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API documentation

Alexander Sklar edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 9 revisions

There are several types of public APIs we expose and their documentation is written in different ways:

APIs in Microsoft.ReactNative

These are WinRT APIs. The documentation for these used to be manual but it is now autogenerated.

To add/change one of these APIs' documentation

  1. find the type definition in the IDL file
  2. rebuild Microsoft.ReactNative.sln (in Debug, see below)
  3. pass it through the doc generator tool (winmd2markdown) to produce the markdown files and IntelliSense XML
  4. check the produced markdown files into the react-native-windows-samples repo


Here are the available syntax features that will be surfaced by the doc generator tool:

  • [doc_string("my string")] will add a description string. This gets compiled unconditionally into the WinMD file, so since we want to limit the size of our binaries, we have a DOC_STRING macro that compiles to no-op on Release builds, and adds the attribute in Debug. As a result, only Debug builds should be used to auto-generate the markdown docs.
  • [doc_default("the_default_value")] can be applied to properties to document their default value
  • [experimental] will mark the API or type as experimental. You will get build warnings for any API/types that are not marked experimental but reference an experimental API/types.
  • [deprecated("This is deprecated, use something else", deprecate, version_number)] will mark the API as deprecated and store the message.

You can use a special syntax to cross-link to a type or property/method within a type, inside of a doc_string / deprecated string:

  • @MyLinkedType will link to the page for MyLinkedType.
  • @MyLinkedType.MyProperty will link to the MyProperty anchor in the MyLinkedType page.
  • @.MyProperty will link to the MyProperty anchor in the current page.

Note: when adding code samples, ensure that // comments are instead replaced with /-/. This is because MIDL first calls the C preprocessor which will strip comments before MIDL gets a chance to interpret them as part of a string.


  • For every type (class, struct, enum, delegate), the tool will produce a single markdown file with all its members in a way that is consumable by Docusaurus (which the samples repo uses).
  • It uses the text supplied to doc_string and doc_default and adds it as the description of the type or API.
  • Every time a type is mentioned (e.g. when we display the type of a property, a return type of a method or the types of the params, etc.) it will produce a clickable link that will take you to either the corresponding markdown page if the type is in the same namespace, or to the page for the type (if it is a Windows.* or Microsoft.* type).
  • Displays Experimental / Deprecated notices. To enable outputting experimental APIs, pass /experimental in the command line.
  • Every class will list any non-trivial interfaces that it implements (and link to it)
  • Tracks back-references to each type. This way people can figure out "if I wanted to use this type, what other types have APIs that reference it?", and they can better understand e.g. how to get an instance of this type by using other APIs.
  • Creates an additional page that links to all the types it crawled. In the samples repo API page, the sidebar only lists a few APIs plus the Full reference page for access to the full set of APIs.

The XML generation uses the same metadata:

  • Produces an IntelliSense XML with a <summary> section based on the doc_string
  • If it encounters code blocks (```), it will add them as a <example><code>... section.


The doc generation tool will produce both markdown files (one per type) as well as an IntelliSense XML that can be added to the NuGet package. C# code using the Microsoft.ReactNative winmd directly, can leverage the IntelliSense XML and get doc comments that way.

C++ code won't get the doc comments right now but @asklar has work underway to support this - essentially we need to:

  1. Standardize the custom MIDLRT attributes into Windows.Foundation.Metadata
  2. Have cppwinrt produce XML docs in the projected code that is seeded from the custom attributes
  3. move the RNW code to use the now-standardized custom attributes instead of doc_string.


Regular page

Deprecation notice

Full reference page


C++ APIs

The most commonly used C++ APIs we have used outside of the RNW repo are macros used by native module implementers, like REACT_MODULE. These are currently only documented as part of the Usage docs

APIs in Microsoft.ReactNative.Managed

These APIs provide a more convenient, idiomatic C# access to the React Native for Windows WinRT APIs in Microsoft.ReactNative. Since the code is written in C#, the APIs can be documented using XML comments. The managed attributes like [ReactModule] live in this namespace. They are leveraged by Microsoft.ReactNative.Managed.CodeGen to generate code-behind that deals with registering native modules.

Windows-only React Native JavaScript/TypeScript APIs

These are hand-written, though with some work they could be generated. They live in the samples repo.

Usage docs

These are hand-written, They live in the samples repo.