Step 1. Filtering original VCF data in readVCF_ARonly.R
Description: Because not all samples in the ARK_133901 GWAS panel are tetraploid, it is necessary to remove the higher ploidy Oregon materials and then remove entries that no longer contain variants. This R script hard codes the location of a local text file containing the sample IDs of samples that we wish to include. All others are removed. This script processed a 125,000 SNP x 495 sample vcf in about 15 minutes on a normal laptop.
Installing R package dependencies:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
- The original, compressed and tabix indexed vcf file containing all samples
- Text file containing subset sample IDs
- An uncompressed, filtered vcf file containing only the desired samples with non-variants removed
Step 2. Tetraploid SNP calls and GWASpoly formatting in Dogify.R
Description: This script makes tetraploid SNP calls using the multidog()
function in the updog package, which supports parallel computing. This script runs multidog incrementally over a user-assigned number of SNPS to avoid memory exhaustion. Then, the estimated SNP allele dosage calls in the 'inddf' data frame are reformatted for GWASpoly. This script will take a while and should be run on a high performance computing system if available.
Installing R package dependencies:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
- Uncompressed VCF file
- SLURM job file (Optional. For running on AHPCC pinnacle)
- CSV file containing tetraploid SNP calls formatted for GWASpoly
Description: GWASpoly reads in formatted genotypic and phenotypic data with read.GWASpoly()
to generate a covariance matrix with set.K()
(accounting for population structure). Finally, GWASpoly()
does the heavy-lifting by performing the association analysis on the dataset returned by set.K()
. A detailed vignette and manual are available on the github page (see link above). Below is a sample script with placeholders for user-specific inputs.
Installing R package dependencies:
Sample Script for UA blackberry GWAS:
# reading in genotypic and phenotypic datasets
data1 <- read.GWASpoly(ploidy = 4, pheno.file= "YourPathToPheno.csv", geno.file= "YourPathToGeno.csv", format= "numeric", , n.traits = YourNumber, delim = ",")
# set the covariance matrix for population structure
data2 <- set.K(data1)
# run the association analysis
data3 <- GWASpoly(mydata2, models = c("additive", "1-dom"), traits = c("trait1", "trait2", "etc..."))
# set the significance threshold
data4 <- set.threshold(MarkerSig, method="Bonferroni", level=0.05)
# extract the significant QTLs into a dataframe
myQTLs <- get.QTLs(data4)
# inspect qqplots
# inspect Manhattan plots
Gerard, D., Ferrao, L. F. V., Garcia, A. A. F., & Stephens, M. (2018). Genotyping Polyploids from Messy Sequencing Data. >Genetics, 210(3), 789-807. doi: 10.1534/genetics.118.301468.
Rosyara, U. R., De Jong, W. S., Douches, D. S., & Endelman, J. B. (2016). Software for genome-wide association studies in >autopolyploids and its application to potato. The plant genome, 9(2), plantgenome2015-08.