title | slug |
SpeechRecognitionAlternative |
Web/API/SpeechRecognitionAlternative |
{{APIRef("Web Speech API")}}{{SeeCompatTable}}
Web Speech API の SpeechRecognitionAlternative
- {{domxref("SpeechRecognitionAlternative.transcript")}} {{readonlyinline}}
- : 認識された単語の transcript を含む文字列を返します。
- {{domxref("SpeechRecognitionAlternative.confidence")}} {{readonlyinline}}
- : 音声認識システムの認識の正しさの信頼度を表す評価を数値で返します。
このコードは、私たちの Speech color changer の例から抜粋しました。
recognition.onresult = function (event) {
// The SpeechRecognitionEvent results property returns a SpeechRecognitionResultList object
// The SpeechRecognitionResultList object contains SpeechRecognitionResult objects.
// It has a getter so it can be accessed like an array
// The first [0] returns the SpeechRecognitionResult at position 0.
// Each SpeechRecognitionResult object contains SpeechRecognitionAlternative objects that contain individual results.
// These also have getters so they can be accessed like arrays.
// The second [0] returns the SpeechRecognitionAlternative at position 0.
// We then return the transcript property of the SpeechRecognitionAlternative object
var color = event.results[0][0].transcript;
diagnostic.textContent = "Result received: " + color + ".";
bg.style.backgroundColor = color;
アプリ内で音声認識を使用するには、manifest ファイルに次の許可設定を指定する必要があります:
"permissions": {
"audio-capture" : {
"description" : "Audio capture"
"speech-recognition" : {
"description" : "Speech recognition"
"type": "privileged"