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ppx: add to_json_string,of_json_string,json_string derivers
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andreypopp committed Oct 18, 2024
1 parent 0b7c68a commit 439391c
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Showing 10 changed files with 229 additions and 60 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
- PPX: Consistent use of exceptions in runtime.
- PPX: add `[@@json_string]` for deriving converters to/from JSON strings

## 1.3.0 (2024-08-28)

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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -279,6 +279,21 @@ let json = to_json B
(* "bbb" *)

#### `[@@deriving json_string]`: a shortcut for JSON string conversion

For convenience, one can use `[@@deriving json_string]` to generate converters
directly to and from JSON strings:

type t = A [@@deriving json, json_string]
let "\"A\"" = to_json_string A
let A = of_json_string "\"A\""

Similarly, there's `[@@deriving to_json_string]` and `[@@deriving
of_json_string]` to generate the converters separately.

## PPX for OCaml native

A similar PPX is exposed in the `melange-json-native` package, which works with
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9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions ppx/browser/
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Expand Up @@ -211,10 +211,13 @@ module To_json = struct

let () =
let _ = Ppx_deriving_tools.register Of_json.deriving in
let _ = Ppx_deriving_tools.register To_json.deriving in
let _ =
let of_json = Ppx_deriving_tools.register Of_json.deriving in
let to_json = Ppx_deriving_tools.register To_json.deriving in
let json =
Ppx_deriving_tools.register_combined "json"
[ To_json.deriving; Of_json.deriving ]
let (_ : Deriving.t) = Of_json_string.register ~of_json () in
let (_ : Deriving.t) = To_json_string.register ~to_json () in
let (_ : Deriving.t) = Json_string.register ~json () in
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions ppx/native/
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@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
open StdLabels
open Ppxlib
open Ast_builder.Default
open Ppx_deriving_tools.Conv

let get_of_variant_case ?mark_as_seen ~variant ~polyvariant = function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,3 +80,78 @@ let ld_drop_default ld =
"found [@drop_default] attribute without [@option]"
| Some (), Some () -> `Drop_option
| None, _ -> `No

let expand_via ~what ~through make ~ctxt (rec_flag, tds) =
let loc = Expansion_context.Deriver.derived_item_loc ctxt in
let expand_one (td : type_declaration) =
let loc = td.ptype_loc in
let pat =
let { txt; loc } = td.ptype_name in
let txt = Expansion_helpers.mangle what txt in
ppat_var ~loc { Location.txt; loc }
let name_of_td_param idx (ty, _) =
match ty.ptyp_desc with
| Ptyp_any -> Printf.sprintf "_%d" idx
| Ptyp_var name -> name
| _ ->
Location.raise_errorf ~loc:ty.ptyp_loc
"unsupported type parameter"
let names = List.mapi td.ptype_params ~f:name_of_td_param in
let expr =
let of_json =
let { txt; loc = _ } = td.ptype_name in
let txt = Expansion_helpers.mangle through txt in
let of_json = pexp_ident ~loc { loc; txt = lident txt } in
pexp_apply ~loc of_json
( names ~f:(fun name -> Nolabel, evar ~loc name))
let body = make ~loc of_json in
List.fold_left (List.rev names) ~init:body ~f:(fun e name ->
[%expr fun [%p pvar ~loc name] -> [%e e]])
value_binding ~loc ~pat ~expr
pstr_value_list ~loc rec_flag ( tds ~f:expand_one)

module Of_json_string = struct
let expand =
expand_via ~what:(Expansion_helpers.Suffix "of_json_string")
~through:(Expansion_helpers.Suffix "of_json") (fun ~loc of_json ->
fun _json ->
[%e of_json] (Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.of_string _json)])

let register ~of_json () =
Deriving.add "of_json_string"
(Deriving.Generator.V2.make ~deps:[ of_json ] Deriving.Args.empty

module To_json_string = struct
let expand =
expand_via ~what:(Expansion_helpers.Suffix "to_json_string")
~through:(Expansion_helpers.Suffix "to_json") (fun ~loc to_json ->
fun _data ->
Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.to_string ([%e to_json] _data)])

let register ~to_json () =
Deriving.add "to_json_string"
(Deriving.Generator.V2.make ~deps:[ to_json ] Deriving.Args.empty

