Page numbers refer to the PDF version. In other versions, the page number is in no way meaningful.
- Page 8: Double occurrence of the word "code"
- Page 11: "A lower W involves less nodes"; should be "fewer nodes"
- Page 11: "The first R nodes to return the requested alue"; should be "value"
- Page 11: "The optimum for consistency lies i choosing"; should be "in"
- Page 11: "The optimum for consistency lies in choosing R and W in a way that R+W=N", the formula should be
- Page 15: "Not only is that a very expensive operation, it defeats the purpose of adding new nodes"; "it defeats" could perhaps be "it also defeats" or "but it also defeats"
- Page 20, first sentence on quorum-based systems: rites should be writes
- Page 23: worth should be worse
- Page 107: missing comma
- Code snippets should use
new Date()
instead ofDate()
- Page 20, 2nd Paragraph: Link to Dynamo paper wrong
- Fixed reference to config file path for Homebrew installation
- Page 28: "require('riak')" should be "require('riak-js')"
- Fixed problems with borked code examples that have < or > in them
- Page 32: curl command example is missing -v option
- Page 32: code example to fetch links was missing closing )
- Page 31: Incorrectly referenced location instead of longitude.