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File metadata and controls

630 lines (580 loc) · 21.6 KB


English | 中文说明


项目已迁移至@simpleform/render, 本仓库已废弃.



  • 组件注册: 注册的表单控件需要符合value/onChange(或其他字段)传参才能正常使用.
  • 组件描述:properties支持对象或者数组类型的渲染,支持通过properties属性添加嵌套对象字段。
  • 组件渲染:Form组件处理表单的值, RenderFormChildren组件处理表单的渲染, 一个Form组件可以支持多个RenderFormChildren组件在内部渲染.
  • 组件联动:表单属性均可以支持字符串表达式描述联动条件(properties除外).

version log

  • v8.x
    • 更新底层组件为react-easy-formcore至少5.x版本.
    • 渲染数据源properties渲染方式更改,分为嵌套节点和控件节点,其中嵌套节点不再携带表单域组件,只有控件节点才默认携带表单域组件
    • store 属性更改为 formrender字段.
  • v7.x
    • 7.0.0 移除 controls 属性, 保留components属性注册全局所有组件.
  • v6.x
    • 6.2.17 fieldComponent 改为componentcomponent属性可以设置为null. FormRenderStore的方法也进行更新
    • 6.2.7 当默认组件RenderForm在嵌套情况下form标签warning时, 可以设置tagName更换成其他标签. 移除 addItemByIndex, addAfterByPath, addBeforeByPath
    • 6.2.5 增强并调整字符串表达式的用法,并在此文档中新增字符串表达式使用方法说明请详细阅读.
    • 6.2.1 适配底层react-easy-formcore库的4.x版本以上路径系统,修复useFormValues的错误.
    • 6.0.1 组件可以拆分为FormRenderFormChildren两部分,Form组件处理表单值,RenderFormChildren根据提供的信息渲染表单,一个Form组件可以包裹多个RenderFormChildren组件,如果多个RenderFormChildren组件之间存在同属性的,后面会覆盖前面
    • schema 属性被展平,所以需要用properties来代替渲染表单,并且 onSchemaChange 也需要换成onPropertiesChange
  • v5.x: 本次更新完成了表单的显示组件与表单值相关逻辑的解耦,后续的基础版本。
    • 底层库react-easy-formcore更新,需要删除旧包,再安装新版本的包
    • readOnlyItem废弃,只保留readOnlyRender
  • v4.x: v4.x及之前的版本多数是调整一些方法命名和传参更改
    • 废除固定容器属性 colcustomInner,增加自定义容器insideoutside;
    • widgets 改为 controls , widgetwidgetProps 改为typeprops;
    • readOnlyWidget 改为 readOnlyItem;
  • v3.1.x:
    • 调整表单域的layout属性,增加inline, labelWidth属性
    • 调整默认导出组件的onPropertiesChange改为onSchemaChange
    • 调整customChild改为customInner
  • v3.0.x:
    • 字符串表达式中表示表单值的字符由 $form 改为$formvalues
    • 字符串表达式中增加$store表示FormRenderStore的实例,可以获取表单的相关方法和数据
    • 如果需要引入内置组件(列表的增删按钮), 则需要import 'react-easy-formrender/lib/css/main.css'.
  • v2.x:
    • 移除 dependencies 属性,改为给widget组件自动注入表单值formvalues.
    • 更改RenderFormChildren组件的api
  • v1.x:
    • 更改表单控件的方法
    • 更改schema中的componentpropswidgetwidgetProps
    • 更改schema中的renderreadOnlyWidgetreadOnlyRender
    • 版本匹配react-easy-formcore的1.1.x版本以上


npm install react-easy-formrender --save
# 或者
yarn add react-easy-formrender


1.首先注册基本组件(以[email protected]组件库为例)

// register
import RenderFormDefault, { RenderFormChildren as RenderFormChilds, RenderFormProps } from 'react-easy-formrender';
import React from 'react';
import { Input, InputNumber, Checkbox, DatePicker, Mentions, Radio, Rate, Select, TreeSelect, Slider, Switch, TimePicker } from 'antd';
import 'react-easy-formrender/lib/css/main.css'
export * from 'react-easy-formrender';

export const BaseComponents = {
  "Input": Input,
  "Input.TextArea": Input.TextArea,
  "Input.Password": Input.Password,
  "Input.Search": Input.Search,
  "InputNumber": InputNumber,
  "Mentions": Mentions,
  "Mentions.Option": Mentions.Option,
  "Checkbox": Checkbox,
  'Checkbox.Group': Checkbox.Group,
  "Radio": Radio,
  "Radio.Group": Radio.Group,
  "Radio.Button": Radio.Button,
  "DatePicker": DatePicker,
  "DatePicker.RangePicker": DatePicker.RangePicker,
  "Rate": Rate,
  "Select": Select,
  "Select.Option": Select.Option,
  "TreeSelect": TreeSelect,
  "Slider": Slider,
  "Switch": Switch,
  "TimePicker": TimePicker,
  "TimePicker.RangePicker": TimePicker.RangePicker

export type CustomRenderFormProps = RenderFormProps<any>;