module Json_string = struct
let expand ~ctxt tds =
Of_json_string.expand ~ctxt tds @ To_json_string.expand ~ctxt tds

let register ~json () =
Deriving.add "json_string"
(Deriving.Generator.V2.make ~deps:[ json ] Deriving.Args.empty
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions ppx/native/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,10 +230,13 @@ module To_json = struct

let () =
let _ = Ppx_deriving_tools.register Of_json.deriving in
let _ = Ppx_deriving_tools.register To_json.deriving in
let _ =
let of_json = Ppx_deriving_tools.register Of_json.deriving in
let to_json = Ppx_deriving_tools.register To_json.deriving in
let (json : Deriving.t) =
register_combined "json" [ To_json.deriving; Of_json.deriving ])
let (_ : Deriving.t) = Of_json_string.register ~of_json () in
let (_ : Deriving.t) = To_json_string.register ~to_json () in
let (_ : Deriving.t) = Json_string.register ~json () in
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ppx/test/dune
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(package melange-json)
88 changes: 43 additions & 45 deletions ppx/test/
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Expand Up @@ -21,48 +21,46 @@ type allow_extra_fields = {a: int} [@@deriving json] [@@json.allow_extra_fields]
type allow_extra_fields2 = A of {a: int} [@json.allow_extra_fields] [@@deriving json]
type drop_default_option = { a: int; b_opt: int option; [@option] [@json.drop_default] } [@@deriving json]

