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Manufacturing DREAM PoC Accelerator Setup Guide

What is it?

DREAM PoC Accelerators (DPoC) are packaged Industry Scenario DREAM Demos with ARM templates (with a demo web app, Power BI reports, Synapse resources, AML Notebooks etc.) that can be deployed in a customer’s subscription using the CAPE tool in a few hours. Partners can also deploy DREAM Demos in their own subscriptions using DPoC.

Objective & Intent

Partners can deploy DREAM Demos in their own Azure subscriptions and show live demos to customers. In partnership with Microsoft sellers, partners can deploy the Industry scenario DREAM demos into customer subscriptions. Customers can play, get hands-on experience navigating through the demo environment in their own subscription and show to their own stakeholders Before You Begin


  1. Please read the license agreement and disclaimer before proceeding, as your access to and use of the code made available hereunder is subject to the terms and conditions made available therein.
  2. Without limiting the terms of the license , any Partner distribution of the Software (whether directly or indirectly) may only be made through Microsoft’s Customer Acceleration Portal for Engagements (“CAPE”). CAPE is accessible by Microsoft employees. For more information about the CAPE process, please connect with your local Data & AI specialist or CSA/GBB.
  3. Please note that Azure hosting costs are involved when DREAM PoC Accelerators are implemented in customer or partner Azure subscriptions. Microsoft will not cover DPoC hosting costs for partners or customers.
  4. Since this is a DPoC, there are certain resources open to the public. Please ensure proper security practices are followed before you add any sensitive data into the environment. To strengthen the security posture of the environment, leverage Azure Security Centre.
  5. For any questions or comments please email [email protected].

Note: Set up your demo environment at least two hours before your scheduled demo to make sure everything is working.


© 2021 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 

By using this demo/lab, you agree to the following terms:

The technology/functionality described in this demo/lab is provided by Microsoft Corporation for purposes of obtaining your feedback and to provide you with a learning experience. You may only use the demo/lab to evaluate such technology features and functionality and provide feedback to Microsoft. You may not use it for any other purpose. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell this demo/lab or any portion thereof.





  • An Azure Account with the ability to create an Azure Synapse Workspace.
  • A Power BI Pro or Premium account to host Power BI reports.
  • Make sure the following resource providers are registered with your Azure Subscription.    
    • Microsoft.Sql
    • Microsoft.Synapse
    • Microsoft.StreamAnalytics
    • Microsoft.EventHub
  • Please note that you can run only one deployment at a given point of time and need to wait for the completion. You should not run multiple deployments in parallel as that will cause deployment failures.
  • Please ensure selection of correct region where desired Azure Services are available. In case certain services are not available, deployment may fail. Azure Services Global Availability for understanding target services availablity.
  • Do not use any special characters or uppercase letters in the environment code.
  • Please ensure that you select the correct resource group name. We have given a sample name which may need to be changed should any resource group with the same name already exist in your subscription.
  • Once the resources have been setup, please ensure that your AD user and synapse workspace have “Storage Blob Data Owner” role assigned on storage account name starting with “dreamdemostrggen2”. You need to contact AD admin to get this done.

Note: Please log in to Azure and Power BI using the same credentials.

Before starting

Task 1: Create a resource group in Azure

  1. Log into the Azure Portal using your Azure credentials.

  2. On the Azure Portal home screen, select the '+ Create a resource' tile.

    A portion of the Azure Portal home screen is displayed with the + Create a resource tile highlighted.

  3. In the Search the Marketplace text box, type 'Resource Group' and press the Enter key.

    On the new resource screen Resource group is entered as a search term.

  4. Select the 'create' button on the 'Resource Group' overview page.

    A portion of the Azure Portal home screen is displayed with Create Resource Group tile

  5. On the 'Create a resource group' screen, select your desired Subscription. For Resource group, type 'Synapse-WWI-Lab'.

  6. Select your desired Region.

  7. Click the 'Review + Create' button.

    The Create a resource group form is displayed populated with Synapse-MCW as the resource group name.

  8. Click the 'Create' button once all entries have been validated.

    Create Resource Group with the final validation passed.

Task 2: Create Power BI workspace

  1. Open Power BI Services in a new tab using the following link:

  2. Sign in, to your Power BI account using Power BI Pro account.

Note: Please use the same credentials for Power BI which you will be using for Azure Account.

Sign in to Power BI.

  1. In Power BI service click on 'Workspaces'.

  2. Then click on the 'Create a workspace' tab.

Create Power BI Workspace.

  1. Enter the 'Workspace name' and 'Description' and click 'Save'.

Give the name and description for the new workspace.

Note: Please create a Workspace by the name 'Engagement Accelerators – Manufacturing'.

  1. Copy the Workspace GUID or ID. You can get this by browsing to, selecting the workspace, and then copying the GUID from the address URL and paste it in a notepad for future reference.

Note: This workspace ID will be used during ARM template deployment.

