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Buddy check

Thomas Nipen edited this page Jun 9, 2021 · 32 revisions

Compares an observation against its neighbours (i.e. buddies) within a predefined radius.

The neighbourhood is specified by radius [m], which is the radius of a circle around the observation to be checked. A minimum number of observations (num_min) is required to be available inside the circle and the range of elevations in the circle must not exceed max_elev_diff metres . The number of iterations is set by num_iterations. The buddy check compares the value of the centroid observation against the averaged value in the circle.

In the case of temperature, elevation differences should be taken into account because all observations are reported to the elevation of the centroid observation before averaging. A linear vertical rate of change of temperature can be set by elev_gradient. A recommended value is elev_gradient=-0.0065 °C/m (as defined in the ICAO international standard atmosphere). If max_elev_diff is negative then don't check elevation difference and do not correct the observed values.

The observation is flagged as suspect if the (absolute value of the) difference between obs and avg normalized by the standard deviation in the circle is greater than a predefined threshold. The lower limit of the standard deviation is set at min_std.

Python examples

N = 10
lats = [60]*N
lons = np.linspace(60, 60.001, N)
elevs = [0]*10
temp_obs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 1]
radius = np.full(len(lats), 5000)
num_min = np.full(len(lats), 5)
threshold = 2
max_elev_diff = 200
elev_gradient = -0.0065
min_std = 1
num_iterations = 5
points = titanlib.Points(lats, lons, elevs)
flags = titanlib.buddy_check(points, temp_obs, radius, num_min,threshold, max_elev_diff, elev_gradient, min_std, num_iterations)

R examples

# copy-and-paste from buddy_check_test.r
titanlib_path <- "../build/extras"
dyn.load( file.path( titanlib_path, 
                     paste("SWIG/R/titanlib", .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep="")))
source(   file.path( titanlib_path,"SWIG/R/titanlib.R"))

# Test with small vectors
P <- 11
lats <- rep( 60, P)
lons <- seq(10, length=P, by=0.005)
elevs <- rep(0, length(lats))
values <- round( 10*sin( lons * 2 * base::pi / ( max(lons) - min(lons))), 2)
# this is a bad observation
# check all obs
obs_to_check <- rep(1, length(lats))
# -- buddy check parameters --
radius <- 20000 # km
num_iterations <- 10
num_min <- 3 
threshold <- 2
max_elev_diff <- 100000 # m, if negative then elevation is not considered
elev_gradient <- -0.0065 # used only when max_elev_diff is positive
min_std <- 1
# call titanlib
points <- Points(lats, lons, elevs)
flags <- buddy_check(points, values, radius, num_min, threshold, max_elev_diff, elev_gradient, min_std, num_iterations)

# Test with bigger vectors
P <- 50000
pGE <- 0.3 # probability of gross error 0.3 = 30%
lats <- runif(P, min = 55, max = 60)
lons <- runif(P, min = 5, max = 10)
elevs <- runif(P, min = 0, max = 2500)
# simple vertical profile
values <- 30 - 0.0065 * elevs
idx <- sample(1:P,ceiling(P*pGE))
true_flags <- values; true_flags[] <- 0
true_flags[idx] <- 1
values[idx]<-runif(ceiling(P*pGE), min = -50, max = 50)
obs_to_check = rep(1,P)
# buddy check parameters
radius <- 20000
num_iterations <- 10
num_min <- 3
threshold <- 2
max_elev_diff <- 100000
elev_gradient <- -0.0065
min_std <- 1
# call titanlib
points <- Points(lats, lons, elevs)
flags <- buddy_check(points, values, radius, num_min, threshold, max_elev_diff, elev_gradient, min_std, num_iterations)
a <- length( which( true_flags == 1 & flags == 1)) # hit (correct bad)
c <- length( which( true_flags == 1 & flags == 0)) # miss (false good)
b <- length( which( true_flags == 0 & flags == 1)) # false bad
d <- length( which( true_flags == 0 & flags == 0)) # correct good
rand <- (a+c) * (a+b) / (a+b+c+d)
ets <- (a-rand) / (a+b+c-rand)
acc <- (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
pod <- a/(a+c)
pofa <- b/(b+d)
cat( paste0( "TOT / corr.bad(true_bad) false_bad false_good  corr.good: ",a+b+c+d," / ",a," (",length(which( true_flags == 1)),") ",b," ",c," ",d,"\n"))
cat( paste("scores / acc pod pofa ets:", round(acc,2), round(pod,2), round(pofa,2), round(ets,2),"\n"))