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File metadata and controls

162 lines (110 loc) · 4.48 KB

Using Helpers

Writing generators for absolutely everything is way too much work.

The easiest approach by far is to only write generators for stuff you absolutely need to generate, and write normal Elm code for everything else.

This means we need an easy way to:

  1. use existing Elm packages!
  2. use code we have written locally.

Using Packages

Let's say you wanted to generate some code that uses elm/html!

elm-codegen can help you out with that.

If you haven't already, make a new codegen project by running elm-codegen init, like you did in Getting Started.

Now, run cd codegen ; elm-codegen install elm/html.

This will create the following files —

  • codegen/Gen/Html.elm
  • codegen/Gen/Html/Attributes.elm
  • codegen/Gen/Html/Events.elm
  • codegen/Gen/Html/Lazy.elm
  • codegen/Gen/Html/Keyed.elm

We can use Gen.Html to help generate calls to Html.

In our codegen/Generate.elm file, we can write:

import Gen.Html
import Gen.Attributes

div : Elm.Expression
div =
        [ Gen.Html.Attributes.class
        [ Gen.Html.text
            "Hello world!"

Which will generate:

    [ Html.Attributes.class "hello" ]
    [ Html.text "Hello world!" ]

Crazy, right?

Using .call

What if you wanted to render text that is only known at run time?

The generated package bindings also includes a thing called .call_, which can help you out.

While normally, Gen.Html.text is defined as

text : String -> Elm.Expression

Gen.Html.call_.text is defined as

text : Elm.Expression -> Elm.Expression

Which means you can generate any expression you want to provide the string.

For example, here's how we'd create a function that takes one argument called myString and returns some Html.

import Gen.Html
import Gen.Attributes
import Elm

div : Elm.Expression
div =
    Elm.fn ("myString", Just Elm.Annotation.string)
        (\myString ->
                [ Gen.Html.Attributes.class
                [ Gen.Html.call_.text

Local bindings

We may also need bindings for local files instead of just published packages!

You can specify directories that you want to generate bindings for under the local field of your elm.codegen.json, and generate them by running elm-codegen install.

But what the heck does that mean?

Let's say you if you have a file ./src/MyFile.elm which has a function in it called addFive : Int -> Int, and you'd like to generate some code that calls that function.

You could add src/ to your elm.codegen.json

  "elm-codegen-version": "0.1.3",
  "codegen-helpers": {
    "packages": {
      "elm/core": "1.0.5",
      "elm/json": "1.1.3"
    "local": ["src/"]

Run elm-codegen install, and now in codegen/Generate.elm, you could write

import Gen.MyFile

myExpression : Elm.Expression
myExpression =
    Gen.MyFile.add5 20

which would generate

MyFile.add5 20


What's in the box?

Let's take a peak into the Gen/Html.elm file. The hope is that it's not too hard to read once you get used to it.

The majority of what you'll find are direct bindings. These are things such as Gen.Html.div, which allow you to call a function much like you would in normal Elm, but have it generate that value for you instead of actually calling it.

Additionally though, there are a few other helpers —

  1. moduleName_ — The name of the module, as you'd probably expect.

  2. annotation_ — Helpers to construct a type annotation which can be used with Elm.withType or Elm.value

    • Note! elm-codegen has builtin type inference, so hopefully the number of times you need this is pretty low.
  3. make_ — Create a value of a type. Gen.Maybe.make_.just (Elm.string "Hello") would generate Just "Hello".

  4. call_ — The top level "bindings" that are generated for you will take in actual primitives. However there are cases where you want to pass in an Expression to a function instead of an actual string!

  5. values_ — In some cases you may need to do something fancier. The values_ record will help you refer directly to a single value. So, Gen.Html.values_.div is an Expression which generates just Html.div.