Read settings for AL-Go workflows
Name | Required | Description | Default value |
shell | The shell (powershell or pwsh) in which the PowerShell script in this action should run | powershell | |
project | Project name if the repository is setup for multiple projects | . | |
buildMode | Build mode. Only set when called from _BuildALGoProject | Default | |
get | Specifies which properties to get from the settings file, default is all |
Name | Description |
Settings | A compressed JSON structure with ALL AL-Go settings, independent of the get parameter. If project was not specified, this will only include repository settings. |
This method creates individual environment variables for every setting specified in the get parameter.
Name | Description |
GitHubRunnerJson | GitHubRunner in compressed Json format |
GitHubRunnerShell | Shell for GitHubRunner jobs |