// RenderFormChildren
export function RenderFormChildren(props: CustomRenderFormProps) {
  const { components, expressionImports, } = props;
  return (
      options={{ props: { autoComplete: 'off' } }}
      components={{ ...BaseComponents, ...components }}
      // expressionImports={{ ...expressionImports, moment }}

// RenderForm
export default function FormRender(props: CustomRenderFormProps) {
  const { components, expressionImports, } = props;
  return (
      options={{ props: { autoComplete: 'off' } }}
      components={{ ...BaseComponents, ...components }}
      // expressionImports={{ ...expressionImports, moment }}

2. 引入第一步已经注册完的组件

import { Button } from 'antd';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import RenderForm, { useFormStore, useFormRenderStore } from './form-render';
export default function Demo5(props) {

  const watch = {
    'name2': (newValue, oldValue) => {
      console.log(newValue, oldValue)
    'name3[0]': (newValue, oldValue) => {
      console.log(newValue, oldValue)
    'name4': (newValue, oldValue) => {
      console.log(newValue, oldValue)

  const properties = {
      name1: {
        label: "readonly",
        readOnly: true,
        readOnlyRender: "readonly component",
        initialValue: 1111,
        hidden: '{{formvalues && formvalues.name6 == true}}',
        type: 'Input',
        props: {}
      name2: {
        label: "input",
        rules: [{ required: true, message: 'input empty' }],
        initialValue: 1,
        hidden: '{{formvalues && formvalues.name6 == true}}',
        type: 'Input',
        props: {}
      name3: {
        // type: '',
        // props: {},
        properties: [{
          label: 'list[0]',
          rules: [{ required: true, message: 'list[0] empty' }],
          initialValue: { label: 'option1', value: '1', key: '1' },
          type: 'Select',
          props: {
            labelInValue: true,
            style: { width: '100%' },
            children: [
              { type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 1, value: '1', children: 'option1' } },
              { type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 2, value: '2', children: 'option2' } }
        }, {
          label: 'list[1]',
          rules: [{ required: true, message: 'list[1] empty' }],
          type: 'Select',
          props: {
            labelInValue: true,
            style: { width: '100%' },
            children: [
              { type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 1, value: '1', children: 'option1' } },
              { type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 2, value: '2', children: 'option2' } }
      name4: {
        // type: '',
        // props: {},
        properties: {
          first: {
            label: 'first',
            rules: [{ required: true, message: 'first empty' }],
            type: 'Select',
            props: {
              style: { width: '100%' },
              children: [{ type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 1, value: '1', children: 'option1' } }]
          second: {
            label: 'second',
            rules: [{ required: true, message: 'second empty' }],
            type: 'Select',
            props: {
              style: { width: '100%' },
              children: [{ type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 1, value: '1', children: 'option1' } }]
      name5: {
        label: 'name5',
        initialValue: { span: 12 },
        valueSetter: "{{(value)=> (value && value['span'])}}",
        valueGetter: "{{(value) => ({span: value})}}",
        type: 'Select',
        props: {
          style: { width: '100%' },
          children: [
            { type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 1, value: 12, children: 'option1' } },
            { type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 2, value: 6, children: 'option2' } },
            { type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 3, value: 4, children: 'option3' } }
      name6: {
        label: 'checkbox',
        valueProp: 'checked',
        initialValue: true,
        rules: [{ required: true, message: 'checkbox empty' }],
        type: 'Checkbox',
        props: {
          style: { width: '100%' },
          children: 'option'

  const form = useFormStore();
  // const formRenderStore = useFormRenderStore()

  const onSubmit = async (e) => {
    const result = await form.validate();
    console.log(result, 'result');

  return (
        // formrender={formRenderStore}
        watch={watch} />
      <div style={{ marginLeft: '120px' }}>
        <Button onClick={onSubmit}>submit</Button>

