# Smithy Rust  Smithy code generators for Rust The nightly SDK build can be found under `Actions -> CI (take latest run) -> Artifacts` [Design documentation (WIP)](https://awslabs.github.io/smithy-rs/) **All internal and external interfaces are considered unstable and subject to change without notice.** ## Setup 1. `./gradlew` will setup gradle for you. JDK 11 is required. 2. Running tests requires a working Rust installation. See [Rust docs](https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started) for installation instructions on your platform. Minimum supported Rust version is the latest released Rust version, although older versions may work. ## Generate an AWS SDK The generated SDK will be placed in `aws/sdk/build/aws-sdk`. ``` ./gradlew :aws:sdk:assemble # Generate an SDK. Do not attempt to compile / run tests ./gradlew :aws:sdk:test # Run all the tests ./gradlew :aws:sdk:cargoCheck # only validate that it compiles ``` ## Run tests ```./test.sh``` This will run all the unit tests, codegen example models & Dynamo DB, validate that the generated code compiles, and run any tests targeting the generated code. ## Development For development, pre-commit hooks may be useful. Setup: ``` brew install pre-commit # (or appropriate for your platform: https://pre-commit.com/) pre-commit install ``` ### Project Layout * `aws`: AWS specific codegen & Rust code (signing, endpoints, customizations, etc.) Common commands: * `./gradlew :aws:sdk:assemble`: Generate (but do not test / compile etc.) a fresh SDK into `sdk/build/aws-sdk` * `./gradlew :aws:sdk:test`: Generate & run all tests for a fresh SDK * `./gradlew :aws:sdk:{cargoCheck, cargoTest, cargoDocs, cargoClippy}`: Generate & run specified cargo command. * `codegen`: Whitelabel Smithy client code generation * `codegen-test`: Smithy protocol test generation & integration tests for Smithy client whitelabel code * [`design`](design): Design documentation. See the [design/README.md](design/README.md) for details about building / viewing. * `codegen-server`: Whitelabel Smithy server code generation * `codegen-server-test`: Smithy protocol test generation & integration tests for Smithy server whitelabel code