Copy the workspace id.

Task 3: Deploy the ARM Template

  1. Right-click on the 'Deploy to Azure' button given below and open the link in a new tab to deploy the Azure resources that you created in Task 1 with an Azure ARM Template.

  2. On the Custom deployment form, select your desired Subscription.

  3. Type the resource group name 'Synapse-WWI-Lab' created in Task 1.

  4. Select Region where you want to deploy.

Note: Ensure the resource availability for synapse, cognitive services and aml in the region you select.

  1. Provide environment code which is a unique suffix to your environment without any special characters. e.g. 'demo'.

Note: Please enter the values in compliance with tooltip instructions

  1. Provide a strong SQL Administrator Login Password and set this aside for later use.

  2. Enter the Power BI Workspace ID, created in Task 2, in the 'Pbi_workspace_id' field.

  3. Select Location from the dropdown. Please ensure that this is the same location you selected in Step #4 above.

  4. Click 'Review + Create' button.

    The Custom deployment form is displayed with example data populated.

  5. Click the 'Create' button once the template has been validated.

Creating the template after validation.

NOTE: The provisioning of your deployment resources will take approximately 20 minutes.

  1. Stay on the same page and wait for the deployment to complete.

    A portion of the Azure Portal to confirm that the deployment is in progress.

  2. Click 'Go to resource group' button once your deployment is complete.

    A portion of the Azure Portal to confirm that the deployment is in progress.

Task 4: Run the Cloud Shell

Open the Azure Portal.

  1. In the 'Resource group' section, open the 'Azure Cloud Shell' by selecting its icon from the top toolbar.

    A portion of the Azure Portal taskbar is displayed with the Azure Cloud Shell icon highlighted.

  2. Click on 'Show advanced settings'.

    Mount a storage for running the cloud shell.

Note: If you already have a storage mounted for Cloud Shell, you will not get this prompt. In that case, skip step 2 and 3.

  1. Select your 'Resource Group' and enter the 'Storage account' and 'File share' name.

    Mount a storage for running the cloud shell and enter the details.

Note: If you are creating a new storage account, give it a unique name with no special characters or uppercase letters and it should not be more 10 characters. Note: If you face permission issues while executing the scripts in cloudshell, you also have the option to execute them through your local PowerShell. Before executing the following steps on your local PowerShell, execute the script located [here] ( ) for the prerequisite installations on your local PowerShell in administrator mode. You may have to execute the the following command to remove execution restrictions on your local PowerShell.

Set-Executionpolicy unrestricted
  1. In the Azure Cloud Shell window, enter the following command to clone the repository files.

    git clone MfgAI

    Git clone command to pull down the demo repository

    Note: If you get File “MfgAI” already exist error, please execute following command: rm MfgAI -r -f to delete existing clone.

    Note: When executing the script below, it is important to let the scripts run to completion. Some tasks may take longer than others to run. When a script completes execution, you will be returned to PowerShell prompt. The total runtime of all steps in this task will take approximately 1 hour.

  2. Execute the manufacturingSetup-shell.ps1 script by executing the following commands:

    cd 'MfgAI/Manufacturing/automation'
  3. Then run the PowerShell:


    Commands to run the PowerShell script

    Note You will be prompted to confirm that you have read the license agreement and disclaimers. Click on the links to read it if not already done. Type 'Y' if you agree with the terms and conditions in it. Else type 'N' to stop the execution. Also ensure you delete the resources in your resource group if you do not wish to continue further.


  4. From the Azure Cloud Shell window, copy the Authentication Code.

  5. Click on the link and a new browser window will launch.

    Authentication link and device code

  6. Paste the authentication code.

    New browser window to provide the authentication code

  7. Select the same user that you used for signing in to the Azure Portal in Task 1.

    Select the user account which you want to authenticate.

  8. Close the browser tab once you see the below message window and go back to your 'Azure Cloud Shell' execution window.

    Authentication done.

    Note: If you face permission issues while executing the scripts in cloudshell, you also have the option to execute them through your local PowerShell. Before executing the following steps on your local PowerShell, execute the script located [here] ( ) for the prerequisite installations on your local PowerShell in administrator mode. You may have to execute the the following command to remove execution restrictions on your local PowerShell.

Set-Executionpolicy unrestricted
  1. Navigate back to the resource group tab.

  2. You will get another code to authenticate Azure PowerShell script for creating reports in Power BI. Copy the code.

  3. Click the link (

    Authentication link and device code

  4. Follow the same steps as in Task 4 steps 7 to 11.

    New browser window to provide the authentication code

Note: While you are waiting for processes to get completed in the Azure Cloud Shell window, you'll be asked to enter the code three times. This is necessary for performing installation of various Azure Services and preloading content in the Azure Synapse Analytics SQL Pool tables.

  1. You will now be prompted to enter the resource group name in the Azure Cloud Shell window. Enter the name of the resource group that you created in Task 1 - 'Synapse-WWI-Lab'.

