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Welcome to the Trianglify documentation! Here's the ultimate guide to using Trianglify in your app.



  1. Usages
    1. Java
    2. XML
  2. APIs
    1. Attributes and Methods
      1. TrianglifyView
      2. Palette
    2. Details of Bleed and Grid Dimensions
    3. Note on Units of CellSize, Variance, Bleed & Grid Height
    4. Setting Palette using setPalette
    5. Using Custom Palettes
    6. Updating the View
    7. Exporting Bitmap
  3. Performance Analysis

1. Usages

1.1 Java

Import Statements

Include following lines along with other import statements at the beginning of your activity's java class:

import com.sdsmdg.kd.trianglify.views.TrianglifyView;
import com.sdsmdg.kd.trianglify.models.Palette;

To use trianglify view include the following lines to get an instance of view and set its properties:

trianglifyView = (TrianglifyView) findViewById(; 

1.2 XML

    app:fillTriangle="true" />

2. API Documentation

2.1 Attributes and Methods

2.1.1 TrianglifyView

Property Default values Java method Attribute Description
Grid Height NA .setGridHeight(...) grid_height Height of the grid to generate
Grid Width NA .setGridWidth(...) grid_width Width of the grid to generate
X-axis Bleed 0 px .setBleedX(...) bleed_x TrianglifyView generates total area having width = gridWidth + 2*bleedX to avoid unfilled triangles at the edges of the view
Y-Axis Bleed 0 px .setBleedY(...) bleed_y TrianglifyView generates total area having height = gridHeight + 2*bleedY to avoid unfilled triangles at the edges of the view
Variance 10 px .setVariance(...) variance Displacement of points from original grid position to create triangles of different sizes
Cell Size 40 px .setCellSize(...) cell_size Size of cells of rectangular grid used to generated vertices of the triangles
Grid Type* 0 .setTypeGrid(...) grid_type Type of grid 0 for Rectangular
Fill Triangles with color true .setFillTriangle(...) fill_triangles Fills the triangle generated with color chosen
Draw strokes false .setDrawStrokes(...) draw_strokes Draws triangle's border with neighboring triangle's color
Color Palette YlGn .setPalette(...) palette Set of existing colors to color triangles
Random Coloring false .setRandomColoring(...) random_coloring If random coloring is on triangles will be colored randomly instead of linear interpolation
Fill the View Completely false .setFillViewCompletely(...) fillViewCompletely If fillViewCompletely is true, then it will throw illegalArgumentsException whenever both BleedX and BleedY are not greater than cellSize. Refer to Section 2.2

*Current release contains only one GridType accessible with id 0

Other methods
The following methods are getters for corresponding properties and are not covered in the table above:

  • isDrawStrokeEnabled
  • isRandomColoringEnabled
  • isFillTriangle
  • isFillViewCompletely
  • getVariance
  • getTypeGrid
  • getPalette
  • getGridWidth
  • getGridHeight
  • getCellSize
  • getBleedX
  • getBleedY

The following are additional methods provided for the developer:


This method returns the state of the view. For more information on states of view read Smart update of view using smartUpdate in Section 2.7 Updating the View.


This method clears the triangulation of the view and sets it to null.

2.1.2 Palette

Method Return Type Type Parameters Description
Constructor - Constructor int c0, int c1, int c2, int c3, int c4, int c5, int c6, int c7, int c8 Takes nine parameters as colors to construct palette
Constructor - Constructor int[] colors Takes nine parameters as an array of colors to construct palette
getPalette Palette static int paletteIndex Returns palette object corresponding to passed value of paletteIndex, palette is constructed from a predefined set of colors.
indexOf int static Palette palette Returns index of palette object in predefined palette, -1 if doesn't exists
getColor int - int index Returns color corresponding to index passed from the set of colors for a palette

2.2 Details of Bleed and Grid Dimensions

  • Bleed: Bleed defines the dimensions of extra size that TrianglifyView view generates so that triangles on the edge don't appear to be chopped off. In most of the cases min{bleedX, bleedY} > cellSize would ensure that the view is completely filled.
  • Grid Dimensions: GridHeight and GridWidth defines the dimensions of the visible area of the view.

