diff --git a/src/ts/helpers/icons.ts b/src/ts/helpers/icons.ts
index c8fb7268..e45eb23c 100644
--- a/src/ts/helpers/icons.ts
+++ b/src/ts/helpers/icons.ts
@@ -1,249 +1,251 @@
+import * as svgLib from "./svg";
* SVG Icons
-const toSvg = (x: number, y: number, title: string, className: string, scale: number, svgDoc: string): SVGElement => {
- const parser = new DOMParser();
- const doc = parser.parseFromString(``, "image/svg+xml");
- return doc.firstChild as SVGElement;
+const wrapSvgIcon = (x: number, y: number, title: string,
+ className: string, scale: number, svgEl: SVGElement): SVGElement => {
+ const holder = svgLib.newSvg("", {
+ x,
+ y,
+ });
+ const el = svgLib.newG(`icon ${className}`, {
+ transform: `scale(${scale})`,
+ });
+ // el.innerHTML = svgDoc;
+ el.appendChild(svgEl);
+ el.appendChild(svgLib.newTitle(title));
+ holder.appendChild(el);
+ return holder;
+let noTlsIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function noTls(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-no-tls", scale, ``);
+ if (noTlsIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M18 6.216v2.77q0 .28-.206.486-.205.206-.486.206h-.693q-.28 0-.486-.206-.21-.205-.21
+ -.487v-2.77q0-1.145-.81-1.957-.813-.81-1.96-.81-1.146 0-1.957.81-.81.812-.81 1.958v2.077h1.037q.434
+ 0 .737.303.302.303.302.736v6.23q0 .433-.305.736t-.737.303H1.038q-.433 0-.736-.3Q0 15.996 0
+ 15.56V9.33q0-.433.303-.736t.735-.303h7.27V6.218q0-2 1.422-3.423 1.423-1.423 3.424-1.423 2
+ 0 3.424 1.424Q18 4.214 18 6.216`;
+ noTlsIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-no-tls", scale, noTlsIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let err3xxIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function err3xx(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-redirect", scale, ``); }
-export function err4xx(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-4xx", scale, ``); }
-export function err5xx(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-5xx", scale, ``); }
+ if (err3xxIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M17 2.333V7q0 .27-.198.47-.198.197-.47.197h-4.665q-.438 0-.615-.417-.177-.406.146-.72l1.437-1.436Q11.095
+ 3.667 9 3.667q-1.083 0-2.068.422-.984.42-1.703 1.14-.72.715-1.14 1.7-.426.984-.426 2.07 0 1.08.422
+ 1.14 1.703.718.72 1.702 1.14.984.422 2.067.422 1.24 0 2.344-.54 1.104-.543 1.864-1.533.073-.105.24-.126.146 0
+ .26.095l1.427 1.436q. 1.376-2.75 2.13Q10.793 17 9 17q-1.625
+ 0-3.104-.635-1.48-.636-2.552-1.71-1.073-1.072-1.71-2.55Q1 10.625 1 9t.635-3.104q.636-1.48 1.71-2.552
+ 1.072-1.073 2.55-1.71Q7.375 1 9 1q1.53 0 2.964.578 1.432.578 2.546
+ 1.63l1.355-1.343q.302-.323.73-.146.405.173.405.61z`;
+ err3xxIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-redirect", scale, err3xxIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+export function err4xx(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1) {
+ return warning(x, y, title, scale);
+export function err5xx(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1) {
+ return warning(x, y, title, scale);
+let plainIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function plain(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-plain", scale, ``); }
+ if (plainIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M15.247 4.393q.
+ .357-.25.607t-.607.25h-12q-.357 0-.607-.25t-.25-.606V1.858q0-.358.25-.608T2.997 1h8q.357 0
+ .786.18.428.177.678.427zm-3.964-2.18V5.57h3.357q-.09-.256-.196-.364L11.65 2.41q-.108-.106-.367
+ -.196zm3.428 13.644V6.714H11q-.357 0-.607-.25t-.25-.607V2.143h-6.86v13.714H14.71zM5.57
+ 8.143q0-.125.08-.205.08-.08.204-.08h6.286q.125 0 . .126-.08.207-.08.08
+ -.205.08H5.854q-.125 0-.205-.08-.08-.08-.08-.206v-.57zm6.57 2q.125 0 .
