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Developing extra captive portals for captiveflask plugins


the plugin captiveflask allow the Attacker mount a wireless access point which is used in conjuction with a web server and iptables traffic capturing rules to create the phishing portal. Users can freely connect to these networks without a password and will often be directed to a login page where a password is required before being allowed to browse the web.

What is Wireless Phishing?

Wireless phishing is any technique by which an attacker attempts to convince wireless network users to divulge sensitive information. As we previously mentioned the associated wireless network is generally open and access to network resources is mediated by a web application known as a captive portal. A captive portal is a web page accessed with a web browser that is displayed to newly connected users of a Wi-Fi network before they are granted broader access to network resources. Captive portals are commonly used to present a landing or log-in page which may require authentication, payment, acceptance of an end-user license agreement or an acceptable use policy, or other valid credentials that both the host and user agree to adhere by. (Wiki)

Creating Captive Portal template

For the interested, we give a brief technical overview of the process of creating a phishing portal here. Example configuration files for creating a simple captive portal template to Wp3. first of all you need to make a repository fork and add your plugin template.

Example configuration files for creating a simple template.

# file =>
from wifipumpkin3.plugins.captiveflask.plugin import CaptiveTemplatePlugin
import wifipumpkin3.core.utility.constants as C # import plugin class base

class exampleplugin(CaptiveTemplatePlugin):
    Name = "exampleplugin"
    Version = "1.0"
    Description = "Example is a simple portal default page'"
    Author = "mh4x0f"
    TemplatePath = C.TEMPLATES_FLASK + "templates/exampleplugin"
    StaticPath = C.TEMPLATES_FLASK + "templates/exampleplugin/static"
    Preview = C.TEMPLATES_FLASK + "templates/exampleplugin/preview.png"

File architecture

├── preview.png
├── static
│   ├── css
│   │   ├── bootstrap.min.css
│   │   ├── main.css
│   │   ├── styles.css
│   │   └── util.css
│   └── js
│       ├── bootstrap.min.js
│       ├── jquery-1.11.1.min.js
│       └── main.js
└── templates
    ├── login.html
    └── login_successful.html

4 directories, 9 files

Editing html files

Set Up the Phishing your custom page login captive portal


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/util.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/main.css') }}">
<body >
  <div >
    <!-- Page content -->
    <form method="POST" >
      <input type="text" name="login">
      <input type="text" name="password">
      <input type="submit" value="Sig up">

Set Up the Phishing your custom page login successful


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/util.css') }}">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css/main.css') }}">
    <h1>Login successful</h1>

Add language into the guest portal

if want to create multiple language that allow the user to pick a different one, checkout! In plugin change the bool var ConfigParser to True and override function init_language. look;

# file =>
from wifipumpkin3.plugins.captiveflask.plugin import CaptiveTemplatePlugin
import wifipumpkin3.core.utility.constants as C # import plugin class base

class exampleplugin(CaptiveTemplatePlugin):
    Name = "exampleplugin"
    Version = "1.0"
    Description = "Example is a simple portal default page'"
    Author = "mh4x0f"
    TemplatePath = C.TEMPLATES_FLASK + "templates/exampleplugin"
    StaticPath = C.TEMPLATES_FLASK + "templates/exampleplugin/static"
    Preview = C.TEMPLATES_FLASK + "templates/exampleplugin/preview.png"
    Languages = ["En", "ptBr"] # default is En 

File architecture

├── preview.png
├── static
│   ├── css
│   │   ├── bootstrap.min.css
│   │   ├── main.css
│   │   ├── styles.css
│   │   └── util.css
│   └── js
│       ├── bootstrap.min.js
│       ├── jquery-1.11.1.min.js
│       └── main.js
└── templates
│   ├── En
│   │   └── templates
│   │       ├── login.html
│   │       └── login_successful.html
│   └── ptBr
│       └── templates
│           ├── login.html
│           └── login_successful.html

9 directories, 13 files

HowTo test my custom captiveflask

if you allready wp3 installed, only need to use the command captiveflask on terminal. this command is mount a webserver with flask running on http://localhost:80, open this your favorites browser and preview your custom portal.

$ cd extra-captiveflask
$ sudo captiveflask -t $(pwd)/templates/exampleplugin -r -s $(pwd)/templates/exampleplugin/static


now, you can choose to keep your custom version for yourself or send it to all wp3 users.

have fun! Hack the Planet


Any malicious use of the contents from this repository, will not hold the author responsible, the contents are solely for educational purpose.

  • Usage of extra-captiveflask template for attacking without prior mutual consistency can be considered as an illegal activity.
  • Authors assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.