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Compiling Attract-Mode

Build instructions are set out by operating system below:

Linux, FreeBSD:

These instructions assume that you have the GNU C/C++ compilers and basic build utilities (make, pkg-config, ar) on your system. This means the "build-essential" and "pkg-config" packages on Debian or Ubuntu-based distributions. Other distributions should have similar packages available.

  1. Install the following development libraries on your system:

    • Required:

      • SFML SDK version 2.x (
      • OpenAL
      • Zlib
      • FreeType 2
      • The following FFmpeg libraries (required for videos):
        • avformat,
        • avcodec,
        • swscale,
        • avutil,
        • swresample.
      • OpenGL and GLU (or OpenGLES for GLES version)
      • JPEG library
      • Make and Package Config
      • Xrandr
    • Optional:

      • Fontconfig (to assist with finding fonts).
      • Xinerama (for multiple monitor support).
      • libarchive (for .7z, .rar, .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 archive support).
      • Libcurl (for network info/artwork scraping).
      • Libdw, libbfd or libdwarf (for a pretty stack trace if we crash).
  2. Extract the Attract-Mode source to your system.

  3. From the directory you extracted the source into, run:


    or, if you are building on a Raspberry Pi, O-Droid or another embedded system, you can build the OpenGL ES version with the following:

        make USE_GLES=1

    This step will create the "attract" executable file.

  4. The final step is to actually copy the Attract-Mode executable and data to a location where they can be used. To install on a system-wide basis you should run:

        sudo make install

    This will copy the "attract" executable to /usr/local/bin/ and default data to /usr/local/share/attract/. Note: if you are building the OpenGL ES version you need to include the USE_GLES=1 parameter here as well.

    For a single user install on Linux or FreeBSD, you can complete this step by copying the contents of the "config" directory from the Attract-Mode source directory to the location that you will use as your Attract-Mode config directory. By default, this config directory is located in $HOME/.attract on Linux/FreeBSD systems.

    NOTE: The Attract-Mode makefile tries to follow the GNU standards for specifying installation directories: If you want to change the location where Attract-Mode looks for its default data from /usr/local/share/attract you should change these values appropriately before running the make and make install commands.


These instructions assume that you have X Code installed.

  1. Install Homebrew ( This can be done by running the following command at a terminal command prompt:

        ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install the "pkg-config", "ffmpeg", "sfml" and "libarchive" homebrew recipes:

       brew update
       brew install pkg-config ffmpeg sfml libarchive
  3. Extract the Attract-Mode source to your system.

  4. From the directory you extracted the Attract-Mode source into, run:


    This step will create the "attract" executable file.

  5. The final step is to actually copy the Attract-Mode executable and data to the location where they will be used. You can run:

        sudo make install

    to install on a system-wide basis. This will copy the 'attract' executable to /usr/local/bin/ and data to /usr/local/share/attract/

    If you prefer to do a single user install, you can complete this step by copying the contents of the "config" directory from the Attract-Mode source directory to the location that you will use as your Attract-Mode config directory. By default, this config directory is $HOME/.attract on OS X.

Windows (cross-compile):

The recommended way to build Windows binaries for Attract-Mode is to cross compile on an OS that supports MXE ( such as Linux, FreeBSD or OS X.

  1. Follow the steps in the mxe tutorial to set up mxe on your system:

  2. Make mxe's sfml, ffmpeg, libarchive and curl packages:

        make ffmpeg sfml libarchive curl

    the above command will make 32-bit versions of ffmpeg, sfml, libarchive and curl (and anything else that they depend on). To make the 64-bit version use the following:

        make MXE_TARGETS='x86_64-w64-mingw32.static' ffmpeg sfml libarchive curl
  3. Extract the Attract-Mode source to your system.

  4. From the directory you extracted the source into, run the following:

        make CROSS=1 TOOLCHAIN=i686-w64-mingw32.static WINDOWS_STATIC=1

    to build the 32-bit version of Attract-Mode. To build 64-bit, run:

        make CROSS=1 TOOLCHAIN=x86_64-w64-mingw32.static WINDOWS_STATIC=1

    This step will create the "attract.exe" executable file.

  5. Copy the contents of the config directory from the Attract-Mode source directory and the executable you just built into the same directory on your Windows-based system, and you should be ready to go!

Windows (native compile):

  1. Install MSYS2

  2. Launch the MSYS2 shell and update the system:

        pacman --needed -Sy bash pacman pacman-mirrors msys2-runtime
  3. Close MSYS2 Shell, run it again and run the following command:

        pacman -Syu
  4. Install required packages. (optionally use the mingw-w64-i686-toolchain instead for 32-bit windows architectures), install "all" (by default) :

        pacman -S git mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain msys/make mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-sfml mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-ffmpeg mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-libarchive
  5. Clone and make Attract-Mode

        git clone attract
        cd attract

This builds a version of Attract-Mode with various .dll dependencies. To run the program, you will need to add c:\msys64\mingw64\bin to your path (for 64-bit systems) or copy the dependent .dlls from that directory into the same directory you will run Attract-Mode from.