diff --git a/src/html5-qrcode.ts b/src/html5-qrcode.ts
index b3fcbdab..30245a1a 100644
--- a/src/html5-qrcode.ts
+++ b/src/html5-qrcode.ts
@@ -268,6 +268,8 @@ export class Html5Qrcode {
private readonly qrcode: RobustQrcodeDecoderAsync;
private shouldScan: boolean;
+ private flippedScan: boolean;
+ private invertedScan: boolean;
// Nullable elements
// TODO(mebjas): Reduce the state-fulness of this mammoth class, by splitting
@@ -316,7 +318,7 @@ export class Html5Qrcode {
this.elementId = elementId;
this.verbose = false;
let experimentalFeatureConfig : ExperimentalFeaturesConfig | undefined;
let configObject: Html5QrcodeFullConfig | undefined;
if (typeof configOrVerbosityFlag == "boolean") {
@@ -336,6 +338,8 @@ export class Html5Qrcode {
this.shouldScan = true;
+ this.flippedScan = false;
+ this.invertedScan = false;
this.stateManagerProxy = StateManagerFactory.create();
@@ -1211,20 +1215,37 @@ export class Html5Qrcode {
internalConfig, qrCodeSuccessCallback, qrCodeErrorCallback);
}, this.getTimeoutFps(internalConfig.fps));
+ if(this.context) {
+ // apply invert function that replace this.context.filter = 'invert(X)'
+ this.context = this.invert(this.context, (this.invertedScan) ? '1' : '0');
+ }
// Try scanning normal frame and in case of failure, scan
// the inverted context if not explictly disabled.
// TODO(mebjas): Move this logic to decoding library.
this.scanContext(qrCodeSuccessCallback, qrCodeErrorCallback)
.then((isSuccessfull) => {
- // Previous scan failed and disableFlip is off.
- if (!isSuccessfull && internalConfig.disableFlip !== true) {
- this.context!.translate(this.context!.canvas.width, 0);
- this.context!.scale(-1, 1);
- this.scanContext(qrCodeSuccessCallback, qrCodeErrorCallback)
- .finally(() => {
- triggerNextScan();
- });
+ // Previous scan failed
+ if (!isSuccessfull) {
+ // disableFlip is off and is not flipped
+ if (internalConfig.disableFlip !== true && this.flippedScan === false) {
+ this.context!.translate(this.context!.canvas.width, 0);
+ this.context!.scale(-1, 1);
+ this.flippedScan = true;
+ } else {
+ // disableFlip is off
+ if (internalConfig.disableFlip !== true) {
+ this.context!.translate(this.context!.canvas.width, 0);
+ this.context!.scale(-1, 1);
+ }
+ this.flippedScan = false;
+ }
+ // previous scan failed, check if next time I shouldapply invert function with amount parameter set to 1 or 0
+ if (this.invertedScan === false && this.flippedScan === false) {
+ this.invertedScan = true;
+ } else if (this.invertedScan === true && this.flippedScan === false) {
+ this.invertedScan = false;
+ }
+ triggerNextScan();
} else {
@@ -1330,6 +1351,69 @@ export class Html5Qrcode {
const type = (typeof cameraIdOrConfig);
throw `Invalid type of 'cameraIdOrConfig' = ${type}`;
+ /**
+ * Method that replace CanvasRenderingContext2D.filter that is not supported from Safari
+ * https://github.com/davidenke/context-filter-polyfill/blob/main/src/filters/invert.filter.ts
+ * @param context
+ * @param amount from 0 to 1
+ */
+ private invert(
+ context: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
+ amount: any = '0'
+ ) {
+ amount = this.normalizeNumberPercentage(amount);
+ // do not manipulate without proper amount
+ if (amount <= 0) {
+ return context;
+ }
+ // a maximum of 100%
+ if (amount > 1) {
+ amount = 1;
+ }
+ const { height, width } = context.canvas;
+ const imageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
+ const { data } = imageData;
+ const { length } = data;
+ // in rgba world, every
+ // n * 4 + 0 is red,
+ // n * 4 + 1 green and
+ // n * 4 + 2 is blue
+ // the fourth can be skipped as it's the alpha channel
+ for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 4) {
+ data[i + 0] = Math.abs(data[i + 0] - 255 * amount);
+ data[i + 1] = Math.abs(data[i + 1] - 255 * amount);
+ data[i + 2] = Math.abs(data[i + 2] - 255 * amount);
+ }
+ // set back image data to context
+ context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
+ // return the context itself
+ return context;
+ }
+ /**
+ * filter options are often represented as number-percentage,
+ * means that they'll be percentages like `50%` or floating
+ * in-between 0 and 1 like `.5`, so we normalize them.
+ * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/filter#number-percentage
+ * https://github.com/davidenke/context-filter-polyfill/blob/main/src/utils/filter.utils.ts
+ * @param percentage
+ * @returns
+ */
+ private normalizeNumberPercentage(
+ percentage: string
+ ) {
+ let normalized = parseFloat(percentage);
+ // check for percentages and divide by a hundred
+ if (/%\s*?$/i.test(percentage)) {
+ normalized /= 100;
+ }
+ return normalized;
+ }
//#region Documented private methods for file based scanner.