

After launching the prompt, create a new environment. The examples here use the name tfdml, but you can choose any name you like. The idea is to sandbox any packages and dependencies in this environment. This will create a separate copy of Python and its packages in a directory C:\miniconda3\envs\tfdml.

IMPORTANT: make sure to use Python 3.7 or 3.6. TensorFlow 1.15 is not supported on newer versions of Python.

(base) PS> conda create --name tfdml python=3.7

Next, activate the environment. Activating an environment will set up the PATH to use the correct version of Python and its packages.

(base) PS> conda activate tfdml

Within the activated environment, install the following Python packages required for TensorFlow:

(tfdml) PS> pip install six numpy wheel
(tfdml) PS> pip install keras_applications==1.0.6 --no-deps
(tfdml) PS> pip install keras_preprocessing==1.0.5 --no-deps

Finally, we need to augment the PATH of the conda environment to include Bazel and MSYS2.

  • Conda will automatically run any scripts under %CONDA_PREFIX%\etc\conda\activate.d\ when activating the environment.
  • Conda will automatically run any scripts under %CONDA_PREFIX%\etc\conda\deactivate.d\ when deactivating the environment.
  • %CONDA_PREFIX% is the path to the Conda environment, such as C:\miniconda3\envs\tfdev in these examples.

IMPORTANT: Use the script type appropriate for your shell: .ps1 for PowerShell, .bat for Command Prompt, .sh for bash, etc.

First, create the empty activation/deactivation scripts:

(tfdev) PS> cd $env:CONDA_PREFIX
(tfdev) PS> New-Item etc\conda\activate.d\path.ps1 -Force
(tfdev) PS> New-Item etc\conda\deactivate.d\path.ps1 -Force

Set the contents of the activation script (%CONDA_PREFIX%\etc\conda\activate.d\path.ps1). Make sure to use the correct paths where you installed Bazel and MSYS2:

$env:PATH = "C:\bazel\0.26.1;$env:PATH"
$env:PATH = "C:\msys64\usr\bin;$env:PATH"

Set the contents of the deactivation script (%CONDA_PREFIX%\etc\conda\deactivate.d\path.ps1):


Restart your conda environment (launch the Miniconda prompt again and activate tfdml). You should see both Bazel and MSYS2 tools on the PATH when running the `tfdml environment:

(tfdml) PS> get-command bazel

CommandType     Name          Version    Source
-----------     ----          -------    ------
Application     bazel.exe    C:\bazel\0.26.1\bazel.exe

(tfdml) PS> get-command git

CommandType     Name          Version    Source
-----------     ----          -------    ------
Application     git.exe    C:\msys64\usr\bin\git.exe


Clone the repository to a location of your choosing. The examples here will assume you clone to C:\src\tensorflow-directml for the sake of brevity, but you may clone wherever you like.

PS> cd c:\src
PS> git clone


Remember to activate your build environment whenever you need to build. Change your working directory to the clone location:

(base) PS> conda activate tfdml
(tfdml) PS> cd c:\src\tensorflow-directml

To produce the Python package run the following:

(tfdml) PS> python -p -c release

After the package is built you will find a wheel package under <PATH_TO_CLONE>\..\tfdml_build\python_package (e.g. C:\src\tfdml_build\python_package in these examples). You can run pip install on the output .whl file to install your locally built copy of TensorFlow-DirectML.

The build script has additional options you can experiment with. To see more details:

(tfdml) PS> python --help

Note that the config parameter accepts debug or release as an argument, but these are largely the same: debug builds are effectively just "release with debug symbols" since the output PDBs for TensorFlow without optimizations are prohibitively large.

Detailed Instructions: Linux

These instructions use Miniconda to sandbox your build environment. This isn't strictly necessary, and there are other ways to do this (e.g. virtual machines, containers), but for the purpose of this walk-through you will use a Python virtual environment to build TFDML.

Install Development Tools

sudo apt install unzip gcc g++

Install Bazel

bash --bin=$HOME/bin/bazel/0.26.1 --base=$HOME/.bazel

Install Miniconda

Miniconda is a bundle that includes Python, a package and environment manager named Conda, and a very small set of Python packages. It is a lighter-weight alternative to Anaconda, which contains hundreds of Python packages that aren't necessary for building. The rest of this document applies equally to Anaconda if you prefer.


Create Conda Build Environment

Restart your shell if you configured conda to init in the .bashrc file. Otherwise, you can launch the base environment as follows:

eval "$($HOME/miniconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)" 

After launching the prompt, create a new environment. The examples here use the name tfdml, but you can choose any name you like. The idea is to sandbox any packages and dependencies in this environment. This will create a separate copy of Python and its packages.

IMPORTANT: make sure to use Python 3.7 or 3.6. TensorFlow 1.15 is not supported on newer versions of Python.

(base) ~$ conda create --name tfdml python=3.7

Next, activate the environment. Activating an environment will set up the PATH to use the correct version of Python and its packages.

(base) ~$ conda activate tfdml

Within the activated environment, install the following Python packages required for TensorFlow:

(tfdml) ~$ pip install six numpy wheel
(tfdml) ~$ pip install keras_applications==1.0.6 --no-deps
(tfdml) ~$ pip install keras_preprocessing==1.0.5 --no-deps

Finally, we need to augment the PATH of the conda environment to include Bazel.

(tfdml) :~$ mkdir -p $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d
(tfdml) :~$ mkdir -p $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/deactivate.d
(tfdml) :~$ touch $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/
(tfdml) :~$ touch $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/deactivate.d/

Set the contents of the activation script ($CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/ Make sure to use the correct paths where you installed Bazel:

export PATH=$HOME/bin/bazel/0.26.1:$PATH

Set the contents of the deactivation script ($CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/deactivate.d/



Clone the repository to a location of your choosing. The examples here will assume you clone to ~/src/tensorflow-directml for the sake of brevity, but you may clone wherever you like.

(tfdml) :~$ cd ~/src
(tfdml) :~$ git clone


Remember to activate your build environment whenever you need to build. To produce the Python package run the following:

(tfdml) :~$ cd ~/src/tensorflow-directml
(tfdml) :~$ python -p -c release

After the package is built you will find a wheel package under ~/tfdml_build/python_package. You can run pip install on the output .whl file to install your locally built copy of TensorFlow-DirectML.

The build script has additional options you can experiment with. To see more details:

(tfdml) :~$ python --help

Note that the config parameter accepts debug or release as an argument, but these are largely the same: debug builds are effectively just "release with debug symbols" since the symbols for TensorFlow without optimizations are prohibitively large.