+ .125-.08.205-.08.08-.205.08H5.854q-.125 0-.205-.08-.08-.08-.08-.205v-.57q0-.126.08-.207.08-.08.2
+ -.08h6.286zm0 2.286q.125 0 . .125-.08.205-.08.08-.205.08H5.854q-.125 0-.205
+ -.08-.08-.08-.08-.205v-.572q0-.124.08-.204.08-.08.2-.08h6.286z`;
+ plainIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-plain", scale, plainIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let otherIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function other(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-other", scale, ``); }
+ if (otherIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M10.8 13.5v3q0 .2-.15.35-.15.15-.35.15h-3q-.2 0-.35-.15-.15-.15-.15-.35v-3q0-.2.15-.35.15
+ -.15.35-.15h3q.2 0 . 6q0 .675-.193 1.262-.193.588-.437.957-.244.365
+ -.688.74-.443.375-.718.543-.275.17-.763.444-.51.286-.852.81-.344.526-.344.84 0 .21-.15.405-.15.194
+ -.35.194h-3q-.186 0-.318-.23-.13-.234-.13-.47v-.564q0-1.037.812-1.956.812-.917 1.787-1.355.74-.336
+ 1.05-.7.314-.362.314-.95 0-.524-.583-.924-.58-.4-1.343-.4-.814 0-1.35.362-.44.312-1.34 1.437-.16.2
+ -.386.2-.15 0-.313-.1L3.4 4.987q-.16-.124-.193-.312-.03-.188.07-.35Q5.277 1 9.077 1q1 0 2.01.387
+ 1.01.388 1.825 1.038.812.65 1.325 1.594.51.94.51 1.98z`;
+ otherIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-other", scale, otherIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let javascriptIconLazy: SVGGElement;
export function javascript(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-js", scale, ``); }
+ if (javascriptIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M13.516 2.9c-2.766 0-4.463 1.522-4.463 3.536 0 1.733 1.295 2.82 3.256 3.52
+ 1.413.49 1.973.926 1.973 1.644 0 .787-.647 1.296-1.873 1.296-1.137 0-2.26-.368-2.96-.736l-.54
+ 2.19c.665.367 1.996.734 3.344.734 3.238 0 4.744-1.68 4.744-3.658
+ 0-1.68-.966-2.767-3.05-3.537-1.54-.6-2.186-.93-2.186-1.68 0-.6.56-1.14 1.714-1.14
+ 1.137 0 1.996.33 2.45.56l.596-2.138c-.7-.332-1.663-.596-3.01-.596zm-9.032.192v7.44c0
+ 1.822-.702 2.33-1.822 2.33-.525 0-.997-.09-1.365-.212L1 14.805c.525.175 1.33.28 1.96.28
+ 2.574 0 4.185-1.173 4.185-4.534V3.097h-2.66z`;
+ javascriptIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-js", scale, javascriptIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let imageIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function image(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-image", scale, ``); }
-export function svg(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
+ if (imageIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M6 6q0 .75-.525 1.275Q4.95 7.8 4.2 7.8q-.75 0-1.275-.525Q2.4 6.75 2.4
+ 6q0-.75.525-1.275Q3.45 4.2 4.2 4.2q.75 0 1.275.525Q6 5.25 6 6zm9.6 3.6v4.2H2.4V12l3-3
+ 1.5 1.5 4.8-4.8zm.9-6.6h-15q-.122 0-.21.09-.09.088-.09.21v11.4q0
+ . 0 .21-.09.09-.088.09-.21V3.3q0-.122-.09-.21Q16.623
+ 3 16.5 3zm1.5.3v11.4q0 .62-.44 1.06-.44.44-1.06.44h-15q-.62 0-1.06-.44Q0 15.32 0
+ 14.7V3.3q0-.62.44-1.06.44-.44 1.06-.44h15q.62 0 1.06z`;
+ imageIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-image", scale, imageIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+export function svg(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1) {
return image(x, y, title, scale);
+let htmlIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function html(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-html", scale, ``); }
+ if (htmlIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M5.626 13.31l-.492.492q-.098.098-.226.098t-.226-.098L.098 9.22Q0 9.12 0
+ 8.99q0-.127.098-.226L4.682 4.18q.098-.097.226-.097t.226.098l.492.49q.
