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Verilog Cheat Sheet

Disclaimers and notes

- Verilog is meant to simulate and create digital versions of circuits

- Verilog uses modules similar to how other languages use classes

- Verilog doesn't use {}, instead it declares a keyword followed by a keywordend (example: module and moduleend are used to begin and end modules)


Modules are chunks of code that are used to simulate a certain functionality in a circuit.

    module [module_name] #(parameters) (variables_for_input_output);
        //code for module

        module app 
            parameter one,
            parameter two,
            parameter three
                input a,
                output b,
                inout z
                //module code here

    //example module meant to represent an AND gate:

        //we declare our module called andgate
        module andgate (inOne, inTwo, out);         //we specify its inputs and outputs
            input inOne, inTwo;                     //here we declare inOne and two as inputs
            output out;                             //out is output

            assign out = inOne & inTwo;             //this continually and implicitly assigns 
                                                    //out the value of inOne AND inTwo

Verilog variables

Verilog variables function the same as regular variables but only usually come as reg or int.

reg isn't necessarily meant to represent a physical register, rather it's meant to hold a value assigned to it.

They can store values and drive values unlike NETWORKS (see below).


        input a, b;
        output c;
        reg a, b;
        wire c;

int (basic 32 bit integer)

        int number = 42;


Nets are just meant to create networks, and so physically represent things like wires or other forms of connectors.

Unlike verilog variables, nets can't hold values and so are only meant to connect ports, transmit signals, etc., like actual wires.

    wire //a net type that acts like a wire


Parameters are like global/local constants.

parameter (used for global constants in a module)

        parameter a_variable_name = 8;

localparam (used for local constants in a module)

        localparam a_variable_name = 8;

Declaring buses

    [datatype] [Most significant bit : least significant bit] [variable name]

        wire [7:0] gpio // an 8 bit wire bus named gpio

        reg  [9:0] led // a 10 bit reg bus named led


Verilog has a sort of short hand syntax to specify the size, base and value of a number.


        8'b10101; //8 bit binary 00010101

        10'D102 //10 bit Decimal 102

Including other modules in the same folder

Modules can include each other similar to how js files can include other js files.

The syntax is similar to how you would create an instance of a class.

    module_name #(parameter_values) instance_name(port_connection_list);
        counter #(delay.(delay_amount)) instance(gpio, mic)
        //when declaring parameters, parameter_name.(parameter) is often 
        //used to specify what parameter a value is being assigned to

Conditional Statements

    if (this is a regular if)

        if (*something*)
        else if (*anotherThing*)
            //more code
            //even more code

    case (this is a switch)

        case1: //code
        case2: //code
        default: //code

            1: q = a;
            2: b = a;
            3: g = a;
            default: a = 0;


always@s occur at a certain change in the sensitivity list.

So for always@(a, b, c), the code block within the always will run if a, b, or c change.

    always@(sensitivity list);

        always @(posedge clk) begin
            count <= count + 1;

posedge and negedge

posedge and negedge are used when dealing with clocks.

"posedge clk" in a sensitivity list means that at every time the clock ticks to its positive edge, run the always block.

negedge is similar but for the negative edge of the clock.


A generate is similar to a for loop except any module instantiated in the loop, remains instantiated in memory.

        // Tristate logic for IO
        genvar    i; //the genvar is like the variable i created in a for loop
            for (i=0;i<GPIO_WIDTH;i=i+1)  begin:
                assign gpio_io[i] = (gpio_dir[i]) ? gpio_o[i] : 1'bz;
                assign gpio_i[i]  = gpio_io[i];
    //in this example, every time a gpio_io[i] is assigned, it remains in memory even after the for loop ends
    //so basically, local variables in loops can remain in memory with generate


assign is an implicit way to continuously update a variable.

Similar to an always block's sensitivity list, the assign statement will run whenever the right side of the equal sign changes.

        module andgate (inOne, inTwo, out);         //we specify its inputs and outputs
            input inOne, inTwo;                     //here we declare inOne and two as inputs
            output out;                             //out is output

            assign out = inOne & inTwo;             //this continually and implicitly assigns 
                                                    //out the value of inOne AND inTwo