The example in this folder was taken from FedML repository on its release 0.7.300, using the configuration suggested on their benchmarking results for MPI-Based Federated Learning (fastest on this version).
FLUTE will automatically download the data used for this example, otherwise you can use the scripts provided here for each independent dataset in the FedML GitHub repository.
If you downloaded the data manually, make sure that the variable data_cache_dir
has been updated inside
. Later, you can run the experiment as follows:
python -m --nproc_per_node=4 -dataPath ~/data -outputPath ~/outputTest -config ./experiments/cv_lr_mnist/config.yaml -task cv_lr_mnist -backend nccl
This comparison was carried out using Parrot (Simulator) on version 0.7.303 at commit ID 8f7f261f.
| | FedML (MPI) - Fastest | FLUTE (NCCL) - Fastest |
| Task | Acc | Time | GPU Mem | Acc | Time | GPU Mem |
| LR_MNIST | ~81 | 00:03:09 | ~3060 MB | ~81 | 00:01:35 | ~1060 MB |
| CNN_FEMNIST | ~83 | 05:49:52 | ~5180 MB | ~83 | 00:08:22 | ~1770 MB |
| RESNET_FEDCIFAR100 | ~34 | 15:55:36 | ~5530 MB | ~33 | 01:42:01 | ~1900 MB |
| RNN_FEDSHAKESPEARE | ~57 | 06:46:21 | ~3690 MB | ~57 | 00:21:50 | ~1270 MB |
In order to reproduce this experiment in FedML please use the setup below.
training_type: "simulation"
random_seed: 0
dataset: "mnist"
data_cache_dir: ~/fedml_data
partition_method: "hetero"
partition_alpha: 0.5
model: "lr"
federated_optimizer: "FedAvg"
client_id_list: "[]"
client_num_in_total: 1000
client_num_per_round: 10
comm_round: 100
epochs: 1
batch_size: 10
client_optimizer: sgd
learning_rate: 0.03
weight_decay: 0.001
frequency_of_the_test: 20
worker_num: 10
using_gpu: true
gpu_mapping_file: config/fedemnist_cnn/gpu_mapping.yaml
gpu_mapping_key: mapping_default # [3, 3, 3, 2]
backend: "MPI"
is_mobile: 0
This comparison was carried out using Flower (Simulator) on version 1.0.0 at commit ID 4e7fad9. Showing that in some cases FLUTE can outperform 53x faster.
| | Flower (Ray) | FLUTE (NCCL/Gloo) |
| | Acc | Time | Acc | Time |
| CPU | ~80 | 00:30:14 | ~80 | 00:03:20 |
| GPU 2x | ~80 | 01:21:44 | ~80 | 00:01:31 |
| GPU 4x | ~79 | 00:56:45 | ~81 | 00:01:26 |
In order to reproduce this experiment in Flower please use the following patch file for the CPU setup. If you want to use multiple GPUs, follow the configuration suggested here