A lightware web show the current system information that include cpu, memory, disk...
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micloud/nomon/master/install.sh | bash
PS: You must use root to do the script!
You can change your service port in service.js.
cd nomon
cd nomon
then, start in initld
/etc/init.d/nomon start
service nomon start
In init.d scrtip, also accept: start|stop|restart|status|log
nomon server default start at 1337 port, you can request by the following request:
$ curl -sS | json
"cpu": {
"p1": 0.29296875,
"p2": 1.46484375
"mem": {
"p1": 6054.33203125,
"p2": 13058.375,
"usage": 0.5363640551561737
"disk": [
"name": "/dev/disk/by-uuid/677bda0a-ac9f-4a6f-9947-0bc8dceda7de",
"p1": 3943204,
"p2": 10320184,
"usage": 0.3820865984559965
"name": "/dev/sdb",
"p1": 14249804,
"p2": 216744944,
"usage": 0.065744573954168
"uptime": 251901.160023307,
"hostname": "simon-debian-tw",
"ts": 1402355871144
Update the nomon file in download folder and reinstall or update the /etc/init.d/nomon file directly...
# Update this block to your prefer port
# In this case, I use port 3000.
export PORT=3000