    Enter the resource group name

  2. You will get another code to authenticate Power BI gateway. Copy the code.

  3. Click the link (

Copy the authentication code.

  1. A new browser window will launch. Follow the same steps as in Task 4 steps 9, 10 and 11.

Open the Azure Portal.

  1. Go to the resource group you have created in Task 1.

  2. Search the storage account name starts with 'dreamdemo'.

  3. Go to the storage account by clicking on its link.

    Select Storage Account.

  4. Click on 'Access Keys' from the left navigation pane for storage account.

  5. Copy the 'key1' to the clipboard and paste the key in a notepad for future reference.

    Copy Storage Account Access Keys.

Open the Azure Portal.

  1. Go to the resource group you have created in Task 1.

  2. Search the Cosmos DB account name starts with 'cosmosdb'.

  3. Go to the Cosmos DB account by clicking on its link.

    Select Cosmos DB Account.

  4. Click on 'Keys' from the left navigation pane for Cosmos DB account.

  5. Copy the 'Primary key' to the clipboard and paste the key in a notepad for future reference.

    Copy Cosmos DB Account Primary Key.

Task 5: Create Power BI reports and Dashboard

  1. Open Power BI Services in a new tab using following link

  2. Sign in to Power BI account using 'Power BI Pro account'.

Note: Please use the same credentials for Power BI that you used for 'Deploy the ARM Template' deployment.

Sign in to Power BI Services.

  1. Select the Workspace 'Engagement Accelerators – Manufacturing'.

Select the Workspace 'Engagement Accelerators – Manufacturing'.

Assuming Task 4 got completed successfully and the template has been deployed, you will be able to see a set of reports in the "Content" tab of Power BI. The image below shows the 'Content' tab in Power BI. We can then create a Power BI dashboard by pinning visuals from these reports.

Note: A Dashboard is a collection of tiles/visualization which are pinned from different reports to a single page.

Screenshot to view the reports tab.

To give permissions for the Power BI reports to access the datasources:

  1. Click the 'Datasets + dataflows' tab.

  2. Click on the ellipse icon infront of any report in the report list.

Authenticate Power BI Reports.

  1. Click on Settings.

Go to Datasets.

  1. Click 'Campaign – Option C' Report.

  2. Expand Data source credentials.

  3. Click Edit credentials and a 'Configure Campaign - Option C' dialogue box will pop up.

Note: If the data-source of the report dataset does not match the SQL pool name, then you may have to update the report dataset using Power BI desktop. For further details refer FAQ.

Select Campaign.

  1. Enter Username as 'ManufacturingUser'.

  2. Enter the same SQL Administrator login password that was created for Task 3 Step #6.

  3. Click Sign in.

Configure Campaign.

  1. Click ‘Azure Cognitive Search’ dataset.
  2. Expand 'Data source credentials'. Click 'Edit credentials' and a dialogue box will pop up.

Edit data set credentials.

  1. Enter the same storage key that was noted down in Step 28 of Task 4.
  2. Click 'Sign in'.

Enter storage account key.

  1. Click ‘anomaly detection with images’ dataset.
  2. Expand 'Data source credentials' and click 'Edit credentials' and a dialogue box will pop up.

Edit data set credentials.

  1. Select 'Key' from 'Authentication method' dropdown.

Select authentication method.

  1. Enter the same storage key that was noted down in Step 28 of Task 4.
  2. Click 'Sign in'.

Enter storage account key.

  1. Click '6_Production Quality- HTAP Synapse Link' dataset.
  2. Expand 'Data source credentials'.
  3. Click 'Edit credentials' and a dialogue box will pop up.

Edit data set credentials.

  1. Enter the same cosmos key that was noted down in Step 29 of Task 4.
  2. Click 'Sign in'.

Enter cosmos account key.

Follow these steps to create the Power BI dashboard:

  1. Select the workspace 'Engagement Accelerators - Manufacturing'.

Select Power BI workspace.

  1. Click on '+New' button on the top navigation bar.

  2. Click the 'Dashboard' option from the drop-down menu.

Create Dashboard.

  1. Name the dashboard 'Engagement Accelerators Dashboard' and click 'create'.

  2. This new dashboard will appear in the 'Dashboard' section of the Power BI workspace.

Create Dashboard further steps.

Follow the below steps to change the dashboard theme:

  1. Open the URL in new browser tab to get JSON code for a custom theme:

  2. Right click anywhere in browser and click 'Save as...'.

  3. Save the file to your desired location on your computer, leaving the name unchanged.

Save JSON.

  1. Go back to the Power BI Dashboard you just created.

  2. Click on edit option and Click on Dashboard theme option.

Click on dashboard theme.

  1. Click Upload the JSON theme.

  2. Navigate to the location where you have saved the JSON theme file in Step #21 above and Select open.

  3. Click Save.

Upload JSON.