+ 8.99l3.866 3.866q. 2.815l-3.67
+ 12.7q-.04.127-.152.19-.113.065-.23.026l-.61-.162q-.13-.04-.193-.152-.064-.112-.024-.24l3.67-12.698q.04
+ -.128.157-.192.113-.064.23-.025l.61.167q.
+ 9.22l-4.582 4.58q-.098.098-.226.098t-.226-.098l-.492-.492q-.1-.098-.1-.226t.1-.226L16.24
+ 8.99l-3.867-3.865q-.1-.098-.1-.226t.1-.23l.492-.49q.098-.1.226-.1t.23.1l4.58 4.583q. 0 .13-.1.23z`;
+ htmlIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-html", scale, htmlIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let cssIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function css(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-css", scale, ``); }
-export function warning(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-warning", scale, ``); }
+ if (cssIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M15.436.99q.625 0 1.095.416.47.415.47 1.04 0 .564-.4 1.35-2.97 5.624-4.16 6.724-.865.814
+ -1.946.814-1.127 0-1.935-.827-.81-.827-.81-1.962 0-1.144.822-1.895l5.705-5.175Q14.8.99
+ 15.435.99zM7.31 10.232q.35.68.953 1.162.603.483 1.345.68l.01.634q.035 1.904-1.16 3.102-1.192
+ 1.198-3.114 1.198-1.1 0-1.948-.416-.85-.415-1.364-1.14-.514-.723-.773-1.635Q1 12.905 1
+ 11.85l.366.268q.304.224.555.398. 0 .493-.33.224-.59.515-1.005.29
+ -.415.62-.68.332-.263.788-.424.455-.16.92-.228.465-.066 1.118-.094z`;
+ cssIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-css", scale, cssIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let warningIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
+export function warning(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1) {
+ if (warningIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M6 6q0 .75-.525 1.275Q4.95 7.8 4.2 7.8q-.75 0-1.275-.525Q2.4 6.75 2.4
+ 6q0-.75.525-1.275Q3.45 4.2 4.2 4.2q.75 0 1.275.525Q6 5.25 6 6zm9.6 3.6v4.2H2.4V12l3-3
+ 1.5 1.5 4.8-4.8zm.9-6.6h-15q-.122 0-.21.09-.09.088-.09.21v11.4q0
+ . 0 .21-.09.09-.088.09-.21V3.3q0-.122-.09-.21Q16.623
+ 3 16.5 3zm1.5.3v11.4q0 .62-.44 1.06-.44.44-1.06.44h-15q-.62 0-1.06-.44Q0 15.32 0
+ 14.7V3.3q0-.62.44-1.06.44-.44 1.06-.44h15q.62 0 1.06z`;
+ warningIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-warning", scale, warningIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let errorIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function error(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-no-gzip", scale, ``); }
+ if (errorIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M9 1q2.177 0 4.016 1.073 1.838 1.073 2.91 2.91Q17 6.823 17 9q0 2.177-1.073 4.016-1.073
+ 1.838-2.91 2.91Q11.177 17 9 17q-2.177 0-4.016-1.073-1.838-1.073-2.91-2.91Q1 11.177 1 9q0-2.177 1.073-4.016
+ 1.073-1.838 2.91-2.91Q6.823 1 9 1zm1.333 12.99v-1.98q0-.145-.093-.244-.094-.1-.23-.1h-2q-.135 0-.24.105
+ -.103.106-.103.24v1.98q0 . 0 .23-.1.094-.098.094-.243zm-.02-3.584l.187
+ -6.468q0-.125-.104-.188-.104-.084-.25-.084H7.854q-.146 0-.25.084-.104.062-.104.188l.177 6.468q0
+ . 0 .245-.078.1-.08.11-.184z`;
+ errorIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-no-gzip", scale, errorIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let fontIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function font(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-font", scale, ``);
+ if (fontIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M7.97 5.754L6.338 10.08q.317 0 1.312.02.994.02 1.542.02.183 0 .548-.02-.836-2.432-1.77
+ -4.345zM1 16.38l.02-.76q.22-.068.538-.12.317-.053.548-.102.23-.048.476-.14.245-.09.428-.278.182
