This is an example app where three .NET services use easeagent-sdk-net.
In order to build the example, you need to install a tow things:
This example has two services: frontend and backend. They both report trace data to zipkin.
To setup the demo, do
$ pwd
$ ./
Once the dependencies are installed, run the services:
# Run zipkin (optional):
docker run -p 9411:9411 -d openzipkin/zipkin
# In terminal 1:
$ pwd
$ EASEAGENT_CONFIG=`pwd`/agent_backend.yml dotnet run
# In terminal 2
$ pwd
$ EASEAGENT_CONFIG=`pwd`/agent_frontend.yml dotnet run
And then, request the frontend:
curl http://localhost:8081
- This starts a trace in the frontend (http://localhost:8081/)
- Continues the trace and calls the backend (http://localhost:9000)
- Next, you can view traces that went through the backend via http://localhost:9411/?
If you need to pass the MegaEase Cloud endpoint, please download the agent.yml
from MegaEase Cloud. By Details.
and TLS
will be filled in for you automatically.
Replace agent.yml
with the configuration file in the configs
directory. Then run it.