3. 多模块渲染


  • useFormStore: 给表单值的处理提供类的hook. 默认组件内自己提供,也可以外面props传递进去.
  • useFormRenderStore: 给表单的渲染提供类的hook, 默认组件内自己提供,也可以外面props传递进去.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import RenderForm, { RenderFormChildren, Form, useFormStore } from './form-render';
import { Button } from 'antd';
export default function Demo(props) {
  const properties1 = {
    part1: {
      label: "part1input",
      rules: [{ required: true, message: 'name1 empty' }],
      initialValue: 1,
      type: 'Input',
      props: {}

  const properties2 = {
    part2: {
      label: "part2input",
      rules: [{ required: true, message: 'name1 empty' }],
      initialValue: 1,
      type: 'Input',
      props: {}

  const form = useFormStore();
  // const formRenderStore1 = useFormRenderStore()
  // const formRenderStore2 = useFormRenderStore()

  const onSubmit = async (e) => {
    const result = await form.validate();
    console.log(result, 'result');

  return (
    <div style={{ padding: '0 8px' }}>
      <Form form={form}>
            // formrender={formRenderStore1}
            // formrender={formRenderStore2}
      <div style={{ marginLeft: '120px' }}>
        <Button onClick={onSubmit}>submit</Button>

4. 数组数据


import React, { useState } from 'react';
import RenderForm, { useFormStore } from './form-render';
import { Button } from 'antd';
export default function Demo(props) {
  const properties =
        label: "list-0",
        rules: [{ required: true, message: 'name1 empty' }],
        initialValue: 1,
        type: 'Input',
        props: {}
        label: "list-1",
        rules: [{ required: true, message: 'name1 empty' }],
        initialValue: 2,
        type: 'Input',
        props: {}
        label: "list-2",
        rules: [{ required: true, message: 'name1 empty' }],
        initialValue: 3,
        type: 'Input',
        props: {}
        label: "list-3",
        rules: [{ required: true, message: 'name1 empty' }],
        initialValue: 4,
        type: 'Input',
        props: {}

  const form = useFormStore();

  const onSubmit = async (e) => {
    const result = await form.validate();
    console.log(result, 'result');

  return (
    <div style={{ padding: '0 8px' }}>
        // formrender={formRenderStore}
      <div style={{ marginLeft: '120px' }}>
        <Button onClick={onSubmit}>submit</Button>


RenderFormChildren's props


  • properties: { [name: string]: FormNodeProps } | FormNodeProps[] 渲染表单的DSL形式的json数据
  • watch属性:可以监听任意字段的值的变化,例如:
const watch = {
  'name1': (newValue, oldValue) => {
    // console.log(newValue, oldValue)
  'name2[0]': (newValue, oldValue) => {
    // console.log(newValue, oldValue)
  'name3': {
      handler: (newValue, oldValue) => {
        // console.log(newValue, oldValue)
      immediate: true // 立即监听
  <RenderForm watch={watch} />
  • components:注册表单中的所有组件;
  • optionsGenerateFormNodeProps | ((params: GenerateFormNodeProps) => any) 传递给表单节点组件的参数信息. 优先级比表单节点自身的参数要低
  • renderList:提供自定义渲染列表的函数.
  • renderItem:提供自定义渲染节点的函数.
  • onPropertiesChange: (newValue: PropertiesData) => void; properties更改时回调函数
  • formrender: 负责渲染的表单类。通过useFormRenderStore()创建,选填.
  • uneval: 不执行表单中的字符串表达式.
  • expressionImports: 在字符串表达式中引入的外部的变量.

Form`s props


  • 6.2.7 当默认组件RenderForm在嵌套情况下form标签报错时, 可以设置tagName更换成其他标签.

FormRenderStore Methods


  • updateItemByPath: (data?: any, path?: string, attributeName?: string) => void 更新路径path对应的节点,如果更新节点中的具体属性则需要attributeName参数
  • setItemByPath: (data?: any, path?: string, attributeName?: string) => void 设置路径path对应的节点,如果设置节点中的具体属性则需要attributeName参数
  • updateNameByPath: (newName?: string, path: string) => void 更新指定路径的name键
  • delItemByPath: (path?: string, attributeName?: string) => void 删除路径path对应的节点,如果删除节点中的具体属性则需要attributeName参数
  • insertItemByIndex: (data: InsertItemType, index?: number, parent?: { path?: string, attributeName?: string }) => void 根据序号和父节点路径添加选项
  • getItemByPath: (path?: string, attributeName?: string) => void 获取路径path对应的节点,如果是节点中的具体属性则需要attributeName参数
  • moveItemByPath: (from: { parent?: string, index: number }, to: { parent?: string, index?: number }) 把树中的选项从一个位置调换到另外一个位置
  • setProperties: (data?: Partial<FormNodeProps>) => void 设置properties;


  • useFormRenderStore(): 创建 new FormRenderStore().
  • useFormStore(defaultValues): 创建 new FormStore()