Do the following to pin visuals to the dashboard you just created:

  1. Select the workspace 'Engagement Accelerators - Manufacturing'.

Select Power BI workspace.

  1. Click on the 'Reports' section/tab.

Check the reports tab.

  1. In the 'Reports' section, there will be a list of all the published reports.

  2. Click on 'Campaign - Option C' report.

Browse the reports created.

  1. On the 'Campaign – Option C' report page, click the 'Revenue Vs Target' visual and click the pin icon.

Pin visualization on the dashboard.

  1. Select 'Existing dashboard' radio button.

  2. From 'Select existing dashboard' dropdown, select 'Engagement Accelerators Dashboard'.

  3. Click 'Pin'.

Further steps to pin visualization on the dashboard.

  1. Similarly, pin 'Profit card' and 'Investment, Incremental Revenue and ROI Campaign Scatter Chart' from the report.

Pin visuals to the dashboard.

Some of the visuals are pinned from hidden pages. To pin such visuals, follow the below steps.

  1. Click on Edit.

Edit the report.

  1. Click 'Sales and Campaign' report page.

Edit the report.

  1. Pin 'Total Campaign', 'Cost of Goods Sold' card visuals to 'Engagement Accelerators Dashboard'.

  2. Pin 'Revenue by country' map visual.

Sales and Campaign report.

Note: Please refer to steps 45-48 of Task 5 for the complete procedure of pinning a desired visual to a dashboard.

  1. Select the workspace 'Engagement Accelerators - Manufacturing'.

Select Power BI workspace.

  1. Open 'Dashboard Images' report.

Open dashboard images

  1. Pin all images from above report to the 'Engagement Accelerators Dashboard'.

Note: Please refer to steps 45-48 of Task 5 for the complete procedure of pinning a desired visual to a dashboard.

  1. Go back to the 'Engagement Accelerators Dashboard'.

Go back to the dashboard.

To hide title and subtitle for all the images that you have pined above. Please do the following:

  1. Click on ellipsis 'More Options' of the image you selected.

  2. Click 'Edit details'.

Edit details.

  1. Uncheck 'Display title and subtitle'.

  2. Click 'Apply'.

Display title and subtitle.

  1. Repeat Step 58-61 of Task 5 to disable title and subtitle for each image tiles.

  2. After disabling 'Display title and subtitle' for all images, resize and re-arrange top images tiles or chicklets as shown in the screenshot. Resize the 'Wide World Importers' logo to 1x1 size. Resize other vertical tiles to 2x1 size.

All images.

  1. Resize and rearrange left images tiles or chicklets as shown in the screenshot. Resize 'KPI' tile to 1x2 size. Resize 'Deep Dive' tile to 1x4 size.

Resize and rearrange.

  1. Refer the screenshot of the sample dashboard below and pin the visuals to replicate the following look and feel.

Further steps to pin visualization on the dashboard.

  1. Pin the 'Predictive maintenance and Safety Analytics' pillar tiles to the dashboard using the 'anomaly detection with images' report. To do this, follow the same procedure as above.

Further steps to pin visualization on the dashboard.

Task 6: Working with Power BI to create real-time reports

'Racing Cars' and 'Milling canning' datasets will be automatically created when Azure Stream Analytics jobs start sending data into Power BI services. Once the Dataset has been created in the Power BI workspace, (by Azure Cloud Shell commands executed in Task 3 above) follow the next steps to create the real-time pillars.

Note: For your convenience we have included a few real-time visuals and a few static visuals so that you can complete the dashboard.

Creating the Realtime Operational Analytics pillar:

In this section of the document we will create the 'Realtime Operational Analytics' pillar (screenshot below) of the dashboard. Please note we’ll pin visuals from the static Power BI report. And we will create Power BI visuals using a real-time dataset.

'Realtime Operational Analystics'.

Pin visuals from the static report:

  1. Click Workspace 'Engagement Accelerators - Manufacturing’.
  2. Click on Content tab and sort type as Report.
  3. Search 'Real Time Analytics Static Report’.
  4. Click 'Real Time Analytics Static Report’.

'Realtime Operational Analystics'.

  1. Click on 'Real time Operational Analytics’ page.

'Realtime Operational Analystics'.

Hover on the highlighted visuals to pin them to 'Engagement Accelerators Dashboard’.

  1. Pin 'Machine Status’ card visual.
  2. Pin 'MTTR/MTBF (Hours)’ card visual.
  3. Pin 'Alarms/Incidents’ card visual.
  4. Pin 'OEE and Elements’ visual.
  5. Pin 'Machine Vibration (mm) Milling-Canning’ visual.

Note: Please refer to steps 45-48 of Task 5 for the complete procedure of pinning a desired visual to a dashboard.

'Realtime Operational Analystics'.

Creating a visual from a real time dataset

  1. Select the workspace 'Engagement Accelerators - Manufacturing'.

Select Power BI workspace.