module Cases = struct
type json = Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.t
type of_json = C : string * (json -> 'a) * ('a -> json) * 'a -> of_json
let of_json_cases = [
C ({|1|}, user_of_json, user_to_json, 1);
C ({|1.1|}, floaty_of_json, floaty_to_json, 1.1);
C ({|1.0|}, floaty_of_json, floaty_to_json, 1.0);
C ({|42|}, floaty_of_json, floaty_to_json, 42.0);
C ({|"OK"|}, (param_of_json string_of_json), (param_to_json string_to_json), "OK");
C ({|"some"|}, opt_of_json, opt_to_json, (Some "some"));
C ({|["Ok", 1]|}, res_of_json, res_to_json, Ok 1);
C ({|["Error", "oops"]|}, res_of_json, res_to_json, Error "oops");
C ({|[42, "works"]|}, tuple_of_json, tuple_to_json, (42, "works"));
C ({|{"name":"N","age":1}|}, record_of_json, record_to_json, {name="N"; age=1});
C ({|["A"]|}, sum_of_json, sum_to_json, (A : sum));
C ({|["B", 42]|}, sum_of_json, sum_to_json, (B 42 : sum));
C ({|["C", {"name": "cname"}]|}, sum_of_json, sum_to_json, (C {name="cname"} : sum));
C ({|["A"]|}, sum_of_json, sum_to_json, (A : sum));
C ({|["S2", 42, "hello"]|}, sum2_of_json, sum2_to_json, (S2 (42, "hello")));
C ({|["B", 42]|}, poly_of_json, poly_to_json, (`B 42 : poly));
C ({|["P2", 42, "hello"]|}, poly2_of_json, poly2_to_json, (`P2 (42, "hello") : poly2));
C ({|["Fix",["Fix",["Fix",["A"]]]]|}, recur_of_json, recur_to_json, (Fix (Fix (Fix A))));
C ({|["Fix",["Fix",["Fix",["A"]]]]|}, polyrecur_of_json, polyrecur_to_json, (`Fix (`Fix (`Fix `A))));
C ({|{"my_name":"N","my_age":1}|}, record_aliased_of_json, record_aliased_to_json, {name="N"; age=1});
C ({|{"my_name":"N"}|}, record_aliased_of_json, record_aliased_to_json, {name="N"; age=100});
C ({|{}|}, record_opt_of_json, record_opt_to_json, {k=None});
C ({|{"k":42}|}, record_opt_of_json, record_opt_to_json, {k=Some 42});
C ({|["A",1]|}, p2_of_json int_of_json string_of_json, p2_to_json int_to_json string_to_json, A 1);
C ({|["B","ok"]|}, p2_of_json int_of_json string_of_json, p2_to_json int_to_json string_to_json, B "ok");
C ({|{"a":1,"b":2}|}, allow_extra_fields_of_json, allow_extra_fields_to_json, {a=1});
C ({|["A",{"a":1,"b":2}]|}, allow_extra_fields2_of_json, allow_extra_fields2_to_json, A {a=1});
C ({|{"a":1}|}, drop_default_option_of_json, drop_default_option_to_json, {a=1; b_opt=None});
C ({|{"a":1,"b_opt":2}|}, drop_default_option_of_json, drop_default_option_to_json, {a=1; b_opt=Some 2});
let run' ~json_of_string ~json_to_string (C (data, of_json, to_json, v)) =
print_endline (Printf.sprintf "JSON DATA: %s" data);
let json = json_of_string data in
let v' = of_json json in
assert (v' = v);
let json' = to_json v' in
let data' = json_to_string json' in
print_endline (Printf.sprintf "JSON REPRINT: %s" data')
let run ~json_of_string ~json_to_string () =
List.iter (run' ~json_of_string ~json_to_string) of_json_cases
type json = Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.t
type of_json = C : string * (json -> 'a) * ('a -> json) * 'a -> of_json
let of_json_cases = [
C ({|1|}, user_of_json, user_to_json, 1);
C ({|1.1|}, floaty_of_json, floaty_to_json, 1.1);
C ({|1.0|}, floaty_of_json, floaty_to_json, 1.0);
C ({|42|}, floaty_of_json, floaty_to_json, 42.0);
C ({|"OK"|}, (param_of_json string_of_json), (param_to_json string_to_json), "OK");
C ({|"some"|}, opt_of_json, opt_to_json, (Some "some"));
C ({|["Ok", 1]|}, res_of_json, res_to_json, Ok 1);
C ({|["Error", "oops"]|}, res_of_json, res_to_json, Error "oops");
C ({|[42, "works"]|}, tuple_of_json, tuple_to_json, (42, "works"));
C ({|{"name":"N","age":1}|}, record_of_json, record_to_json, {name="N"; age=1});
C ({|["A"]|}, sum_of_json, sum_to_json, (A : sum));
C ({|["B", 42]|}, sum_of_json, sum_to_json, (B 42 : sum));
C ({|["C", {"name": "cname"}]|}, sum_of_json, sum_to_json, (C {name="cname"} : sum));
C ({|["A"]|}, sum_of_json, sum_to_json, (A : sum));
C ({|["S2", 42, "hello"]|}, sum2_of_json, sum2_to_json, (S2 (42, "hello")));
C ({|["B", 42]|}, poly_of_json, poly_to_json, (`B 42 : poly));
C ({|["P2", 42, "hello"]|}, poly2_of_json, poly2_to_json, (`P2 (42, "hello") : poly2));
C ({|["Fix",["Fix",["Fix",["A"]]]]|}, recur_of_json, recur_to_json, (Fix (Fix (Fix A))));
C ({|["Fix",["Fix",["Fix",["A"]]]]|}, polyrecur_of_json, polyrecur_to_json, (`Fix (`Fix (`Fix `A))));
C ({|{"my_name":"N","my_age":1}|}, record_aliased_of_json, record_aliased_to_json, {name="N"; age=1});
C ({|{"my_name":"N"}|}, record_aliased_of_json, record_aliased_to_json, {name="N"; age=100});
C ({|{}|}, record_opt_of_json, record_opt_to_json, {k=None});
C ({|{"k":42}|}, record_opt_of_json, record_opt_to_json, {k=Some 42});
C ({|["A",1]|}, p2_of_json int_of_json string_of_json, p2_to_json int_to_json string_to_json, A 1);
C ({|["B","ok"]|}, p2_of_json int_of_json string_of_json, p2_to_json int_to_json string_to_json, B "ok");
C ({|{"a":1,"b":2}|}, allow_extra_fields_of_json, allow_extra_fields_to_json, {a=1});
C ({|["A",{"a":1,"b":2}]|}, allow_extra_fields2_of_json, allow_extra_fields2_to_json, A {a=1});
C ({|{"a":1}|}, drop_default_option_of_json, drop_default_option_to_json, {a=1; b_opt=None});
C ({|{"a":1,"b_opt":2}|}, drop_default_option_of_json, drop_default_option_to_json, {a=1; b_opt=Some 2});
let run' (C (data, of_json, to_json, v)) =
print_endline (Printf.sprintf "JSON DATA: %s" data);
let json = Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.of_string data in
let v' = of_json json in
assert (v' = v);
let json' = to_json v' in
let data' = Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.to_string json' in
print_endline (Printf.sprintf "JSON REPRINT: %s" data')
let test () =
List.iter run' of_json_cases
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions ppx/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
open Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.Primitives