  • 嵌套节点: 有properties属性的节点,通过typeprops字段描述该节点为哪个组件,不携带表单域组件。
  • 节点: 无properties属性的节点,默认携带表单域组件(Form.Item), 提供表单域的一些功能, 默认的表单域属性继承自react-easy-formcore中的Form.Itemprops.
// name3 为嵌套节点,first和second为控件节点,有表单域属性。
const properties = {
  name3: {
    // type: '',
    // props: {},
    properties: {
      first: {
        label: 'first',
        rules: [{ required: true, message: 'first empty' }],
        type: 'Select',
        props: {
          style: { width: '100%' },
          children: [{ type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 1, value: '1', children: 'option1' } }]
      second: {
        label: 'second',
        rules: [{ required: true, message: 'second empty' }],
        type: 'Select',
        props: {
          style: { width: '100%' },
          children: [{ type: 'Select.Option', props: { key: 1, value: '1', children: 'option1' } }]
  • 节点的typescript类型
// 表单内的的组件类型
export interface FormComponent {
  type?: string;
  props?: any & { children?: any | Array<FormComponent> };
export type UnionComponent<P> =
  | React.ComponentType<P>
  | React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<P>
  | React.FC<P>
  | keyof React.ReactHTML;
export type CustomUnionType = FormComponent | Array<FormComponent> | UnionComponent<any> | Function | ReactNode
// 表单树中节点的类型
export interface FormNodeProps extends FormItemProps, FormComponent {
  hidden?: string | boolean;
  ignore?: boolean; // 标记当前节点为非表单节点
  inside?: CustomUnionType; // 节点内层嵌套组件
  outside?: CustomUnionType; // 节点外层嵌套组件
  readOnly?: boolean; // 只读模式
  readOnlyRender?: CustomUnionType; // 只读模式下的组件
  typeRender?: CustomUnionType; // 表单控件自定义渲染
  properties?: { [name: string]: FormNodeProps } | FormNodeProps[]; // 嵌套的表单控件 为对象时表示对象嵌套,为数组类型时表示数组集合


  • 表单节点的属性全局设置:
import RenderForm, { RenderFormChildren, useFormStore, Form } from "./form-render"

const properties = {
   name3: {
     label: "name3",
     type: 'Input',
     props: {}
 const form = useFormStore();

 // 第一种方式
     layout: 'vertical', // 节点的属性
     props: { disabled: true } // 节点中type字段渲染的组件的属性
 // 第二种方式 仅仅可以设置表单域组件(Form.Item)的属性
 // <Form form={form} layout="vertical">
 //   <RenderFormChildren
 //     properties={properties1}
 //   />
 // </Form>
  • 表单中的组件注入的参数:
export interface GeneratePrams<T = {}> {
 name?: string; // 组件所在节点的表单字段
 path?: string; // 组件所在节点的渲染路径
 parent?: { name?: string; path?: string, field?: T & GenerateFormNodeProps; }; // 组件所在父节点的信息
 field?: T & GenerateFormNodeProps; // 组件所在节点的信息
 formrender?: FormRenderStore;
 form?: FormStore;




  • a[0]表示数组a下面的第一个选项
  • a.b 表示a对象的b属性
  • a[0].b表示数组a下面的第一个选项的b属性



  1. 快速使用:用{{}}包裹目标属性值的计算表达式
  const properties = {
    name1: {
      label: 'name1',
      valueProp: 'checked',
      initialValue: true,
      type: 'Checkbox',
      props: {
        children: 'option'
    name2: {
      label: "name2",
      rules: '{{[{ required: formvalues && formvalues.name1 === true, message: "name2 empty" }]}}',
      initialValue: 1,
      type: 'Input',
      props: {}

  // OR

  const properties = {
    name1: {
      label: 'name1',
      valueProp: 'checked',
      initialValue: true,
      type: 'Checkbox',
      props: {
        children: 'option'
    name2: {
      label: "name2",
      hidden: '{{formvalues && formvalues.name1 === true}}',
      initialValue: 1,
      type: 'Input',
      props: {}
  1. 字符串表达式的使用规则
  • 一个字符串有且只能有一对{{}}.
  • 除了内置的三个变量(form(即useFormStore()), formrender(即useFormRenderStore()), formvalues(表单值对象))以外, 还可以通过expressionImports引入外部变量, 然后在字符串表达式内直接引用该变量名.
  • 6.2.5 版本开始, 推荐不写$符号. 7.x版本已移除该符号.
 import moment from 'moment'
 import RenderForm from "./form-render"

 const properties = {
    name3: {
      label: "name3",
      initialValue: "{{moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')}}",
      type: 'Input',
      props: {}
  <RenderForm properties={properties} expressionImports={{ moment }} />