  1. Click on '+New' button present on the top navigation bar.
  2. Select 'Report' option from the drop-down menu.

'Report' option from the drop-down menu.

  1. Click on Pick a published dataset option.

Click on Pick a published dataset option.

  1. Enter 'Racing' in the search bar and Select the 'Racing Cars' dataset.
  2. Click on 'Create a blank report'.

'Racing Cars' dataset in the workspace created.

  1. Select the 'ActiveSensors' field from 'race-cars' Dataset.
  2. Select 'Card’ from Visualization pane.
  3. Select drop-down next to 'ActiveSensors'.
  4. Select 'Average' from the drop-down to get the average of 'ActiveSensors'.

Avg of ActiveSensors.

  1. Navigate to the Visual tab of the Format Visual section and Change the 'Display units' to 'None' by expanding Callout value section.

Change display units to none.

  1. With Card visual selected, select the format visual tab and navigate to General section.
  2. Turn on the 'Title' and expand Title.
  3. Enter 'Active Sensors' as the title for the card.

Card Visual selected.

  1. Change the 'Title' color to 'White’.

Change data label to white.

  1. Turn on Background and change the background color of the card.

  2. Similarly, the color of the KPI value and title value can be changed by going to the format visual tab. After navigating to the format visual tab, Click on General section and Expand effects and Expand Background to set the color. You can use the Hex code #00222F to achieve the background color of the visual.

Turn on background.

Note: All other visuals of the report can be created by following a similar process.

  1. Click on the 'Save this report' icon.

Clicking on Save the report icon.

  1. Enter the name of the report 'Racing Cars- A' and click on 'Save'.

Save the report.

Creating the Realtime Field and Sentiment Analytics pillar

In this section of the document we will create the 'Realtime Field and Sentiment Analytics’ pillar (screenshot on the right) of the dashboard. Please note we’ll pin visuals from the static Power BI report. And we will create Power BI visuals using a real-time dataset.

Realtime Field and Sentiment Analytics pillar.

Pin visuals from the static report:

  1. Click Workspace 'Engagement Accelerators - Manufacturing’.
  2. Click on Contents tab and sort by Report type.
  3. Search 'Real Time Analytics Static Report’.
  4. Click 'Real Time Analytics Static Report’.

'Realtime Operational Analystics'.

  1. Click on the 'Real time Field and Sentiment Analytics report’ page in the previously opened 'Real Time Analytics Static Report’.

Realtime Field and Sentiment Analytics pillar.

Hover on the highlighted visuals to pin them to 'Engagement Accelerators Dashboard’.

  1. Pin 'Fields Calls-Avg Response Time (in minutes)’ visual.
  2. Pin 'Alarms and Safety Incidents’ visual.
  3. Pin 'Real time Anomaly’ visual.

Note: Please refer to steps 45-48 of Task 5 for the complete procedure of pinning a desired visual to a dashboard.

Realtime Field and Sentiment Analytics pillar.

Creating a visual from a real time dataset

  1. Select the workspace 'Engagement Accelerators - Manufacturing'.

Select Power BI workspace.

  1. Click on '+New' button present on the top navigation bar.
  2. Select 'Report' option from the drop-down menu.

'Report' option from the drop-down menu.

  1. Enter 'Racing' in the search bar.
  2. Select the 'Racing Cars' dataset.
  3. Click 'Create'.

'Racing Cars' dataset in the workspace created.

  1. Select 'Tachometer’ visual from visualizations pane.
  2. Drag and Drop 'AverageRPM’ under value from race-cars dataset.
  3. Select 'Average' from the context menu to get the average of 'AverageRPM’.

Note: If you don’t have custom visual tachometer downloaded or don’t know how to use it please refer to the Microsoft tutorial:

Average RPM.

  1. Drag and Drop 'AverageRPMStart’ under 'Start Value’ from race-cars dataset.
  2. Select 'Average' from the context menu to get the sum of 'AverageRPMStart’.
  3. Drag and Drop 'AverageRPMEnd’ under 'End Value’ from race-cars dataset and follow step #46 to get the Average of 'AverageRPMEnd’.
  4. Drag and Drop 'AverageRPMR2’ under 'Range2 Start Value’ from race-cars dataset and follow step #46 to get Average of 'AverageRPMR2’.
  5. Drag and Drop 'AverageRPMR3’ under 'Range3 Start Value’ from race-cars dataset and follow step #46 to get the Average of 'AverageRPMR3’.

Average RPM.

  1. With the tachometer visual selected, click on the format visual tab and go to General section.
  2. Turn on 'Title'.
  3. Change 'Title text’ to 'Average Engine Speed’.

Average RPM.

  1. Expand 'Range 1' in the visual section of the Format visual tab.
  2. Change color for range one to hex code #E3B80F.
  3. Similarly, the color of the 'Range 2' and 'Range 3' can be changed from the 'Range 2' and 'Range 3' respectively.