+ -.187.298-.485l2.28-5.923 2.69-6.962H9.51q. 4.615q.317.75 1.02 2.476.7 1.726
+ 1.095 1.39.413 1.062.692
+ 0 .04-.005.13t-.005.128q-.605 0-1.827-.076-1.22-.08-1.836-.08-.73 0-2.067.07-1.337.067-1.712.076 0-.412.04
+ -.75l1.258-.27q.01 0 .12-.022l.15-.033q.038-.01.14-.044.1-.034.143-.06l.1-.08q.06-.048.082-.106.024-.056.024
+ -.133 0-.152-.298-.926t-.693-1.71q-.392-.93-.402-.96l-4.325-.02q-.25.56-.734 1.88-.487 1.32-.487 1.56 0
+ .213.136.362.134.15.418. 0 .087-.02.26-.558
+ 0-1.678-.095-1.12-.098-1.678-.098-.08 0-.26.04-.18.037-.208.037-.77.136-1.808.136Z`;
+ fontIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-font", scale, fontIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let flashIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function flash(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-flash", scale, ``); }
+ if (flashIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M13.724 4.738q. 17.73q-.142.27-.456.27-.043 0-.15-.022-.185-.054-.277
+ -.205-.092-.15-.05-.325l2.132-8.74L4.765 9.8q-.044.01-.13.01-.195 0-.336-.118-.193-.162-.14-.422L6.337.346q.043
+ -.15.173-.25Q6.64 0 6.81 0h3.548q.206 0 .346. 0 .086-.053.194L8.94 5.654l4.285
+ -1.06q.086-.02.13-.02.205 0 .367.16z`;
+ flashIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-flash", scale, flashIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let videoIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function video(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-video", scale, ``); }
+ if (videoIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M17 4.107v9.714q0 .38-.348.53-.116.05-.223.05-.25 0-.41-.17l-3.6-3.6v1.48q0 1.067-.757 1.82-.754.756
+ -1.817.756H3.57q-1.06 0-1.816-.753Q1 13.17 1 12.106V5.82q0-1.06.754-1.816.755-.754 1.817-.754h6.29q1.07 0
+ 1.82.754.76.755.76 1.817V7.3l3.597-3.59q.16-.17.4-.17.107 0 .`;
+ videoIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-video", scale, videoIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let audioIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function audio(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-audio", scale, ``); }
+ if (audioIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M8.385 3.756v10.46q0 .252-.183.434-.183.183-.433.183t-.44-.183l-3.2-3.202H1.61q-.25
+ 0-.43-.183-.18-.182-.18-.432V7.14q0-.25.182-.432.182-.183.432-.183h2.52l3.202-3.202q.182-.183.432
+ -.183t.43.183q. 5.23q0 .73-.41 1.36-.407.63-1.08.9-.097.048-.24.048-.25 0
+ -.434-.178-.182-.177-.182-.437 0-.21.12-.35.12-.14.28-.24.16-.1.33-.22.166-.12.28-.34.117-.22.117
+ -.55 0-.33-.115-.55-.115-.224-.28-.344-.163-.12-.326-.22-.165-.1-.28-.24-.116-.14-.116-.34 0-.26.183
+ -.44t.43-.176q.146 0 .24.048.676.26 1.08.894.41.636.41 1.367zm2.46 0q0 1.472-.816 2.717t-2.16 1.813q
+ -.12.048-.24.048-.26 0-.44-.183-.18-.18-.18-.43 0-.37.378-.56.54-.28.73-.42.713-.52 1.11-1.302.4
+ -.783.4-1.667 0-.886-.4-1.67-.4-.783-1.11-1.303-.192-.145-.73-.424-.376-.192-.376-.567 0-.25.183
+ -.434.183-.18.433-.18.123 0 .25.047 1.344.567 2.16 1.812.82 1.244.82 2.716zm2.463 0q0 2.212
+ -1.22 4.063-1.222 1.85-3.25 2.72-.126.05-.25.05-.25 0-.434-.19-.183-.183-.183-.433 0-.346.375
+ -.568.068-.04.217-.1.15-.064.216-.1.45-.244.79-.494 1.19-.875 1.85-2.183.67-1.306.67-2.777 0
+ -1.47-.663-2.78-.664-1.304-1.846-2.18-.346-.25-.79-.49-.065-.035-.214-.1-.15-.06-.22-.1
+ -.375-.22-.375-.57 0-.25.183-.43.183-.182.433-.182.123 0 .25.047 2.027.876 3.25 2.727Q17 6.775 17 8.99Z`;
+ audioIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-audio", scale, audioIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
