diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c182bd2..fc9cd1c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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# FocusEntity
-This package is based on the package [ARKit-FocusNode](https://github.com/maxxfrazer/ARKit-FocusNode), but adapted to work in Apple's framework RealityKit.
+This package is based on [ARKit-FocusNode](https://github.com/maxxfrazer/ARKit-FocusNode), but adapted to work in Apple's framework RealityKit.
-![FocusEntity Example 1](media/FocusEntity-Example1.gif)
-[The Example](./Example-RealityKit) looks identical to the above GIF, which uses the FocusEntity classic style.
+[The Example](./FocusEntity-Example) looks identical to the above GIF, which uses the FocusEntity classic style.
+See the [documentation](https://maxxfrazer.github.io/FocusEntity/documentation/focusentity/) for more.
## Minimum Requirements
- Swift 5.2
@@ -36,26 +37,26 @@ Go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency, and paste in this link:
## Usage
-See the [Example](./FocusEntity-Example) for a full working example as can be seen in the GIF above
+See the [Example project](./FocusEntity-Example) for a full working example as can be seen in the GIF above
-- After installing, import `FocusEntity` to your .swift file
-- Create an instance of FocusEntity:
```let focusSquare = FocusEntity(on: self.arView, focus: .classic)```
```let focusSquare = FocusEntity(on: self.arView, style: .classic(color: .yellow))```
-- Set `focusSquare.delegate` to an object which conforms to `FocusEntityDelegate` if you wish to get callbacks for when the FocusEntity changes state.
-- Optionally, you may select to use one of 3 visual styles: classic, color, and material.
-- If you choose material, you may use the preset textures or provide your own customized textures.
-- If you want to provide your own textures, add them to the Assets.xcassets catalog, then type the name of the asset in the appropriate place in this code:
```let onColor: MaterialColorParameter = try .texture(.load(named: "<#customAsset1#>"))```
```let offColor: MaterialColorParameter = try .texture(.load(named: "<#customAsset2#>"))```
+1. Install `FocusEntity` with Swift Package Manager
-If something's not making sense in the Example, [send me a tweet](https://twitter.com/maxxfrazer) or Fork & open a Pull Request on this repository to make something more clear.
+2. Create an instance of FocusEntity, referencing your ARView:
-I'm hoping to make the animations look a little smoother over time, but any and all contributions are welcome and encouraged.
+let focusSquare = FocusEntity(on: self.arView, focus: .classic)
+And that's it! The FocusEntity should already be tracking around your AR scene. There are options to turn the entity off or change its properties.
+Check out [the documentation](https://maxxfrazer.github.io/FocusEntity/documentation/focusentity/) or [example project](FocusEntity-Example) to learn more.
-The original code to create this repository has been adapted from one of Apple's examples from 2018, [license also included](LICENSE.origin). I have merely adapted the code to be used and distributed from within a Swift Package, and now further adapted to work with [RealityKit](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/realitykit).
+Feel free to [send me a tweet](https://twitter.com/maxxfrazer) if you have any problems using FocusEntity, or open an Issue or PR!
+> The original code to create this repository has been adapted from one of Apple's examples from 2018, [license also included](LICENSE.origin). I have adapted the code to be used and distributed from within a Swift Package, and now further adapted to work with [RealityKit](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/realitykit).
diff --git a/media/FocusEntity-Example1.gif b/media/FocusEntity-Example1.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c67da1..0000000
Binary files a/media/FocusEntity-Example1.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/media/focusentity-dali.gif b/media/focusentity-dali.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b21799
Binary files /dev/null and b/media/focusentity-dali.gif differ