Note: For 'Range 2' color you can use hex code #1AAB40 and for 'Range 3' color you can use hex code #EB895F.

Average RPM.

  1. Click 'File’ and select 'Save' from the drop down.

Average RPM.

  1. Type 'Tachometer’ in the text box.
  2. Click 'Save'.

Average RPM.

Note: Once this visual is ready you can pin it to the dashboard using the steps 45-48 of Task 5.

Follow the below step to create Wheel Acceleration tile

  1. Select the workspace 'Engagement Accelerators - Manufacturing'.

Select Power BI workspace.

  1. Click on '+New' button present on the top navigation bar.
  2. Select 'Report' option from the drop-down menu.

'Report' option from the drop-down menu.

  1. Enter 'Racing' in the search bar.
  2. Select the 'Racing Cars' dataset.
  3. Click 'Create'.

'Racing Cars' dataset in the workspace created.

  1. Click white space on the report.
  2. Select 'Line Chart' from visualization tray.
  3. Drag and Drop 'EventProcessedUtcTime' from the race-cars dataset.
  4. Click on 'Rename' and change 'EventProcessedUtcTime' to 'Recorded On'.

Wheel accelaration tile.

  1. Drag and Drop below columns from 'race-cars' dataset to values:

    • wheelAccelFL
    • wheelAccelRL
    • wheelAccelFR
    • wheelAccelRR
  2. Using Step 70, rename above selected columns- 'wheelAccelFL’, 'wheelAccelRL’, 'wheelAccelFR’ and 'wheelAccelRR’ to 'Front Left’, 'Rear Left’, 'Front Right’ and 'Rear Right’ respectively.

Wheel accelaration tile.

  1. Expand the 'Filters' pane by clicking on the arrow icon.
  2. Navigate to the 'Filters on this page' section.
  3. Select 'Relative Time' from the 'Filter Type' dropdown menu.
  4. In the 'Show items when the value' section, select 'is in the Last' in the top dropdown menu, enter '5' in the text input box and select 'minutes' from the bottom dropdown menu.
  5. Click on 'Apply Filter'.

Expand the filters pane.

  1. With 'Line chart' visual selected, select format tab.
  2. Turn on 'Title'.
  3. Change 'Title text' to 'Wheel Acceleration’.
  4. Pin the visual to the dashboard.

Note: Please refer to steps 45-48 of Task 5 for the complete procedure of pinning a desired visual to a dashboard.

Wheel accelaration tile.

  1. After pinning the visual to the dashboard, click on 'Save’ icon located on the navigation bar at the top, to save the changes made to the report.

Wheel accelaration tile.

  1. Type 'Wheel Acceleration' in the text box.
  2. Click 'Save'.

Save Wheel Accelaration Visual.

  1. Upon successful save, click on the workspace name 'Engagement - Accelerators Manufacturing’.

Select Power BI workspace.

  1. In the window that opens, click on 'Dashboards’ tab.
  2. From the list of dashboards that appears, click on the dashboard 'Engagement Accelerators Dashboard’ located under Dashboards tab.

Go back to the dashboard.

  1. Resize and rearrange the visuals on the dashboard as per the screenshot below.

Real-time Reports.

Task 7: Modify the CSV to change campaign names, product categories, and hashtags

  1. Open Azure Synapse in a new tab using the following link:
  2. Log in with your Azure credentials.
  3. Select the 'Subscription’ and Synapse 'Workspace name’ that got created in Task 3. The Synapse 'Workspace name’ will start with 'manufacturingdemo’.
  4. Click 'Continue'.

Note: Do not use any confidential customer data. Only use the data which is public available or with prior permission from the customer.

Selecting workspace.

  1. Click the 'Data' hub from the left navigation in the 'Synapse Analytics' workspace.

  2. Click 'Linked' tab.

  3. Expand 'Storage Account/Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2'.

  4. Expand the node that starts with 'manufacturingdemo'.

  5. Click 'customcsv' container.

  6. Double Click 'Manufacturing B2C Scenario Dataset'.

    Selecting workspace 1.

  7. Select 'CampaignData.csv'.

  8. Click 'Download' button on the top toolbar in Azure Synapse Analytics Studio. The file will download locally.

    Selecting workspace 2

  9. Open the downloaded file in Excel. In case file does not get opened in Microsoft Excel, kindly navigate to the folder where file got downloaded and right click on the file name. Click 'Open With...' and then click 'Excel'.

    Selecting workspace 3

  10. Select 'CampaignName' column (Column B of Excel) and press 'CTRL + H' to replace exisitng campaign name with new campaign name.

  11. Replace 'Spring into Summer' (old campaign name) with 'Summer Fashion' (new campaign name).

  12. Click 'Replace All'.

  13. Pop up will be displayed with 'All done...' replacement message.

  14. Click OK.

Note: In this demo, we change one campaign. In real-life you would have multiple campaigns, and you would be inserting campaigns aligned to your customer.