Total area generated by TrianglifyView is (gridHeight + 2 * BleedY) * (gridWidth + 2 * BleedX) while total area visible is (gridHeight) * (gridWidth)

Following image demonstrates region covered by gridHeight, gridWidth, bleedX and bleedY

2.4 Note on Units of CellSize, Variance, Bleed and Grid Height

Attributes of CellSize, Variance, Bleed and GridHeight supplied to TrianglifyView using Java are interpreted as px. To convert px to dp or vice-versa define and use following methods:

public int dpToPx(int dp) {
    DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = this.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
    return Math.round(dp * (displayMetrics.xdpi / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT));

public int pxToDp(int px) {
    DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = this.getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
    return Math.round(px / (displayMetrics.xdpi / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT));

2.5 Setting Palette using setPalette method

TrianglifyView's setPalette method accepts Palette object. Palette can be set using one of the following methods:

  • To use one of the predefined palette, for example Spectral use trianglifyView.setPalette(Palette.getPalette(Palette.Spectral)).
  • To use palette referring to its index use Palette.getPalette(<index>).
  • To use custom palette refer to section 2.6 Using custom Palettes.

Note: Index used for addressing palette should be less than Palette.DEFAULT_PALETTE_COUNT, if index is greater than DEFAULT_PALETTE_COUNT IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

Note: Palette enum defines total of 28 named palettes that can be used to generate views without specifying colors.

2.6 Using Custom Palettes

Custom Palettes can be used by creating new palette using one of the following constructor:

Palette customPalette = new Palette(int c0, int c1, int c2, int c3, int c4, int c5, int c6, int c7, int c8);


Palette customPalette = new Palette(int colors[]);

Array based constructor will throw IllegalArgumentException if size of array is not exactly 9.

2.7 Updating the View

TrianglifyView should be updated on change of any of the parameter for changes to take effect. TrianglifyView can be updated by the following two methods:

Smart update of view using smartUpdate

smartUpdate updates the view smartly by looking at the parameter changes in the view since the last update, and accordingly decides which parts of the view should be updated. More formal description is:

  • If only the drawStroke or fillTriangle values have been changed since the last update, the triangulation is only replotted in accordance to the new paint strokes.
  • If the randomColoring or palette have been changed without any changes in the grid parameters, only the new colors are assigned to the triangulation without regenerating the grid and delaunay triangulation, after which the view is plotted in accordance to the fillTriangle and drawStrokes parameters.
  • If there are changes in the grid parameters, the whole triangulation has to be generated from scratch. The method generates a new grid according to the parameters and fits a delaunay triangulation. This is followed by colorization and plotting of the triangulation onto the view.

Complete regeneration using generateAndInvalidate

This is used when the triangulation is to be generated from scratch. The method generates a grid according to the parameters and fits a delaunay triangulation. This is followed by colorization and plotting of the triangulation onto the view.

(Basic) Performance Comparision of the Two Methods

smartUpdate method regenerates the whole triangulation only when the grid parameters have been changed, thereby bypassing the unnecessary regeneration of grid and delaunay triangulation in situations when parameters other than grid parameters have been changed. This leads to a faster rendering of view.

The generateAndInvalidate method regenerates the whole triangulation irrespective of which parameters have been changed, carrying out steps that might not be necessary, hence causing hindrance to performance.

2.8 Exporting Bitmap

TrianglifyView can export Bitmap object of the triangulation plotted, to get a bitmap object use getBitmap method of trianglifyView. getBitmap returns a mutable bitmap object that is of ARGB_8888 configuration.

Quality of the bitmap obtained can be set using setQuality method of TrianglifyView which accepts one of the three possible parameter TrianglifyView.DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_HIGH, TrianglifyView.DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_LOW and TrianglifyView.DRAWING_CACHE_QUALITY_AUTO.

3. Performance Analysis

Few notes on performance of Trianglify

  • Performance takes a serious hit with decrease in cell size. Time complexity of the algorithm to generate triangles from grid of points is Ω(n*log(n)). Decreasing cell size increases n (number of points on the grid).
  • Performance of coloring is faster on the use of random coloring rather than gradient.
  • On use of smartUpdate, performance of coloring depends on the parameters changed since last triangulation. Check 2.7 Updating the View for more details.