let print fmt = Printf.ksprintf print_endline fmt

module To_json_string = struct
type ('a, 'b) t = A of 'a | B of 'b
[@@deriving to_json, to_json_string]

let test () =
let to_json_string = to_json_string int_to_json bool_to_json in
print "** To_json_string **";
print "A 42 -> %s" (to_json_string (A 42));
print "B false -> %s" (to_json_string (B false))

module Of_json_string = struct
type ('a, 'b) t = A of 'a | B of 'b
[@@deriving of_json, of_json_string]

let test () =
let of_json_string = of_json_string int_of_json bool_of_json in
print "** Of_json_string **";
print {|["A", 42] = A 42 -> %b|} (of_json_string {|["A", 42]|} = A 42);
print {|["B", false] = B false -> %b|}
(of_json_string {|["B", false]|} = B false)

module Json_string = struct
type ('a, 'b) t = A of 'a | B of 'b [@@deriving json, json_string]

let test () =
print "** Json_string **";
let to_json_string = to_json_string int_to_json bool_to_json in
print "A 42 -> %s" (to_json_string (A 42));
print "B false -> %s" (to_json_string (B false));
let of_json_string = of_json_string int_of_json bool_of_json in
print {|["A", 42] = A 42 -> %b|} (of_json_string {|["A", 42]|} = A 42);
print {|["B", false] = B false -> %b|}
(of_json_string {|["B", false]|} = B false)

let test () =
To_json_string.test ();
Of_json_string.test ();
Json_string.test ()
23 changes: 18 additions & 5 deletions ppx/test/ppx_deriving_json_js.e2e.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
> (library
> (name lib)
> (modes melange)
> (modules example main)
> (modules example example_json_string main)
> (flags :standard -w -37-69 -open Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.Primitives)
> (preprocess (pps melange.ppx melange-json.ppx)))
> (melange.emit
Expand All @@ -17,15 +17,16 @@
> (module_systems commonjs))' > dune

$ echo '
> open Example
> let () = ()
> ~json_to_string:Js.Json.stringify
> ~json_of_string:Js.Json.parseExn
> let () = print_endline "*** json deriver tests ***"
> let () = Example.test ()
> let () = print_endline "*** json_string deriver tests ***"
> let () = Example_json_string.test ()
> ' >>

$ dune build @js

$ node ./_build/default/output/main.js
*** json deriver tests ***
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,3 +85,15 @@
JSON DATA: {"a":1,"b_opt":2}
JSON REPRINT: {"a":1,"b_opt":2}
*** json_string deriver tests ***
** To_json_string **
A 42 -> ["A",42]
B false -> ["B",false]
** Of_json_string **
["A", 42] = A 42 -> true
["B", false] = B false -> true
** Json_string **
A 42 -> ["A",42]
B false -> ["B",false]
["A", 42] = A 42 -> true
["B", false] = B false -> true
19 changes: 15 additions & 4 deletions ppx/test/ppx_deriving_json_native.e2e.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@
> (preprocess (pps melange-json-native.ppx)))' > dune

$ echo '
> open Example
> let () = ()
> ~json_to_string:Yojson.Basic.to_string
> ~json_of_string:Yojson.Basic.from_string
> let () = Example.test ()
> let () = print_endline "*** json_string deriver tests ***"
> let () = Example_json_string.test ()
> ' >>

$ dune build ./main.exe
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,3 +75,15 @@
JSON DATA: {"a":1,"b_opt":2}
JSON REPRINT: {"a":1,"b_opt":2}
*** json_string deriver tests ***
** To_json_string **
A 42 -> ["A",42]
B false -> ["B",false]
** Of_json_string **
["A", 42] = A 42 -> true
["B", false] = B false -> true
** Json_string **
A 42 -> ["A",42]
B false -> ["B",false]
["A", 42] = A 42 -> true
["B", false] = B false -> true

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