Selecting workspace 4

  1. Save the file by pressing the highlighted button. Close the file.

    Selecting workspace 6

  2. Go back to your browser window where 'Azure Synapse Analytics' is already open. In case it's not open, kindly follow steps 1 to 8 mentioned above. Once you have followed the steps, click 'Upload' button in 'Azure Synapse Analytics Studio' to upload the file from your local system.

    Selecting workspace 7

  3. Select 'CampaignData.csv' file that you updated above.

  4. Click the checkbox for overwriting existing files.

  5. Click 'Upload'.

    Selecting workspace 8

Change the 'Category' in Product.csv file:

  1. Go back to your browser window where 'Azure Synapse Analytics' is already open. In case it's not open, kindly follow steps 1 to 8 mentioned above.
  2. Select 'Product.csv'.
  3. Click 'Download' button on the top toolbar in Azure Synapse Analytics Studio. File will get downloaded in your system locally.

Note: In this demo, we change one category. In real-life you would have multiple categories, and you would be inserting categories aligned to your customer.

Selecting workspace 9

  1. Open the downloaded file. In case file does not open in Microsoft Excel, kindly navigate to the folder where file got downloaded and right click on the file name. Click 'Open With...' and then click 'Excel'.

    Selecting workspace 10

  2. Select 'Category' column (Column G of Excel).

  3. Press 'CTRL + H' to replace exisitng campaign name with new campaign name.

  4. Replace 'Hats' (old category name) with 'Gift Cards' (new category name).

  5. Click 'Replace All'.

  6. Pop up will be displayed with 'All done...' replacement message.

  7. Click OK.

    Selecting workspace 11

  8. Save the file by pressing the highlighted button. Close the file.

    Selecting workspace 12

  9. Go back to your browser window where 'Azure Synapse Analytics' is already open. In case it's not open, kindly follow steps 1 to 8 mentioned above. Once you have followed the steps, click 'Upload' button in 'Azure Synapse Analytics Studio' to upload the file from your local system.

    Selecting workspace 13

  10. Select 'Product.csv' file that you just updated.

  11. Click the checkbox for overwriting existing files.

  12. Click 'Upload'.

    Selecting workspace 14

To change 'Hashtags':

  1. Go back to your browser window where 'Azure Synapse Analytics' is already open. In case it's not open, kindly follow steps 1 to 8 mentioned above.
  2. Select 'Campaignproducts.csv'.
  3. Click 'Download' button on the top toolbar in Azure Synapse Analytics Studio. File will get downloaded in your system locally.

Note: In this demo, we change one hashtag. In real-life you would have multiple hashtags, and you would be inserting hashtags aligned to your customer.

Selecting workspace 15

  1. Open the downloaded file. In case file does not get opened in Microsoft Excel, kindly navigate to the folder where file got downloaded and right click on the file name. Click 'Open With...' and then click 'Excel'.

    Selecting workspace 10

  2. Select 'Hashtag' column (Column C of Excel) and press 'CTRL + H' to replace exisitng campaign name with new campaign name.

  3. Replace '#welcomespring' (old Hashtag) with '#welcomesummer' (new Hashtag).

  4. Click 'Replace All'.

  5. Pop up will be displayed with 'All done...' replacement message.

  6. Click OK.

    Selecting workspace 17

  7. Save the file by pressing the highlighted button. Close the file.

    Selecting workspace 12

  8. Go back to your browser window where 'Azure Synapse Analytics' is already open. In case it's not open, kindly follow steps 1 to 8 mentioned above. Once you have followed the steps, click 'Upload' button in 'Azure Synapse Analytics Studio' to upload the file from your local system.

  9. Select 'Campaignproducts.csv' file that you updated above.

  10. Click the checkbox for overwriting existing files.

  11. Click 'Upload'.

    Selecting workspace 21

Update the dataset with this new data:

  1. Navigate to 'Integrate' hub from the left navigation in the 'Synapse Analytics' workspace.

  2. Expand 'Pipelines' node.

  3. Click on '1 Master Pipeline'.

  4. Click 'Add trigger'.

  5. Click 'Trigger now'.

    Selecting workspace 22

  6. Click 'OK'

    Confirm to trigger the pipeline.

  7. Navigate to 'Monitor' hub from the left navigation.

  8. Click 'Pipeline runs'.

    Selecting workspace 23

  9. Observe '1 Master Pipeline'.

    Selecting workspace 24

View changes to Power BI:

  1. Navigate to 'Develop' hub from the left navigation.

  2. Expand 'Power BI'.

  3. Expand Power BI Workspace starting with name 'Engagement Accelerators...'.

  4. Expand 'Power BI reports'.

  5. Click on 'Campaign - Option C' Power BI report.

    Selecting workspace 25

  6. 'Campaign Name' should have one of the updated campaign name as 'Summer Fashion'.