+let pushIconLazy: SVGPathElement;
export function push(x: number, y: number, title: string, scale: number = 1): SVGElement {
- return toSvg(x, y, title, "icon-push", scale, ``); }
+ if (pushIconLazy === undefined) {
+ const d = `M14.668 9q0 .416-.285.7L9.37 14.716Q9.067 15 8.667 15q-.393 0-.694-.285l-.577
+ -.578q-.293-.292-.293-.7 0-.41.293-.7l2.256-2.258H4.23q-.4 0-.65-.29t-.25-.698v-.986q0-.408.25
+ -.697.25-.29.65-.29h5.423L7.397 5.257q-.293-.278-.293-.693 0-.416.293-.694l.577-.576Q8.267 3 8.668
+ 3q.408 0 .7.293l5.015 5.014q.`;
+ pushIconLazy = svgLib.newPath(d);
+ }
+ return wrapSvgIcon(x, y, title, "icon-push", scale, pushIconLazy.cloneNode(false) as SVGPathElement);
diff --git a/src/ts/helpers/svg.ts b/src/ts/helpers/svg.ts
index 8ae05a6e..a65f5cb7 100644
--- a/src/ts/helpers/svg.ts
+++ b/src/ts/helpers/svg.ts
@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
import { addClass } from "./dom";
export interface StringToStringOrNumberMap { [key: string]: string|number; }
export type DomAttributeMap = StringToStringOrNumberMap;
export type CssStyleMap = StringToStringOrNumberMap;
+/** Namespace for SVG Elements */
+const svgNamespaceUri = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
function entries(obj: StringToStringOrNumberMap): Array<[string, string]> {
const entries: Array<[string, string]> = [];
for (const k of Object.keys(obj)) {
@@ -48,7 +52,7 @@ function newElement(tagName: string,
text = "",
className = "",
}: SvgElementOptions = {}): T {
- const element = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", tagName) as T;
+ const element = document.createElementNS(svgNamespaceUri, tagName) as T;
if (className) {
addClass(element, className);
@@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ export function newClipPath(id: string): SVGClipPathElement {
return newElement("clipPath", {attributes});
-export function newForeignObject(attributes: DomAttributeMap): SVGForeignObjectElement {
+export function newForeignObject(attributes: DomAttributeMap) {
return newElement("foreignObject", {attributes});
@@ -82,23 +86,35 @@ export function newA(className: string): SVGAElement {
return newElement("a", {className});
-export function newRect(attributes: DomAttributeMap, className: string = "", css: CssStyleMap = {}): SVGRectElement {
+export function newRect(attributes: DomAttributeMap,
+ className: string = "",
+ css: CssStyleMap = {}) {
return newElement("rect", {attributes, className, css});
-export function newLine(attributes: DomAttributeMap, className: string = ""): SVGLineElement {
+export function newLine(attributes: DomAttributeMap,
+ className: string = "") {
return newElement("line", {className, attributes});
-export function newTitle(text: string): SVGTitleElement {
- return newElement("title", {text});
+export function newTitle(text: string) {
+ const title = document.createElementNS(svgNamespaceUri, "title");
+ title.setAttribute("text", text);
+ return title;
-export function newTextEl(text: string, attributes: DomAttributeMap = {},
- css: CssStyleMap = {}): SVGTextElement {
+export function newTextEl(text: string,
+ attributes: DomAttributeMap = {},
+ css: CssStyleMap = {}) {
return newElement("text", {text, attributes, css});
+export function newPath(d: string) {
+ const path = document.createElementNS(svgNamespaceUri, "path");
+ path.setAttribute("d", d);
+ return path;
/** temp SVG element for size measurements */
const getTestSVGEl = (() => {
/** Reference to Temp SVG element for size measurements */