The accordion header is a button and it needs an accessibile name e.g. text content, aria-label, aria-labelledby (@microsoft/fluentui-jsx-a11y/accordion-header-needs-labelling
💼 This rule is enabled in the ✅ recommended
The ESLint rule is designed to enforce accessibility standards in React components, specifically ensuring an accordion header is accessible to screen reader users.
Accordions are common UI components that allow users to expand and collapse sections of content.
For an accordion to be accessible:
Each accordion header should be implemented as a button. This is because buttons are inherently accessible, providing keyboard and screen reader support. Making the accordion header a button ensures that users can interact with it using keyboard commands or assistive technologies.
Each accordion panel should be marked as a region that is controlled by the accordion header. This can be achieved using attributes like aria-controls to link the header to the panel. The panel should be appropriately labeled to ensure it can be identified and understood by users of assistive technologies.
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
<AccordionHeader icon={<RocketRegular />}></AccordionHeader>
<AccordionHeader icon={<RocketRegular />} expandIcon={<RocketRegular />}></AccordionHeader>
<Label>Heading 1</Label>
<AccordionHeader icon={<RocketRegular />} expandIcon={<RocketRegular />}></AccordionHeader>
Examples of correct code for this rule:
<AccordionHeader>Accordion Header 1</AccordionHeader>
<AccordionHeader icon={<RocketRegular />}>Accordion Header 1</AccordionHeader>