  7. 'Product Category' should have one of the updated category as 'Gift Cards'.

  8. 'Hashtag' should have one of the updated Hashtag as '#welcomesummer'.

    Selecting workspace 26

Your Accelerator environment is now set up.

Task 8: Publishing the Custom Vision model

  1. Go to and click on 'Sign In'.
  2. Select 'I agree' checkbox and click on 'I Agree’ button.

Note: If you get any sensitive information related warning then click on 'OK'. Logging into custom vision.

  1. Select your cognitive service resource from the 'Resource' dropdown starting with name 'dreamcognitiveservices'.

Select your custom vision resource.

  1. Select project '1_Defective_Product_Classification'.

Select project.

  1. Select 'iteration 1' from the iteration dropdown.

Select iteration.

  1. Click on the 'Performance' tab.

Note: Wait for training to complete if it shows the model is in training.

Select performance tab.

  1. Click on 'Publish' button.

Select publish button.

  1. Select 'Model name' and 'Prediction resource' on 'Publish Model' popup and click on 'Publish' button.

Publish Model.

  1. Click on the 'Eye' button.

Click preview button.

  1. Repeat steps 4 to 8 for all the projects.

Task 9: Uploading new incident reports

  1. Open Azure Synapse in a new tab using the following link:
  2. Log in with your Azure credentials.
  3. Select the 'Subscription' and Synapse 'Workspace name' that got created in Task 3. The Synapse 'Workspace name' will start with 'manufacturingdemo'.
  4. Click 'Continue'.

Select synapse workspace.

  1. Click the 'Data' hub from the left navigation in the Synapse Analytics workspace.
  2. Click 'Linked' tab.
  3. Expand the storage account / Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.
  4. Expand the node that starts with 'manufacturingdemo'.
  5. Click 'incidentreport' container.

Open incident report container.

  1. Click the 'Upload' button in Azure Synapse Analytics Studio to upload the file from your local system.

Upload a new pdf report from the local system.

  1. Download incident report by clicking following url:
  2. Select the '212045001.pdf' file or any incident report of same format from your local system.

Note: Filename and incident id should be same.

  1. Check the checkbox for overwriting existing files.
  2. Click on 'Upload' button.

Upload a new pdf report from the local system.

  1. Click on the document that got uploaded.
  2. Click on More.
  3. Click on Properties.

Open the document properties.

  1. Confirm that the Content type of document is application/pdf. If not paste 'application/pdf' in the 'Content Type' of document.
  2. Click on 'Apply'.

Update the document's properties.

Task 10: Pause-Resume resources

Note: Please perform these steps after your demo is done and you do not need the environment anymore. Also ensure you Resume the environment before demo if you paused it once.

  1. Open the Azure Portal.

  2. Click on the Azure Cloud Shell icon from the top toolbar.

A portion of the Azure Portal taskbar is displayed with the Azure Cloud Shell icon highlighted.

Execute the Pause_Resume_script.ps1 script by executing the following command:

  1. Run Command: cd 'MfgAI/Manufacturing/automation'

  2. Then run the PowerShell script: ./Pause_Resume_script.ps1

Run the script.

  1. From the Azure Cloud Shell, copy the authentication code.

  2. Click on the link and a new browser window will launch.

Copy the code.

  1. Paste the authentication code.

New browser window to provide the authentication code

  1. Select the same user that you used for signing into the Azure Portal in Task 1.

  2. Close this window after it displays successful authentication message.

Select the user account which you want to authenticate.

  1. You will be prompted for one more device authentication.

  2. Follow steps 3 to 6 again for the new authentication.

Copy the code.

  1. When prompted, enter the resource group name to be deleted in the Azure Cloud Shell. Type the same resource group name that you created.

Enter the resource group name

  1. Enter your choice when prompted. Enter 'P' for pausing the environment or 'R' for resuming a paused environment.

  2. Wait for script to finish execution.

Enter the choice.

Task 11: Clean up resources

Note: Perform these steps after your demo is done and you do not need the resources anymore.

Open the Azure Portal.

  1. Open the Azure Cloud Shell by clicking its icon from the top toolbar.

A portion of the Azure Portal taskbar is displayed with the Azure Cloud Shell icon highlighted.

Execute the 'resourceCleanup.ps1' script by executing the following commands:

  1. Run Command:

    cd 'MfgAI/Manufacturing/automation'
  2. Then run the PowerShell script:


Cleaning the resources

  1. You will now be prompted to enter the resource group name to be deleted in the Azure Cloud Shell. Type the same resource group name that you created in Task 1 - 'Synapse-WWI-Lab'.

Enter the resource group name

  1. Wait for execution to complete.

  2. Navigate to Power BI Workspace.

  3. Click on Workspaces.

  4. Click on options of the workspace you created in task #2

  5. Click on Workspace settings.

Workspace Settings

  1. Click on Delete Workspace.

  2. Click on Delete button in popup.

Workspace Delete