Maintenance scripts are run using the PHP command line.
If you keep Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) in the standard directory ./extensions/SemanticMediaWiki
(below your MediaWiki installation) then you can run these scripts from almost anywhere.
Otherwise, it is required to set the environment variable MW_INSTALL_PATH
to the root of your
MediaWiki installation first. This is also required if you use a symbolic link from
to the actual installation directory of Semantic MediaWiki.
Setting environment variables is different for different operating systems and shells, but can normally be done from the command line right before the php call. On Bash (Linux), e.g. one can use the following call to execute "setupStore.php" with a different MediaWiki location:
export MW_INSTALL_PATH="/path/to/mediawiki" && php setupStore.php
In some setups that use a lot of shared code for many wikis, it might be required to specify the location of "LocalSettings.php" explicitly, too:
export MW_INSTALL_PATH="/path/to/mediawiki" && php setupStore.php --conf=/path/to/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php
- This overview only shows the current maintenance scripts and does not include precursing maintenance scripts with similar functions.
- This overview only shows the script specific parameters. Parameters applicable to all scripts are:
- Generic maintenance parameters:
[--help|--quiet|--conf|--wiki|--globals|--memory-limit|--server|--profiler|--mwdebug] - Script dependent parameters:
- Generic maintenance parameters:
Allows to dispose outdated entities. Available since SMW 3.2.0
- php disposeOutdatedEntities.php
Allows to do a complete RDF export of existing triples. Available since SMW 2.0.0
- php dumpRDF.php
- [--file|--categories|--classes|--concepts|--types|--individuals|--page|--properties|--d|--e]
Allows to populate the "smw_hash" database field for all entities that have a missing entry when initially upgrading to Semantic MediaWiki 3.0.0 and later. Available since SMW 3.0.1
- php populateHashField.php
Allows to purge all cache entries including associates of entities at once. Available since SMW 3.1.0
- php purgeEntityCache.php
Allows to rebuild (create, update, and delete) concept caches. Available since SMW 1.9.2
- php rebuildConceptCache.php
- [--status|--create|--delete] [--concept|--hard|--update|--old|-s|-e] [--verbose|--no-cache|--debug|--report-runtime|--with-maintenance-log]
Allows to rebuild all the semantic data for a selected data backend/store. Available since SMW 1.9.2
- php rebuildData.php
- [-d|-s|-e|-f|-n|--startidfile|-b|-v|-c|-p|-t|--page|--redirects|--query|-f|--no-cache|--report-runtime|--debug|--skip-properties|--shallow-update|--ignore-exceptions|--exception-log|--with-maintenance-log|--revision-mode|--force-update|--dispose-outdated]
Allows to rebuild all the semantic data for the Elasticsearch index. Available since SMW 3.0.0
- php rebuildElasticIndex.php
- [--s|--e|--page|--update-settings|--force-refresh|--delete-all|--skip-fileindex|--run-fileindex|--auto-recovery|--only-update|--debug|--report-runtime|--with-maintenance-log]
Allows to find missing entities (aka documents) from the Elasticsearch index and schedule "smw.update" jobs for those identified subjects. Available since SMW 3.1.0
- php rebuildElasticMissingDocuments.php
Allows to rebuild the full text search data table of the relational database backend/store. Available since SMW 2.5.0
- php rebuildFulltextSearchTable.php
- [--v|--quick|--optimize|--report-runtime|--with-maintenance-log]
Allows to rebuild the property usage statistics. Available since SMW 1.9.0
- php rebuildPropertyStatistics.php
- [--with-maintenance-log]
Allows to remove all duplicate entities with no reference in any other table from the entity table. Available since SMW 3.0.0
- php removeDuplicateEntities.php
- [--s|--report-runtime|--with-maintenance-log]
Allows to import content from import files. Available since SMW 3.2.0
- php runImport.php
Allows to copy local messages from and to the i18n translation system. Available since SMW 3.2.0
- php runLocalMessageCopy.php
- [--file|--copy-canonicalmessages|--copy-translatedmessages]
Allows to set up the data backend/store. Available since SMW 2.0.0
- php setupStore.php
- [--delete|--backend|--nochecks|--skip-optimize|--skip-import] [backend]
Allows to do mass updates of database field "smw_sort" on the occasion that setting for the entity collation was changed. Available since SMW 3.0.0
- php updateEntityCollation.php
Allows to do mass populating of database field "smw_countmap" when initially upgrading to Semantic MediaWiki 3.2.0 and later. Available since SMW 3.0.0
- php updateEntityCountMap.php
Allows to update all entities that hold embedded queries. Available since SMW 3.1.0
- php updateQueryDependencies.php