- improve type annotation coverage
- BREAKING update morbin version and separate github bindings into their own class
- add
- remove pytest from dependencies
- add dob functionality
- loggy() includes commit date
- commit files directly in commit_files so that other files added to the index aren't committed with them
- add version
- add missing parameter to shell commands
- add renaming function
- add untrack method to gitbetter shell
- add untrack() method
- BREAKING: Git class inherits from
and all member functions previously having return typestr | int
now return amorbin.Output
- remove redundant shell command and parser
- cleanup test directory
- do_ignore will commit the gitignore file after adding patterns
- sort class contents and remove unused import
- fix amend() calling wrong add function
- help command shows built in git commands and convenience commands separately
- add commit_all()
- add ignore() to Git
- do_initcommit can take a list of files instead of only operating on all files
- add all core git commands to gitbetter shell
- initcommit() can accept a list of files
- add owner and repo name properties
- add all porcelain git commands
- fix faulty import statement
- replace backslashes with forward slashes in add_files if there are any
- do_push_new() will use current_branch property instead of needing branch name supplied
- remove recursive options from shell parsers in favor of native wildcard usage
- remove quote check from do_commitall
- make origin_url a property
- move shell parsers to separate file
- change some convenience functions to use newly added core functions
- change execute method name to git
- update to revised Git functions
- remove owner and name params from github cli functions
- update readme
- update and improve docstrings
- remove unused imports
- remove unused arg from do_delete_gh_repo
- add to ignore
- update ignores
- no longer necessary to specify the -f/--files flag before listing files when using the add command
- add current_branch property to Git class
- Git().branch() arg defaults to empty string
- add context manager to turn stdout capture on then back off
- update readme
- change tag function parameter default and doc string
- all git functions can return stdout as a string
- fix issue where git.add() would remove path separators
- git bindings are now contained in the
class - do_commit() doesn't assume arg string is a message
- make capture_stdout a class property
- update shell to use Git class
- move git functions into a class so dev can specify whether to capture stdout or not
- update readme
- fix create_remote_from_cwd function to properly add remote and push
- fix create_remote_from_cwd() not setting remote to upstream
- add create_remote_from_cwd()
- rename do_list_branches() to do_branches()
- do_new_gh_remote invokes create_remote_from_cwd so url no longer needs to be added manually after creating remote
- update readme
- update doc string
- add status command
- remove do_cmd as it's now covered by parent class's do_sys
- override do_help to display unrecognized_command_behavior_status after standard help message
- add functionality to toggle unrecognized command behavior
- add default override to execute line as system command when unrecognized
- display current working directory in prompt
- set requires-python to >=3.10
- remove cwd command
- update readme
- cast Pathier objects to strings in recurse_files()
- add do_cmd() to excute shell commands without quitting gitbetter
- enclose 'message' in quotes if you forget them
- rename some functions
- update readme
- add future feature to list in readme